Friday, February 8, 2008

Patriots Fans Feel Robbed, Want Black Man To Blame

Christmas Ape linked to this petition earlier in the day, from Patriot fans calling on Roger Goodell to investigate the outcome of the Super Bowl. Yes, because no Boston team can ever lose without it being a cosmic injustice of notable historic significance, this petition has garnered well over 1,000 signatures from Boston-bred douchebags the world over. Let’s have a sample, shall we?

38. Dave Rosenthal I can't believe this isn't a big story. I mean, we should be 19-0, but the NFL hates that Pats, so instead we have to go through this the rest of our lives knowing we got gypped.

91. Bradley Whitaker The referees seemed as though they wanted the Patriots to finally lose.

119. Brandon Lathrop Proven That the game was over after eli was tackled, should have been a patriots win, this was a all set up by the nfl as a conspiracy.

109. Andrew Paterson It is obvious that, whether by accident or intent, the clock was kept in the last 1:40 illegally and in such a way that it cost the New England Patriots a fair chance to win the Super Bowl. This is not bitterness talking, I actually believe the outcome would or could have been different. Please, at the very least an acknowledgement or apolgy, if not your ordering of a replay of the game from that point on, even though I realize how much that is to ask.

105. alex ketabi this must be investigated. this completely proves that the patriots should be super bowl champions

312. Meaghan O'Toole give the patriots their rightful win

968. Daniel Duggan I was orinally signer 47. I have since found my dignity and self respect. I formally withdraw signature 47. Oh and this one too.Please don't count me twice. Don't count me once either. Don't count me at all please. Though we did get ripped off 1:40. That kinda sucked. You know? I mean with that extra time and all, we could have won it. In fact we deserved to win. GOD DAMN. WE WERE CHEATED. We WERE EFFEN CHEATED! THIS SUCKS. THIS REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SUCKS. We should be 19-0 and on top of the world. Man, I hope this petition gets to Mr. Goodell. He can make it right. PLEEEEEASE make this right Roger. Please, Please,Please, Undefeated that's what we should be. Undefeated.

1144. Shamus Hughes Not only was the game clock illegal, there were questionable calls during the pass in which Eli Manning threw that pass downfield, there were 2 holding calls, including a severe one on Adalius Thomas. The fact that the NFL is trying to make the Mannings the faces of the NFL has to stop and they have to realize that its time to start calling fair games, even if the Patriots are playing

194. Erik Frenz I don't know much about the rules of the NFL but as a Patriots fan if this is true I feel cheated. If this is true there should seriously be a replay of the last 1:40 of the Super Bowl. I didn't bet on it myself, but a lot of people lost or gained a lot of money on this game and the real outcome deserves to be known.

193. John Vairo I would like to call out all the hypocritical Giants' fans here. If you think you're so amazing, then why are you so afraid to possibly play another game? According to you, the Super Bowl is more important than any other game. So if you were so "dominant" in this "fixed" game, why are you so afraid to replay 2 minutes of a game or even a whole additional game? You talk so high and mighty like you're the greatest team ever, but then hide in the corner, content with the excuse of "Well, we won. It doesn't matter if it was fixed or not." I strongly encourage the commissioner of the NFL to investigate this matter, because to not, would destroy the integrity of the game, and will make me stop watching the NFL from now on, because it is clearly fixed.

Stunning, isn't it? You wouldn't think that one group of people could reach suchs high levels of both arrogance and insecurity simultaneously. It's the sort of thing anthropologists will study years from now, asking themselves, "How was such douchebaggery enabled in a civilized society?" Alas, I do not know the answer. I wish I did. I really, really do. So we at KSK felt naturally obligated to sign the petition as well. Here were our sentiments.

1116. Obill Bin Cheetin All my internet warriors. Stay in cave. We weather storm together. Camel lick raw butt. We be better in no time.

1186. Tommy This is fackin' bull shit! That dahhhkie Mike Carey rawbbed our man Welkahhhhh of the MVP! AS FAAAAAHHHH AS I'M CONCERNED, WE'AH UNBEATEN!!!!

1183. B-Simm It's not fair! This was supposed to be OUR moment! I had a bag of frozen peas waiting for Tom!

1151. supermike4ever I only started rooting for the Patriots once they started winning Super Bowls. Now I don't know what to do.

1163. Matt Walsh I am filming all of you signing this.

We encourage you to sign it as well. Show these Pats fans that you support them. They need you. BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING LOSERS WHO CANNOT GET OVER ANY SLIGHT THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THEM, BE IT REAL OR IMAGINARY. We'll post the best ones here. Please note you can sign it many times over!

UPDATE: Here are some good ones:

1152. Teddy Bruschi's Skull Clot I'll be back and so will the.......*thud*

1160. Randy Moss' girlfriend Please let Randy win the Super Bowl! He's going to kill me!

1177. T Kennedy The Er Eh... Pats were er eh robbed.

1181. Bob Hi there. I'm a Pat's fan. I believe that we were robbed. I also believe that having a cock up my ass is very enjoyable.

1184. Victor Kiam Every time I think that the city of Boston can't sink any lower they go and do this-AND TOTALLY REDDEM THEMSELVES!!

1196. Retard Ed McDouche Not only should the NFL investigate this game, but they should review every game from the last 25 years and award every Super Bowl to the Pats. Tom Brady is the one true Messiah and Coach Bellichik should be elected president. This is all the fault of black people. Now I have to go drink whiskey and beat my wife.

1215. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer Your world frightens and confuses me, when I see a solar eclipse, like the one I went to last year in Hawaii, I think 'Oh no! Is the moon eating the sun?' I don't know. Because I'm a caveman -- that's the way I think. But there is one thing I do know, the Patriots were robbed of their rightful championship

1294. hines ward prease lepray superbewrr. praxico is tarr leceivel but i win superbewrr without him! i hate praxico! he no make me smerre.

UPDATE: Oh noes! They're brought out the Powerpoint presentations! Non-calls, of course, means cheating by the other team!


  1. Jason McKracken; Fahck dat shit. you see all da dahkies on dat Giant team, no fahckn way day kuld beat mah Padriuts. Change da winnah or dont com to Quinzee no time soon, fagot.

  2. I could read about these all day.

    LOSERGATE: Greatest bookmark ever.

  3. I fully support the Pats in their call for replaying of games.

    We should start with the Snowjob and then move through each game where there is any doubt as to whether or not the Pats victory was tainted by cheating.

  4. I am comment 1196. Thanks to Drew for this gift.

  5. "Choke on a bag of dicks if you are serrious about this petition'

    was my contribution at #1208. yeah, I know I misspelled serious

  6. Note the email of the douchebag that started this petition: A fan of both Patriots and Lakers, who would've thought! Not a front runner at all, no sir!

  7. I'm concerned about #968, Daniel Duggan. He seems to be undergoing a rather severe internal struggle. Look at that post... he moves from self-righteous withdrawal of prior statements to blithering all-caps ranting, and finally to impassioned pleading with Roger Goodell to "make this right." Barring intervention, he could be mere minutes away from beating the crap out of himself a la Edward Norton in Fight Club.

  8. #1218, my contribution: Randy Moss Any women who don't sign this are gonna get they ass beat

  9. i knew you guys would have fun with this. over/under on how many comments bambi will leave?

    this super bowl is the gift that keeps on giving.

  10. I'm not creative enough to do it justice, but I would recommend a "robert" post.

  11. We really could do this all day. I am number 1239 - nothing special in my comment, just wanted to keep adding signatures to the petition.

  12. tho i did indulge and leave this, i think simmons would approve

    1243. Len Bias: Maybe it's best they didn't win, we all know what happens when you reach your life's goals...

  13. As a Maryland grad, I do not enjoy the Len Bias ones as much.

  14. /hangs head



    /needs a drink

  15. Waaaaahhhhh! We didn't get to win our 4th in 7 years. Waahhh! We got our mud holes stomped by a team that played better than us! Waaahhh!

    Is it any wonder I was at a Super Bowl party where die hard Eagles, Cowboys and Redskins fans were rooting for the Giants to win a Super Bowl??

    That is just reaching the acme of Douche-dom. It's a level of douche even Marmalard can only dream of reaching.

    1205. News out of Boston Boston police today reported finding a body in the Charles River. The victim apparently drowned due to excessive alcohol consumption. He was described as wearing black fishnet stockings, a red garter belt, a pink wig, a strap-on dildo, a Patriot's jersey, and had a cucumber stuffed up his ass. The police graciously removed the Patriot's jersey to spare the family unnecessary embarrassment.

  16. It's simply stunning. Boston has three Super Bowls and two World Series over the last 6 years and they're favored to win both the next time these events come around. Losing on Sunday was just a bump in the road. You Massholes should be enjoying your good fortune.

    I am from BUFFALO.

    My hockey team is the Florida Marlins without the championships.

    My football team is leaving for Toronto or God-knows-where once Ralph Wilson kicks.

    I have LEGITIMATE reasons to be PISSED OFF.

    On behalf of myself and anyone else who feels as I do, HEY MASSHOLES!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

    wv: Nakuck. Sounds like a douchebag town someplace in Massachusetts.

  17. this is waaay to easy. and addicting like crack. now i know what to do with the rest of the workday.

  18. by the way, i was #1294. i'm from the burgh, but i just couldn't help myself!

  19. my favorite-


  20. Blocked!

    That's a shame too, because Bret "The Hitman" Hart has valid complaints about the officiating in the 1997 Survivor Series

  21. Thanks for the heads up on this horse trough of poor-sportsmanship and santorum. I was;

    1330. President George W. Bush If my two terms as unelected President of the United States have taught me anything about do-overs, that is, umm, you see, the thing about, well... oh, look, a birdy... (wanders off)

  22. I'm 1325, but I plan on doing some more.

  23. Here's my contribution.

    1371. Tom Brady: Goodell would be well advised to make an inquiryyyyyyyyy

  24. This Super Bowl trully is the game that keeps on giving. I may never watch another, because none could ever be as satisfying. My post: Bill Simmons daughter - Pweeze do-over game. Daddy no happy. After game he type gay article noone read, then take lottsa pills and dwink big dwink out of paper bag. No move in thwee days. Mommy happy tho

  25. Here's my contribution, 1385

    Bobby O'Shea

    I think that this game should be reviewed absolutely. And just to make sure that the Patriots aren't given any special treatment for the review, we should also have Mr. Goddell review the Steelers game earlier in the year when our beloved Pats were given extra time in the fourth quarter. We should also get the commish to forfeit the win earlier this year against the Jets when our beloved Pats were caught red handed cheating. We should also have him review the game film of the Raiders game in 2002 that our Patriots had no business winning because of the arbitrary tuck rule. You know, just to be fair.

  26. I'm in at 1410. Makes my day complete.


  28. 1418:
    Zeke Mowatt:
    Pats, Giants, either way... who wants to see my balls?

  29. I could do this all day... and I will do this all day.

    I hope the AFC loses the pro-bowl and we can have an even more pointless petition to sign, because that would be the only cause more pathetic than this one.

  30. @ bacsonkadonk: water on keyboard. thanks a fucking lot.

  31. 1421. Tom Coughlin says Belichick you magnificent bastard! I read your book!

  32. 1426 - Bill Belichick: mumblemumblemumble - [leaves website before petition is over]

  33. Hey, it didn't work for Seattle fans in '06 and it ain't gonna work this year either.

    "@ bacsonkadonk: water on keyboard. thanks a fucking lot."

    Me too, but mostly because of your avatar.

  34. that zeke mowatt line is still making me laugh. I had to find a way to explain my laughter as I got up from my office and grab a cup of coffee.

  35. My contribution:


  36. 1543:
    Osi Umenyiora
    I read this petition, then paid it $300 to shit on it. The best part about it was that when I was done, I could use it as toilet paper! Many thanks!

  37. Not mine, but I like signature 1515 from the Dude.

    This will not stand, man. This aggression will not stand! I am certain it is from a KSK commenter.

  38. You guys realize half the "signatures" are people making smart-ass comments, right?

    This "Bostonians are racists" thing is getting tiresome. Why don't you go back to racist posts about Hines Ward? This site is unique in its ability to continually be racist while accusing others of being racist.

  39. I'd say it's a lot more than half, Professor Frink.

  40. Whispers is a sharp one.

    Of course, the Hines post is an obvious parody meant to send-up the reaction to the panda commercial. The clear irony is that he's completely Americanized and only half-Asian. Not to mention that he's my favorite player on the Steelers, whereas Boston fans find a reason to hate their daaaawkies.

  41. Whispers has never seen Blazing Saddles

  42. Hey Whispers, need someone to call the WHHAAAAAAAAAAmbulance for you? Deal with it.

  43. 1475. Reggie Nelson I am so not impressed. You call this a petition? Emmitt Smith could do better and he doesn't even speak English. *yawn*

  44. @whispers

    Always funny when someone tries to refute a point that they believe a satirical site is making. C'mon, daaaaahhhhkies? Welkaaaahhhhhh? It's a running gag for this site, and it's funny.

  45. Damn, I thought for sure Darryl Stingly and Heath Ledger actually signed that petition.

  46. It looks like this post is generating about 5-7 new signatures a minute on the petition. Thank you for your most excellent public service. Here is my contribution:

    1559. Whitey Bulger As an expert on corruption, I can tell you this game was obviously rigged! I think I speak for Whiteys everywhere and demand the win be awarded to the Patriots!

    I also want to thank KSK for being utterly relentless on the fact that Boston is far and away the most racist city in the country. I lived there for seven years, grew up in Oklahoma, now live in North Carolina and have traveled all over this country. No one else comes close to the racism and voluntary segregation that permeates the Boston area.

  47. I think Whispers is onto something.

    I've tracked down a lot of the comments, and it seems they're coming from ... inside this blog!

    Get out! GET OUT OF THE BLOG!

  48. Hahahaha
    1399. Donnie This is even more egregious than the '85 Super Bowl when the league turned a blind eye to the fact that the Bears had superior players and let them score all of those points against our unfairly overmatched team.

  49. allison,

    That's one of mine. The other being the New Kids on the Block post that made me feel a little dirty and gay.

  50. Not mine, but I have to give credit to 1649, from Mitt Romney.

    "Take a hint Pats."

    Timely and accurate.

  51. Great way to spend a Friday at work! Here's my submission:

    1650. Peter King After the game, as I enjoyed a Fair Trade Golden French Toast from Green Mountain Coffee, I was overcome by a deep sadness for Tom Brady...I know how Brett Favre must have felt after Mother Nature cheated him out of this years Super Bowl. The NFL should review the NFC Championship because of the cheating done by Mother Nature. She knows his 40 year old body can't handle that cold! Brett deserves to be on the "I'm going to Disney World" commercial. I voted for him for Super Bowl MVP!

  52. It's kinda like when a loud mouth suffolk county doucherag uses the internet handle "wispers" cause he likes making fun of gays even though he's totally not a self-loathing homosexual, totally.

  53. 1668.Wilford Brimley

    Hi. I'm Wilford Brimley and I have diabetes. It hurts me to pee and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day I stubbed my toe and I took it out on the dog. When the Patriots lost, I struck my wife. Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?

  54. #1680 - Mickey: All you facking Pats haters fack you. I've been down with them since day one - Feb. 4, 2002.

  55. "Um, KSK? You guys really need to get a grip on your hate orgy."

    -an actual quote from Whispers' blog

  56. I was #1316, and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few people who actually went back to see what actually happened. Here is what I posted:

    The play preceeding the clock issue was the 4th-and-1 carry by Brandon Jacobs. Jacobs hits the ground with 1:31 remaining and the referees run in to spot the ball and try to determine if it is a first down or not.

    When the referees need to determine whether or not the team picked up the first down, they ALWAYS stop the clock and compare the location of the ball to the first-down marker.

    When the refs run in to check the spot, the clock SHOULD be stopped, but it continues running for another 9 seconds, down to 1:22. The referees then spot the ball and signal for a first down.

    Fox goes to a replay, and there appears to be a long break in the action while the replay is shown. It is possible that during this time, the referee was asking to put some time back on the clock.

    Then they end the replay, and the referee appears to be waiting for something before resuming play. As soon as the clock is reset to 1:28, he moves out of the way and blows the whistle, signaling for the clock to begin running again. Which it does.

  57. A Hitler - Demands replay of Stalingrad and Normandy.

    Gillette stadium _ the solution is right in front of you Massholes.

  58. Hey is anyone else having any trouble actually seeing the comments on the petition?

    I see the columns at the top saying Name and Comment but none of the comments are actually showing up.

  59. Mine is number 1922, from a certain 'usi umenyiora'. I think Usi is excited at the thought of playing the game again...

  60. Crap, I meant 1929, not number 1922. Also, a tip: apparently you can't use profanity in the post, or it won't submit your signature...

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. My contribution:

    1967. Ladanian Tomlinson bikebikebikebikebikebikebikebikebikebikebikebike

  63. bacsonkadonk, i've now laughed myself hoarse. thanks, you bastard.

  64. That petition lacks sexy. I gave it sexy. Now it will succeed.

    1999 Rex Grossman: You guys need to eliminate those faggy screen passes and check downs. If Welker can't get downfield fast enough, he better get in my apartment room with a dress on. THE SEX CANNON IS COMING TO NEW ENGLAND! Move over Tommy Brady, let me show you what a REAL quarterback is capable of!

    Nothing real creative, but I felt it needed to be said.

  65. bill simmons just posted an article that said:

    Moss sprinting down the sidelines flanked by two d-backs, and then, Brady launching the ball 70 yards down field as every Giants fan in the building stopped breathing. The pass was right on target and Moss would have caught the football had he jumped for it ... which he didn't. I will always believe that. And by the way, it's taking all the will power in my sick body to refrain from a "If it were Week 6 and we were winning by 28, Moss would have caught the football" joke.

    BOSTON HATES DAAAAAKIES, get whisper back in here

  66. 1279. Dr. Nick Riviera Hi Everybody! Rodney says he really wishes he could've had my special HGH formulas so that he can outwrestle David Tyrees and run faster than Kevin Bosse in the Super Bowls and so he could win the Patriots championships. Since he was not allowed to have my HGH formulas, please investigate the last 1:40 of the Super Bowls and stop investigating me and Rodney's HGH forumalas. Thank you!

  67. I'd compare these Patriots fans to whiny little girls, but that would be an insult to actual whiny little girls. I thought Cowboys fans were as bad as fandom gets, but I was wrong. Patriots fans really are the biggest assholes.

  68. I'm laughing so hard at the fuckstains who really think Goodell is going to go "Oh no, a petition! I'd better investigate that game!"

  69. 2279. Reggie Lewis My heart hurts for all of Boston.

    Not as good as some but I had to get in on this. Greatest. Website. Ever.

  70. Lets see....if the roles were reversed and the pats won and it was the giants fans calling for a review of the last 1:40 i seriously doubt the pats would replay the 1:40 or a whole new game and im sure all of you (reaching for false hope) pats fans wouldn't want a replay so stop your crying. 18-1 18-1 18-1 18-1 18-1...oh AND the celtics aren't going to win either ha

  71. #2634 here:

    Bridget Moynahan: My son needs a secure future. Don't take that away from him. It's bad enough Tom is with that skinny Brazilian whore, he doesn't need more disappointment in his life. THINK OF HIS CHILDREN!

  72. If I were a Raiders fan, I would be actively trying to track down whoever registered that URL with the powerpoint slides so I could beat the shit out of them.

  73. Wow, just when you thought Pat's fans couldn't get any cuntier they break out a powerpoint presentation.

  74. After looking at that powerpoint, I think I've been unfair to that Pat fans. Because I've been watching football for a pretty decent number of years, and I've never, ever seen an official miss a holding call. Not once.

  75. I like this one (because I wrote it).

    "Dear Patriots/Red Sox Nation: I rigged the game against you, because there is no place in heaven for dooshwagons like yourselves. May someone besides me have mercy on your souls."

  76. Maybe Arlen Specter will launch a Congressional Hearing about it, waste more of our money, stick his nose where it doesn't belong (this guy was on the botched commission that investigated the Kennedy Assassination after all) and maybe reverse the outcome of the Super Bowl. Only a state like Pennsylvania would continue to elect this prick year after year.

  77. For all you Patriots fans shut up already. Your team was helped out all season and when a game finally got called down the middle they couldn't win. They should have lost to the Ravens but the refs helped them escape that game. Don't blame the nfl for them losing, blame osi, justin tuck, and mike strahan for hitting tom brady in the mouth all game!!!!!!!!!!

  78. I guess we know the subject of Loose Change: Part 3

  79. Wow, those fucking douchenozzles running the petition actually did start blocking people's IP addresses to keep them from posting comments. What pussies!

  80. is being run through

    So not only is the person who created it possibly the biggest douche in the entire history of douchedom (easily eclipsing even the petition guy, I think), he's also an ANONYMOUS biggest douche in the history of biggest douches!

    Wow, what an incredibly great week, and it just keeps getting more awesome.

  81. Holy fuck, a powerpoint presentation now? Worst fanbase ever.

  82. I've had a shit-eating grin on my face since last Sunday. Now I'm gonna be LMAO for another week.

    Who's the fucking simpleton who came up with this?

  83. Well, I think I did my best. I am singatory numbers 1239, 1544, 1581, 1585, 1590, 1754, 1795, 1802, 1873, 1891, 1895, 1986, 1989, 203, 2044, 2498, 3205, 3232, 3240 and 3304. Not that any of them are particularly great, but I do like 1895 (Matt Cassell), 1986 (Jon Vilma saying simply - "We Must Protect This House"), 1989 and 2044 (Mark Foley arguing with Barney Frank over Tom Brady), 2034 (Tron saying "What's the square root of this apartment") and 3304 - Troy McClure.

    Thanks for sending this petition my way KSK. It really passed the afternoon by for me. Now - it's Happy Hour.

  84. The laffs keep coming:

  85. er, how about:

  86. Yeah, thanks KSK, I wasted an entire day posting "fuck you"s to Myles "P. on My Face" Fraser and James "My Vag Hurts" O'Connor over at the petition, then I was one of the first ones to get blocked. I can't wait to get home now so I can get a fresh computer and go to town on that fucking petition.

  87. 2 Frasers, 1 Cup


    2 Patriots, 1 Cup

    if you prefer.

  88. It's incredibly upsetting that mine was the 3,966th signature...

    Then again, who knows how many of them came from this blogs commenters...

  89. 4055. Chris Berman This is stupid, just stupid. Why would you make a stupid petition like this? It's stupid.

  90. We was wicked raahbbed, becaahz if the clock had continued to run, those daahkees from New Yaahk would have nevah thaaght to staahp the claahk with their 3 timeouts or by spikin the baahll. The conspiracy included New Yaahk greasin the baahl causin tha daahkee Saahmuel to draahp an interception and fuuthaamore included injectin Raahdnee with estrogen caahzin him to lie daahn like a bitch faw Taahree on the Giant Snatch play. Ich bin ein doucebag

  91. The best part of this website is that it delays another week the KSK beat down of all us Giant fans. I know its coming, please be gentle. We haven't won since 1990, some of us do not root for the Yankees.

    I they replay the final 1:40 can Shockey be on the Giant roster?

  92. 1918. JFK Jr. Where the hell is Nantucket? I can't see a thing in this storm.

  93. Fuck Boston

    /Giants fan still smiling from Sunday
    /still yelling "18-1" at any douche bag in my vicinity who wears a Red Sox cap (no one seems to be wearing Pats gear these days...)
    /about to jerk off to the Giant Snatch... AGAIN

  94. I guess I'm way late to the game, but...

    5338: Tom Brady's Vagina

    Not only should the final 1:40 of Super Bowl XLII be replayed, but the entire New York Giants defensive line should be arrested for rape!

  95. @stuntcock: +10

    Funny ass shit my friend.

  96. Beautiful. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer rules all.

  97. Oh, here's my contribution. I hope my Boston accent isn't over or under-done.

    5754. New Kids on the Block - Yo! That Soopah Bowl was whack, yo! Those refs ah wickahd retahded. In protest, we ah putting our reunion tooo-ah on hold until this very saaaah-ree-us mattah is rectah-fied. Hang Tough, Patreeuts!

  98. It's all John Maddens fault...if he had been doing the commentary in the booth, he would have been the true source of inspiration for the Pats...also all his arrows and lines and of course "boom"s would have taken them all the way to victory. 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1, 18-1...Oh, did I mention 18-1?

  99. Haha you Pu$$ies almost finished 19-0.We would have beat ya if it wasnt for a bad call too.Then you Boston fags would have been 17-2.Go Fu(K yourselfs and your petition it suck and so do your Mutha's,Go birds

  100. CRY ABOUT IT PATRIOT FANS... IF the NFL didn't want you guys to win you would have lost in Baltimore.... Plus you had your chance to win when Eli threw that bad pass in the beginning of the last drive where Asante Samuel could've had that interception.. CRY ABOUT IT............BOSTON SUCKS!!!!!!

  101. The best and most determined team won. Brady made some terrible mistakes during that last drive. He should have worked the ball downfield to, at least tie the game and put it into overtime. I for one, was hoping for an upset from the beginning. There was no injustice here. Boston could have lost more than that one game but pulled out some close ones during the regular season. The best team won. There's always next year! Have a great off season Patriots!

  102. The patriots didn't lose the game in the last quarter. They lost the game in the beginning actually. If everyone will recall the patriots decided to try for a first down when they were in field goal range but got greedy. Then they didn't make the first down turning the ball over to the giants. This decision cost them the game because if they had gone for the field goal. Then they might have been able to win in overtime. But since they were stupid and didn't. Quit whinning! They lost! Get over it!

  103. Face it, you are all a bunch of loooooosers! You guys are the ones that cheat with your illegal filming of the other teams. If the truth would have it, you probably filmed the Giants too, but this time even that wasn't enough...18-1 or should that be 15-4.

  104. Here's mine.

    7291. John Edward Thomas Moynahan Have any of you seen my dada? I've never met him? Mommy says he was a homosexual and left her for Wes Welker? Can you help me find my dada?

  105. I thought Boston was in MA, not Oklahoma! Pat's fans sound just like OU Sooner fans when they lose.
    Piss & Moan, Whine & Bitch. You Patriot ( and Sooner) pussies need to grow a pair.

  106. Wow... lots of hatred here. What is amazing is that the creator of this blog assumes that the only fans in the world who would post such comments are Patriots fans. Wake up: there are die-hard fans of every team in every city in America. And they all whine and bitch and complain when their team loses. It's not a uniquely Patriots phenomenon. The larger issue: football fanatics should get a life. They are on the same plane with Star Trek geeks with no life. Here's a thought: pay attention to your families, or read a book on occasion, instead of gluing yourselves to the TV all Fall. Just because you chose to sacrifice thinking for football is no excuse. It is possible, believe it or not, to watch and enjoy football without being one of those losers whose lives revolve around the game.





  108. did you read that? Brenda thinks we're "amazing". thanks, toots.

    we feel fortunate you took time from your duties at RAND Corp. and UNESCO to share your enlightened perspective with us

  109. You guys just can't wrap your tiny yankee brains around the fact that the pats lost. They were not the best team in the NFL that night. If they were than the biggest underdog in Superbowl history would not have beatin' them. This is probably coming from a bunch of the same people that think Al Gore was elected President.

  110. Clearly the final 1:40 was a conspiracy by the booth (illuminati) to bring a New World Order to the NFL. There was a brief camera-shot of the booth during this time sequence and Henry Kissinger can clearly be seen orchestrating a plan to bring the Patriots to their knees as the reigning NFL super power. The Krafts have knowingly buckled under pressure from the Rothchilds and are allowing this great and glorious Patriot nation to succomb to third world status. We will not let the Giants be used as a tool of the New World Order nor will we stand idly by as true Patriots are smeared and painted as enemies of the league. P.S. I think I saw 3 triangular orbs of light fly from Uranus towards Phoenix that night. Could Roger Goodell in fact be a Paladien insurgent?

  111. Well, kiss my grits! And I thought the Dallas cowgirls' fan-atics were the loudest, worst and sorest losers! New England fans have driven it to an even lower level than I thought was possible! Bunch of cheating, arrogant, over-rated snobs! BTW, there are ELEVEN men from your team on the field during any official NFL game, not just the one man you've set up as your god, Brady. If the other ten should step aside and fold their arms after the ball is snapped, how many games do you think the Pats would win? How would your arrogant, grossly over-rated, sniveling, little god, Brady, do without the rest of the team? It’s not a "one-man" show.

    Your coach, blast his little soul, is a very nasty, arrogant, conceited, ill-mannered, unsportsmanlike person, to run off the field without even congratulating the opposing team's coach. I can't ever remember seeing any other coach do that.

    Finally, you whining bunch of sissified cheaters, the only reason Miami wasn't 19-0 or 18-0, you silly people, is that in the year they had their "perfect" season, their team didn't PLAY 18 or 19 games, just 17. Can't win games you didn't play---it's as simple as that, idiots! Sit down somewhere "ladies" and shut the f**k up! Sick of you already! It’s basketball and baseball season now. Get over it.

    I’m not a fan of any team over on that side of the USA, but I sure was elated, delighted, and very happy to watch the WILDCARD team whom they felt was such an "unworthy" opponent whip their lying, cheating, video-taping a$$es. Even if the Giants'd won by less than 1/10th of a point, it would still be a win!

  112. Jesus christ. Grow up you whining cry babies. The Pats lost. its not our fault all you talked out your ass for a month saying the game was in the bag. Well guess what, the Pats got outcoached, outplayed, and beat up. Ton Brady couldn't stay off the ground. Guess that was unfair too??? Now you bitch and whine. Shut up and hope for next year.

  113. give me a break. stop the bitching and whineing. There is no setup or scam. The Pats got outplayed, outcoached, and beat up. Hell, Tom Brady couldn't stay off the ground. It's not our fault you talked out your ass for a month about how the game was in the bag. Stop crying, stop complaining, get over it, there's next year

  114. Get over it, The Patriots lost and it's over! They will down in history for being the biggest chokes in NFL. DEAL WITH IT! You guys are pissed because your team never got their perfect wins for the history books, oh boo hoo. What a bunch of sore LOSERS!!!!!

  115. i am a raider fan, how does it feel BITCHES!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....DUMBASSES..get over it.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. typical bunch of Mass-holes... There is nothing I hate more than a whiney slew of New Englanders. I believe all red sox and patriots fans should be banished to some remote island never to be heard from again. Dicks.

  118. Short, sweet, and to the point.

    12542. Bobby "I'm an" O'Toole FAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  119. Being a Patriots fan, I thought it was worth a look to see what the petition was. As if watching them lay that colossal stinking turd in Arizona wasn't bad enough.

    OK fine the last 1:40 are "suspect". That doesn't excuse the fact that the Patriots were the Giants bitches for the first 58:20. Or explain why Bellichicken had a change of heart in the last game of the season (apparently it's only fun being aggressive in play calling against teams inferior to you or when ahead by more than 3 touchdowns in the 4th quarter- who knew?)

    Someone should have waited until the hangover was gone before trying to write. (Not everyone can perform as well under the influence as the KSK team).

  120. #15822 is mine but now that I see the others, I think #15818 is a lot funnier!

    Anyone who references Mortimer Duke is a friend o mine...

  121. i want to tell john vaio that he is a complete idiot. he says that they should play another game but the giants are scared. you cant just play another game for no reason. and if you think that then you are an idiot. but i guess he is just looking for an excuse to why the giants outplayed them in that game. maybe he should try to blame tom bradys ankle

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