Tuesday, February 12, 2008

He's the man behind the mask / And he's out of control / He's back / The man behind the mask / And he crawled out of his hole

In case the last month wasn't enough of an indication, Dan Snyder is back in the saddle. Sure, he deferred to Gibbs for a couple of years, but now that his hero has departed it's Danny time...
Numerous league sources, including some with direct knowledge of conversations between Snyder, Cerrato and recent head coaching candidates, have affirmed that the Redskins have interest in trading for Cincinnati wide receiver Chad Johnson, with two league sources saying Johnson is eager to land a hefty new contract from Washington.

Acquiring an elite receiver is Snyder's top priority, league sources said. The Bengals have said they have no intention of trading Johnson, but his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, is working quietly to broker a deal, the sources said.

/drinks mercury

via LaCa


  1. Get a 2 for him and pack his bags.

  2. yeah right, knowing snyder, and how he'll overpay, you are looking at a 1 and a 3.

  3. Well, shove me sideways!

  4. When slitting your wrists over the Ocho Cinco trade, be sure to run the razor deep along the veins and then run a slant to your thumbs.

  5. how exactly do the Skins plan to pay him that hefy contract? aren't they like $20 million over the cap?

  6. Gee...I wonder who the next Dolphins will be...

  7. /so tired of people complaining about slashies

  8. I hear they are going to get Jeff George to run Snyder's new high powered offense.

  9. Johnson is eager to land a hefty new contract from Washington.

    Wow! Who the fuck isn't?

  10. @Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective)

    Is Whitlock posting under a new name?

  11. take my receiver, please

    - Henny Youngman, closet Bengals fan

  12. Holy moly - an Alice Cooper/Friday the 13th, Part VI reference?


  13. at least if he does go there he gets to embarass himself amidst pittsburgh's defense once more next season.

  14. It's okay, Maj, these reports can't be true. Drew Rosenhaus has never done ANYTHING quietly.

  15. This may sound stupid, but I wouldn't mind Ocho Cinco on my Colts. If Harrison retires this year that would free up some cap space and we need more WRs. (I can't believe it either) And it would only take on hit from Bob to make Chad start a good work ethic. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing a little spunk on the offense.

    /please get Craphonso off the the field.

  16. make Chad start a good work ethic.

    I have a buddy who works with in the Bungles organization. He said that as flashy and mouthy as Chad can get, he still has a heck of a work ethic. Chad is one of the first players there each day and the last one to leave . . . even in the off-season.

  17. I'm a 'Skins fan. I'd honestly have no qualms with getting CJ. As long as the contract isn't for more than 4 or 5 years, it makes sense. CJ isn't TO.

    /apologizes for seriousness of comment.

  18. i'm a skins fan and chad can go fuck himself, he's one season away from becoming the next TO and i'd rather he do it to the bungles than the skins...that said, snyder's gonna fuckin bring him in...dammit gibbs come back

  19. Yeah Snyder is definitely gonna try and pull this off. Your looking at a 1 and 3....and that's probably just Snyder's opening offer. Hell of a negotiator he is.

    As far as CJ on the Colts, remember a few years back with the TO debacle in Philly and Peyton was quoted as the Pro Bowl saying he wouldn't mind having T.O. I think the same would go for CJ too.

  20. Dan Snyder doesn't have two brain cells to rub together so who gives a rat's ass what his top priority is?

    Frankly, its hard to tell the difference between his noggin and Ted Williams' at this point after seeing who that fuckwit picked as the new coach.

  21. i imagine the strong work ethic is true. Talent can get you pretty far but it is the freakishly determined who reach the level Johnson plays at most of the time.

  22. On the one hand, Ike Taylor won't have two opportunities every year to shut Johnson down and make him look average. On the other hand, I could give a shit.

  23. @colts and hoosiers fan

    Snyder: Alright, we're prepared to offer you a first and third rounder for Chad Johnson.

    Benals: Well, that sounds good and we acce-

    Snyder: OK, OK, you drive a hard bargain. A first, a third, a fourth and a seventh.

    Bengals: Uh... Sure, we'll be happy to-

    Snyder: You guys sure now to haggle. OK, let's make it next years first as well.

    Bengals: Absolute-

    Snyder: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. Our first round pick for the next 5 years as well as this years first, third, fourth and seventh.

    Bengals: ...Deal.

    Snyder: Pleasure doing business with you.

  24. @ Miyamoto's Chin:

    You forgot...

    Snyder: Heh, heh, heh...suckers.

  25. @ miyamoto's chin

    You sir, make sitting in class more interesting.

  26. With Mike Brown running the front office, you could offer magic beans

  27. That whore told Al Davis he's always wanted to be a Raider. Personally, I'd rather see him in Maroon and Black.

  28. I'd be happy to get a couple of picks for him, yet sadly, we ain't sending him unless we get his 8 million of the cap this year.

    Although I'd rather CJ just grow up and bring me back to a winning record.

  29. Chad drops LOTS of passes. That, more than the shenanigans, is the problem. Bengals fans would love to unload him to the Skins.

  30. It is all my fault. I tried to purchase the 'Skins and the stadium from the Squire's estate but I was about $639,478,215.86 short.

    /hangs head in shame
