Sunday, February 3, 2008

Say! I Think I DO Like Football!

I like football!
I do! I like it!
And I would play it in a boat.
And I would play it with a goat...

And I will play it in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
It is so good, so good, you see!

So I will play it in a box.
And I will play it with a fox.
And I will play it in a house.
And I will play it with a mouse.
And I will play it here and there.
Say! I will play it ANYWHERE!

I do so like
Thank you!
Thank you,
Dipshit Patriot fans!


  1. Oh now this is just ridiculous. Eli would never be able to rhyme that well.

  2. If you make an 18-1 shirt, I will buy it.

  3. I demand that NFL Network make a commercial with that Pats fan hanging himself in Joe Montana's Bar

  4. second taliek's comment

    greatest... night... ever...

    i think i'm going to have a shit-eating grin on while i'm asleep.

  5. I was waiting for this. it's a shame, I thought he would have been a hell of a squash player.

  6. Evil Manning says, BWWWWHAAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Eli: Hot damn! That was more invigorating than finding a vintage Victorian-era grandstand piano marked down at a garage sale!

    (I can't pretend I know shit about antiques, so let's all agree I'm attempting to make fun of Eli for his feminine hobbies).

  9. Eli would like you to know that "Double Stuf" is not just for Oreos, Tawmmy Brady.

  10. I'd like to congratulate Eli, who is no doubt spending the night with a woman for the first time ever as I type this. The new greatest thrill in his life no doubt.

  11. if youre making an 18-1 tee shirt, i think you need to make it say 19-0 with that crossed out and what looks like poorly written over 18-0 AFC champions, as if they didnt acknowledge that the super bowl even happened.

  12. Drew, please don't hate on us Giants fans. We are nothing like Pats fans. We love our darkies just as much as we love putting a backhand to our woman's face.

  13. Looks like Ufford was right.

    Fuck you, he's a nice boy.

  14. Fuck you Dad! Fuck you Pey-pey! I just wanna dance!

    /Seriously, Eli better retire and do something really gay or else my delusional KSK idea of Emo Eli will be crushed.

  15. I wonder how he's going to break it to his squash buddies.
