Thursday, February 7, 2008

"From his Victory Grey to the Agony of Red"

The guys at Why the Red Sweatshirt? blame Belichick's sartorial switcheroo for the Pats' epic crash 'n' burn. Here, Bill reminds me of Hester Prynne-- another known fornicator with an eye for red threads. Kicking the mumbling old troll while he's down will probably get old in a month or two. But until then...

Image HT: The Sports Hernia


wrecking_ball said...

Red, we're dead; Blue, we're through?

Otto Man said...

Yeah, it was the sweatshirt.

Definitely not the moronic playcalling from Bill Belisecondplace.

Unsilent Majority said...

Red's dead, baby. Red's dead.

Unsilent Majority said...

You aren't Tiger Woods.

Unsilent Majority said...


Christmas Ape said...

Little Red Riding Hoodie

Animal Mother said...

You're damn right I ordered the Code Red!

Chris said...

I likes the new shirts, but where are the KSK 18-1 shirts? There are so many to choose from, but I would like to see a KSK one before I make my decision.

Harry Ballzana said...

Dead ringer for the Kool-Aid Man, minus the pleasant facial expression...

Unknown said...

longtime lurker here, just wanted to tip you guys off to this in case you hadn't seen it. solid fucking comedic gold. massholes say WAAAAAH WE WUZ ROBBED!!!11

my favorite? ol' hoodie himself writes:

"Hey guys, I just wanted to say that as the coach of the New England Patriots, I think that...whoops, one second left. Gotta run!!!!"

(if bambi sees this he will give them 100 signatures all by himself)

Raskolnikov said...

I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE hoodie?

Chuck Sweet said...

Reading the Boston Globe nowadays is just as satisfying as KSK. The sorrow, the pain, the panic, the misery. Fuck I can't get enough.

larry b said...

"Change is good," say both the guys in the video. Clearly they're not talking about allowing dahkies to attend the same schools, eat at the same restaurants, or live in the same neighborhoods as white people.

Are the Massholes-are-racist jokes getting old yet? I'm not stopping until Tawmy from Quinzee disappears for at least a week or two.

Clutch Is Everything said...

Change is GOOD. 18-1 !!!!!

Anonymous said...

testes, testes, one, two

TeamRoslin said...

I remember saying before the game started that forsaking the grey hoodie was a bad idea.

No, it's not the reason the Pats lost but it was definitely a bad omen.

dick_gozinia said...

That shirt was white before kickoff. But all the blood from his sandy vagina turned it red.