Sunday, February 3, 2008

The catch that will replace "The Catch" as THE Catch

Wow. How does Manning get loose? How the hell does Tyree catch the ball with his freaking helmet? Holy shit, what a game.

video: Awful Announcing
image: reader Chris C.


  1. Lifes not so crappy after all you guys!!! Yes!!!

  2. but if it makes you fucks in ne feel better, you still tied the record for most wins in a season. so theres that.
    but fuck you all anyway.

  3. on my way to the casino: hundreds down the drain, a hangover, and a used up sick day are all worth it to celebrate this

  4. some examples from TBL of the doucheness surrounding the pats (from people alledging not to be pats fans)

    This may be the worst thing that has ever happened in sports (as far as game results go of course). This is a victory for gravytraining has-beens (72 dolphins) and pissers and moaners everywhere (”fans” who cant get over their blind hatred for the pats because theyve been the best the last few years). Im not a pats fan, just someone who appreciates good football.

    This is no big surprise IMO. An upset? Yes. Historic? Only cuz the Pats were 18-0. Compare the two teams over the last six weeks. The Giants could have been favored.

    epic denial

  5. As a Gopher fan, I wanted a ring for Maroney. That would have been nice after being an awesome college back with a horseshit coach who couldn't get a team with Maroney and Barber to a Rose Bowl.

    I'm also not sure I like a world where both Mannings have rings. Does this mean they'll get their own channel now?

  6. Christ after seeing that catch for the 5th time, maybe it was the best play ever...

    ...nah. but play of the decade? Heck yes!

  7. Emmitt Smith just said that "The strength of the Patriots got debacled."

  8. That was one of the mos amazing catches I've ever seen.

    Looks like the lesser douchebag won, wow.

    BTW: When can we expect "hey, Pey-Pey, I got one too!" by Elisha Manning?

  9. Manning has his Elway Spin Moment and Tyree has his Dwight Clark Moment - all on the same play.

    Un-fucking-believable play.

    Thank you NY.

    Up yours NE.

  10. I'm just waiting for it to be reported that Rodney Harrison shanked Tyree on the way down.

  11. It is the greatest play ever. The catch alone would have been the play of the decade. But what Eli, FUCKING ELI MANNING, did plus the catch... there's nothing better.


  12. Hey, when can we get a "Fuck you Tiki" post?

  13. Dear Bill Simmons:

    Did you ever realize, when you spent the entire season comparing the Pats to the Cobra Kai and masturbating to pictures of WIlliam Zabka, that at the end of the movie, they lose to the skinny out-of-nowhere underdog from New York?

    Nice job, Eli.

  14. is keyshawn johnson really wearing a scarf? in phoenix??

  15. Tyrone Prothro doesn't think much of that catch.

    Second thought, yeah he does.

  16. Yes, Keyshawn does have a scarf on. That stupid fuck?

  17. Following my tenth review of the play, I reverse my call.

    Best play ever. Top five minimum. Game impact + drama + Super Bowl + underdog + karma + sheer effort = UnbELIevable.

  18. honestly off the top of my head the only one i can think of in recent history that even comes close is the (god i THINK) packers/vikings one where the receiver managed to not touch his knees down and scampered off to the endzone. you know what i mean

  19. What a Great game!! Way to go Giants!! That was awesome!! Eli pulled it off. After the Giants defeated the Packers on the freezing cold tundra there was no stopping them. But, Hats off to the Pat’s for a legendary season. They gave us a great Superbowl. Can’t wait till next season.

  20. I feel like Ron Burgandy when he finds out Baxter is still alive. "I am so happy!"

  21. Bend over Bill Belichick, the soccer mom will be wearing the strap-on tonight!

    Big congrats to the Giants!

  22. I think this play should be deemed "the escape"

    As if a commenter on a humor NFL blog has any pull as to what one of the greatest plays of all time should be named.

  23. I wonder if Osi has pooped on anyone yet.

  24. That was the most agonizing moment of my life. The near heart attack when I thought Manning was going down, followed by the sexual release of cumming my pants when he made the catch.

    It really made Burress' touchdown seem understated, though.

  25. This has got to be one of the best nights of my sports fandom, ever. I'm a Jets fan and usually I don't like the Giants... but man oh man there's no better feeling than seeing those Patriots get served shit pie (by Osi & co).

    After a season of shitting on all the other teams (and cheating, don't forget that!), they FINALLY got shitted on themselves!!!

    Oh the glory of seeing Belicheat at loss for words.. I really hope Simmons kills himself. Life is glorious!!!!!

  26. This play and the play before it are even more exciting when you have money on Eli Manning throwing less than 1.5 picks

  27. I'm going to fuck my girlfriend in the ass tonight to celebrate.

  28. ^lol

    what a GAME! the scramble and catch was unbelievable.....

    but just as amazing was seeing a Pats offense that steamrolled anything it laid eyes on for 18 games get f*cking OWNED by the Giants D-Line.

    Good for them, I always liked Strahan and thought both Eli and Coughlin took way more shit than they deserved. And the poetic justice on Tiki's little media masturbation....


  29. I'm going to masturbate my balls down the feel.

  30. Great catch fa shizzle. However, by Tuesday afternoon, I'll be hating the Giants again, as any good Redskin fan MUST do.

  31. UnbELIevable

    That's gonna be the Post or the Daily News, can't decide which.

  32. Me + Beer + MSPaint = Good Times

  33. Page 2 has declared Giants greatest
    10-6 team of all time. I'll bet
    Simmons calls in sick.

  34. Anybody who wagered that the words "Eli," "Super," "Bowl," and "MVP" would ever appear in the same headline, please send me your stock market thoughts, cause youse a Nostradamusy motherfucker.

    [Yes MVP is a word]

  35. NOW is the time for every good KSK blogger to run to the grocery store and buy ALL the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and send them to the Giants' D-Linemen, David Tyree, Plax and Eli.

  36. Hey, when can we get a "Fuck you Tiki" post?

    Seconded. Have fun interviewing the dude from the zoo on the Today show, asshat.

  37. "Awww... you got the stink lines and everything"

  38. @ otto man: God bless Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag...

  39. As a Cowboys fan, I'll vote for this catch to replace THE catch. I still can't watch that friggin' highlight after 27 years.

    /refuses to let it go.

  40. How did Eli get away? Two arms around Jarvis Green, one arm around Richard Seymour's neck and no holding call is how he 'got away.'
