Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yapcunt Regional: No. 1 TITAN vs. No. 8 SAINT - TO WHOM SHALL YOUR VOTE GO???

The conservative right is basking in this sort of religion-meets-religion matchup, as the Greeks take on the Italians, while the Germans and Irish sit around and drink beer. TO WHOM SHALL YOUR VOTE GO?

Voting is closed. The Titan won with 74 percent of the vote.




Home Field

Mount Othrys



Ancient Greek mythology

Greek Christian literature


Destroying younger, sexier Olympian gods

Destroying younger, sexier altar boys

Fundamental Weakness

Never really existed

Actually already dead

Theoretical Weakness

Oily skin, terrible-tasting food

Over-dependence on FEMA

Finishing Move

Slaying relatives in quest for power

Waiting for Kill Kill Kill NIT


  1. I went to catholic school for 9 years, I'm voting Saints.

    /never an altar boy or molested

  2. Actually already dead

    Is this the end of Zombie St. Francis of Assisi?

  3. Been done. Saints already won. Last I checked no one was worshiping Oceanus.

  4. A little David and Goliath going on maybe?

    /molests Punter for Katrina joke

  5. Came here to say that same thing as Quiet Strength. However, I was going to refer to Hyperion.

  6. Is the Kill Kill Kill NIT the MLB mascot tournament?

    Saints could fuck up Padres, Twins ... perhaps even White Stockings.

  7. Saints'll fuck up everyone.

    They don't even have to hurl a Charger-like bolt of lightening...they can just intercede with God.

    Saints for the win.

  8. Oceanus was the first one I saw on Wikipedia under "Titans." No clue who he is. Still, I don't think we're going to see our first 1-8 upset.

  9. < buzzkill >

    The Titans were deities, right? Unless one of the NFL franchises was recently renamed after the Greek or Roman gods or was renamed the Christs, Yahwehs or Allahs, don't the Titans pretty much win the tournament in a walk?

    < /buzzkill >

  10. Saints are all sorts of non-violent and shit and ya know titans are titanic and shit. However, saints can come back from the dead and if that's the case, is the fight ever really over?

  11. Saints can come back from the dead?

    I gotta get me some of that.

  12. Do the Titans have Kratos on their side?

  13. I went to Catholic school for 13 years. I'm voting Titans.

    /former altar boy
    //never molested
    ///but dammit, I was cute

  14. On one side u got the head of the Titans who was tricked into eating a rock instead of his son. on the other side theres Mother Teresa who couldnt of weighed more then 85 pounds.

    I say Titans
