Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When A Hyena Eats A Dead Giraffe, It Is Hilarous

Welcome back to a new season of the kill kill kill tag. As you know, it’s very hard to go seven months without NFL-sanctioned violence, which is why we at KSK attempt to fill the void during the offseason with explicit videos of animals killing other animals.

I have to say, ever since I got an HDTV, I have a newfound respect for these animals. They are so majestic, and so beautiful, and so totally dead. Seeing them out in the wild gives me such a sense of peace and tranquility. It makes me want to eat trail mix and write in a journal. I could watch them viciously tear into each other’s carcasses all day long.

In this clip, a hyena is eating a dead giraffe from the inside out. That giraffe provides vital nutrition to the hyena, and its luscious fur will no doubt make an excellent chaise lounge for the hyena’s den. It is well known that hyenas have a penchant for laughing. They’ll laugh at anything, which is why they are frequently invited to be part of the studio audience for “Mind of Mencia” as well as Comedy Central specials such as “Blue Collar Comedy Tour: What’s With Them Chinks?”


  1. as well as Comedy Central specials such as “Blue Collar Comedy Tour: What’s With Them Chinks?”

    Glad to see you're already putting the "Get Out of Racism Free" card to use BDD.

  2. Commentator draft: Animal fights you get to gamble on.

  3. Raffing hyena make me smirre; dead rong-neck make me merronchorry.

    /Obama-Ward '08

  4. "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"

  5. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside

  6. Point to Otto... I had to look the shit up

  7. Additional tags for this post:

    -putting something up so you all will shut up about the last post

    -the triumphant return of animal snuff porn

    -what snyder is doing to the redskin fan base

    -the hilary clinton of the animal kingdom

    -bear grylls has eaten worse

  8. bear grylls probably came upon the corpse a few days later to feast then continued on his ass-kicking way

  9. I just saw this exact same post on Long or Short Capital.

  10. Sorry, Grimey, but some of us keep the wit and wisdom of Han Solo close to our heart.

  11. Wow...just wow.

    "He's swimming in it!"

  12. well... if we called it "little baby giraffe meat" people might not eat it.

  13. For a second, I thought Bear Grylls was in there rummaging about - just like that time he spent a night in a camel carcass.

    Phony limey.

  14. The NFL must not be out of my head yet because, when I look at that rotting carcass and the animal (known for laughter) revelling in it's destruction, all I can think of is the 2007 Patriots season.

  15. I didn't realize Hoth had become so infested with flies...

  16. Imagine if the giraffe suddenly got up and took off running with the hyena still in it's stomach? I wonder if the hyena would stick his head out the side & put his nose in the wind. I bet that would make them both laugh & be friends for life.

  17. Siragusa must have already got his fill.

  18. Drew, when my TV died I fulfilled my lifelong dream of living in the woods, keeping a journal of my thoughts

  19. "You know, once you feng shui the organs it's kind of cozy."

  20. What, huh, it isnt thursday...you'd better have something super awesome for thursday ass holes. The is way to premature....he he he, premature.

    Moof +1

    Then again, I dont know if you remmeber this, but there was a whole big argument last year about how a polar bear will PWN any other animal in the world given a level playing field.

  21. wormfather, we never had a set day for Kill kill kill. You simply assume that we did. You get it when you get it. Which is today.

  22. It's a metaphor for my soul.

    /Emo Eagles

  23. Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Whew. BTW it's spelled "hilarious"

  24. i did something similar to a calzone at Old Chicago once.

  25. Now I know what it's like to be a Raven's fan.

    /smiles at amusing remark

    /sighs realizing too obvious

  26. Feeding on the dead...
    Rolling in entrails...
    Laughing at another's misfortune...
    Must be a Republican.

    /Still caught up in last post
    /Shows self out

  27. Self loather?


  28. I cannot begin to fathom how fucking bad that hyena will smell when he's finished bathing in that rotting gut juice.

    Also, @ Wormfather:
    I must've missed that comment thread... mind sharing any of the main points as to why a polar would dominate?

  29. She sounds like a nice young lady.
