Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Ironing Is Delicious

This guy was shouting homophobic slurs at people other than the reflection in his church bathroom's mirror...

The call at 2:35 a.m. came from Seth Harris, who reported that he encountered the group in front of La Fogata Grill at 790 North High St. The Mexican restaurant is next door to the Union Cafe Bar + Food, one of Columbus' most popular gay bars in the gay-friendly Short North neighborhood.

On the 9-1-1 call, Harris said that "Brady Quinn from the Browns" was "trying to cause a fight." Harris told the operator, "I just walked outside and he exchanged many profanities with me and called me a faggot, of course."

Reached Monday by The Plain Dealer, Harris confirmed that Quinn was the person who used the slur.

"I knew who it was," he said. "It wasn't just directed at me, there were other people around, too."

Is it possible that he was merely extolling the virtues of La Fogata Grill's selection of sausage, cucumber, and other phallic edibles?

Probably not.

It takes a real big man to round up some friends, head down to the gay neighborhood, and talk shit to a bunch of stylists. Hey Brady, the gay population of Columbus has enough problems (living in Ohio, for example) without you projecting on them.


  1. Jimmy Clausen hopes one day to fill those shoes.

  2. Then he went home, put on the soundtrack to La Cage Aux Folles, and cried himself to sleep.

  3. At what point do deeply closeted gays like Quinn realize that acting so homophobic is as big a tell as showing up at the Manhole for "Ladies" Night?

    Have legendary self-hating homos like Roy Cohn, Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, and the rest of the Republican Party taught us nothing?

    /poflawa II: electric boogaloo

  4. This happened the day after New Year's? Why on earth isn't this surfacing until now?

    Also, since I'm home sick and have nothing better to do than wikipedia random junk, did you know that Brady Quinn is cousins with the oldest son from Home Improvement? (The vaguely douche-y blonde one, not JTT or the little wimpy "sensitive" one.)

  5. photo coming soon of quinn pooping on kornheiser's chest.

    seriously, I feel bad for hank fraley.

  6. The Union Cafe Bar + Food is actually the second most popular gay bar in Columbus, right after The Ohio State University

  7. My guess is that it was all a mistunderstanding among friends. He probably tried to get into the club, maybe said he was there to see the magic - assuming no one would know who he was, then was recognized and had to overcompensate by acting tough and shouting. typical closet diva bullshit

  8. Brady Quinn was heard shouting (in his best Harvey Fierstein voice):

    "I just want to be loved is that so wrong?!?!"

  9. He wanted to go to the Gothic Asshole, but the driver interpreted it as the Gothic Castle. When he saw all those queers dresser in designer clothing and not as Leather Daddys, he became fierce.

  10. @Otto Man

    Do you think Brady has made a pilgrimage to the Larry Craig Memorial Stall yet?

    /Republicans > Haters

  11. Clearly his demonstrable lack of foresight into his own repressed longings stems from his losing the starting job to Derek Anderson. Had Quinn, in fact, been the one submersed beneath the large, meaty, spandex wrapped roasts of LeCharles Bentley it would have become obvious to him. Hindsight is 20/20.

  12. Coaches had been working with Quinn to reduce his wide stance

  13. Must be something in the name Brady that radiates douchebaggedness.

  14. Still, you've gotta be pretty gay to get scared and call the police because Brady Quinn is heckling you.

    Dana Jacobsen has more balls.

  15. Are there any prominent gay men in Ohio for him to meet with to rebuild his image, a la Mel Gibson meeting with rabbis? Too bad this didn't happen in Baltimore. John Waters could have made his penance be getting tea bagged in his next film.

  16. Good news, he had a Myoplex within 30 minutes of tossing the slurs. Now his hypocrisy will be stronger than ever.

  17. On a second look, all the self-hating homophobia was made pretty clear in the op-ed column that Quinn wrote.

  18. Brady Quinn is not a broody queen.

  19. @awful chief - Brady apologized orally immediately after the incident.

  20. Jimmy Clausen hopes one day to fill those buns.

  21. @futuremrs: Feel better!

    @brady quinn: Stop being an asshole, please.

  22. Thanks, lady. My apartment currently feels like Mort Castle. On the upside, I'm having a Brat Pack film festival and it's GREAT.

    I can't tell from here whether spending another year keeping the bench warm for Anderson will make Quinn more or less of an asshole. You'd like to think he'd learn some humility...

  23. @ smurphette--brady is what he eats

    ...too easy?

  24. Next thing you know, he'll travel out to Portland and drunkenly remind Greg Oden that he's totally overpaid and overhyped for a guy who hasn't done a goddamn thing in the pros yet.

  25. @larry b: Well played, sir. Can we add Reggie Bush and JJ Redick to that meeting as well? Or have they seen too much playing time to qualify?

  26. Not that it's necessary, but as someone who went to ND at the same time Quinn did, I can further verify that he is in fact a gigantic vag. I once saw him actively try to pick a fight with some kids who were heckling his team (which consisted of him and four other varsity athletes) during a popular campus-wide basketball tournament. Hey buddy, everyone on your team is bigger and better than everyone on the other team. Their friends are going to show up and talk shit. Deal with it. How are you going to respond when Ray Lewis yells across the line of scrimmage that he's going to stab your ass?

  27. @futuremrs- At least Bush has proven that he's slightly below average and could be somewhat of an asset in the right system. As for Reddick, I think this is all Quinn needs to know about him.

  28. @futuremrs: The last half hour of Sixteen Candles is one of my all-time faves. I'm pissed at Brady because he was the QB when I was at school, and I hate giving ND haters more ammunition (not that they need it).

    @bambi: Yes, but he deserves it.

  29. in honor of mr quinn, i quote the citizen kane of our time, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle:

    "Nice, Sixteen Candles is on."
    "And the award for least heterosexual statement ever made in this apartment goes to...Harold Lee! Take a bow"

  30. @Smurphette:

    Relax, would you? We have seventy dollars and a pair of girls underpants. We're safe as kittens.

  31. Can't believe Brady was eating at La Fogata. What, was Der Turdburglar closed?

  32. Isn't homophobia a class at ND? Obviously he passed that class without any help or cheating.

  33. /inserts priest jokes here

    /went to catholic school from age 5 through college so its ok for me to make priest jokes

    /also was alter boy for a while but never molested :(

  34. @smurphette and others: Hines Ward also loves the last half hour of 16 Candles.

    "Ohhh sexy gillrrfliend...."

  35. @bambi/leaking geek: Excellent stuff.

    @futuremrs: Oh my. Nice to see that even when you aren't 100%, you can still bring it :)

  36. I hope Brady Quinn fails worse than Ryan Leaf.

  37. It's about time my screen name became relevant again. I was beginning to become worried.

  38. Was this before or after all the gentlemen turned Brady down for a "hot Subway" in the alley?

  39. @ pemulis: Catholisism, come for the wine and bread, stay for the NAMBLA meeting.

    /priest only offer free prostate exams

  40. wait, if i've been calling quinn a queer, and we're saying that him calling a gay man a faggot means that quinn is actually gay...

    /questions sexuality

  41. Does no one else find the name of the restaurant hilarious?? I mean, "La Fogata?" What name did they reject - "El Queero?"
