Friday, August 10, 2007

Suicide Is Painless, Unless You Screw It Up

Believe it or not, suicide isn't always a lot of fun. It can tear apart families and scar loved ones for years to come, fortunately you'll be too dead to care! These days there are so many ways to off oneself that it's not always easy to keep abreast of the hot new trends in felo-de-se.

Even those of us who aren't (currently) suicidal harbor thoughts of self-destruction, it's as natural as jerkin' it with a plastic bag over your head while you sit on a cattle prod. But what would be the most befitting way for you to shuffle loose the mortal coil? Everyone has had their own opinions dating back to 1942 when suicide was invented by young wordsmith William Shakespeare. His early visions of Ophelia's relaxing soak in the creek and Romeo's power-nap set the tone for the future of the game. Since then quitters the world over have expanded on these simple methods and thrown in their own special flair. So if you had a good run and were ready to call it a life how would you want to do the deed?

I'll go ahead and kick off the draft with my first selection: Making friends with the ground!

As usual, we've got some rules. Follow them or your death may not be so optional.

1. You may not draft jump off of the bridge at Cornell, because that's totally played out
2. Draft one method of death at a time
3. Wait a full ten picks in between draft picks
4. UPDATE: Must be PLAUSIBLE methods. Fucked to death by Angelina Jolie ain't happenin', pal.

If you are honestly suicidal you probably shouldn't partake in this exercise or watch pre-season football.


  1. I am going to go with intravenous cocaine overdose. Shit loads of euphoria for about 20 seconds then my heat explodes

  2. or my heart whichever comes first

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think there's a certain elegance in lighting some candles, throwing on "It'll End In Tears," crafting an eloquent note, stripping naked and then swallowing a bullet while hunched over on the crapper.

  5. Unprotected sex (and lots of it)with Lindsay Lohan ... death is inevitable thereafter.

  6. I'm packing an SUV with explosives and then driving it into the dead middle of the Joe Louis Arena during a Red Wings game. When I get to the faceoff circle, I'm detonating.

    Because if I'm going out I'm taking a whole lot of you hockeytown douchebags with me.

  7. 1) Strap bomb to self.
    2) Run to the middle of the 50 yard line during Ohio State's Spring practice.
    3) Detonate bomb.

  8. I would do the honorable thing and commit Harry Carey....

  9. Walk around with the I HATE NIGGERS sign in Harlem.

  10. Panhandler murder spree on the subway followed by self-inflicted gunshot wound.

  11. wow james, you could have just said "that sign from die hard 3"

  12. Or James could have ben more creative and gone for the "i'd be a daredevil like in kentucky fried movie" route. but whatever, captain subtle.

  13. Fall on my sword, the Roman way.

    The manly death would wipe away any accusations of cowardice for offing myself in the first place.

  14. Seriously, james, NOIS is about to get all up in that ass.

  15. I would go out Grand Theft Auto Style and I wouldnt stop until I had six stars. Your going to need the army to stop me.

  16. All I have to say is "Mr. Creosote".

  17. Falling Down - Pretty fallow the entire script.

  18. slowly drown in a pool of well aged single malt scotch

    Sweet hitch hiker's clip... 'I'll call it ground. I wonder if it'll be friends with me?'

  19. I'd jump out of an airplane from about 8,000 feet without a parachute.
    I'd have one helluva ride on the way down- flips, twists, possibly masturbation.
    And it wouldn't hurt when I hit the ground.

  20. murderous rampage killing people that have wronged me throughout my life until i get caught and the cops have to shoot me. vindictive, subjective justice is where it's at.

  21. if the Angelina Jolie rule was written to apply to my draft pick - I would counter that Lindsay Lohan *would* fuck me to death if I provided enough coke/ecstacy/fake movie offers.

  22. Derrick, I'm pretty sure that's been taken...

  23. Congrats to dick_gozinia on the best avatar of all time. I believe that was Part VI, no??

  24. sit thru a charlie weis speech and be bored to fucking death

  25. Hmmmmmmm......That's good but I can top it, put an axe up to my neck and then I chop it

  26. Take sleeping pills, some vicodins and a fifth of stoli. Then duct tape around my head many times so i can't vomit and will prevent people from helping in case i am discovered. A warm bath and some kenny g

  27. I'd have to go with a heroin overdose. That's supposed to be a great high.

  28. I'll just go with the old rock star standby of drinking too much until I choke on my own vomit.

  29. I would take an ungodly amount of blood thinners and then i would fornicate w/the hottest women until my undercarriage started bleeding at which point it would not stop. Game Over.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. John Belushi style baby!! Speedball and grain alcohol while Wish You Were Here plays on a continuous loop

  32. You know, Maj, not everyone has seen Die Hard 3

  33. Killing myself for the sake of all humanity... like Bruce Willis in Armageddon.

  34. Riding a bunker buster into Bin Laden's TV room, Dr. Strangelove-style. I get to off myself in dramatic fashion and be worshipped by millions as a hero.

  35. @john s.: That means Affleck gets to go home and bang your daughter. You really ok with that?

  36. An airplane ride piloted by a coke-addled cook

  37. I say "like" Armageddon because ther is NO WAY IN HELL I would want my daughter to wind up with Ben Affleck.

  38. Skipper - I had thought of that before I saw your post.

    (note that our post times are the same minute)

  39. Well I'm glad we're on the same page.

  40. Confront an alligator let it eat me raw.

  41. quit my comfy office job and become a miner.

    ...too soon isn't it.

  42. @MMP - yes i believe it was part 6.

    I'm going out in a cage match with a grizzly bear. What manlier way to die is there?

  43. excellent John John the Bastard!

    "Turn your oven on high for about four hours.
    Light you a blunt, kiss your ass goodbye.
    You gassed yourself; 'cause it's a suicide"

  44. Break into the "secret files" room at the NBA headquarters to get to the bottom of all of this conspiracy shit. I'm pretty sure Stern's Army would more or less take care of the not letting me out alive part.

  45. After coaxing an ex girlfriend into a car ride and making her perform automobile felatio. The minute I finish and she looks up after a hearty swallow, she will realize in shock that we are about to hit a tree at 80 mph.

  46. I'd like to be shot out of a cannon into a giant pool of sharks. Also, let's make the water the Potomac River so I die of toxic poisoning while I'm getting chomped on...

  47. Dammit Undead I was gonna post that whole verse as my final pick.

  48. I would get shit drunk with John Daly and then have him use my temple as his contact point for a 400 yard drive thereby shattering my jaw and skull into my brain, once again. Game Over.

  49. Kool-Aid, Jonestown style. Hold the construda.

  50. UM- whatever clip or pic you had on the page wouldn't play (stupid POS work computer!).
    So, plan B......wear a visiting uniform into the Oakland Coliseum, and release some sarin gas once teh beatings started.

  51. Go into the same strip club as Pacman's posse.

  52. JJtB: sorry dude. Didn't mean to steal you thunder.

    That was instantly recognizable to me since it was the first rap song this metalhead ever gave a damn about.

  53. "Back to the function, riding the caboose to hell BZZZZZT touched the third rail. You fucked up chicken, now you just got fried
    Cause it's a suicide"

  54. Fuck the shit out of a pro bodybuilder's wife.

    Dude prone to roid rage walks in on me tagging his old lady? You could fit my remains in a small Ziploc bag.

    Yellow and blue make DEATH!

  55. So is Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker off the board? And was its hilarity called into question?

  56. damn. I was just about to submit: wearing a Redskins jersey to an Eagles home game. I barely escaped with my life the last time (and the Skins lost...I can't imagine the carnage if they won).

    derrick beat me to the concept.

    I'll jus go with joining the army.

  57. I concur UZH and as soon as I saw the draft topic I leaped at the oppurtunity. Although I consider myself more a hardcore kid than a metal head (when I was in college I got reemed out about the differences)

    That whole album is the balls.

  58. sorry bro. Wayyy too close to the start of football season to be thinking about seppuku.

  59. cadbury surprise

  60. I have been advised by my attorney to take down my previous post that involved a certain leader of the Free World. That being said, I would now like to change my answer to freezing to death. Boring? Yes. Painless? Probably.

  61. Step 1: Slam my head into the sidewalk.
    Step 2: Repeat.

    Very manly.

  62. Re-negotiate my contract with Suge Knight.

  63. Rent a Hummer and head out to the Turnpike.

    Asshole blocking the box at the Holland Tunnel? Bam. Douchebag turning left from the right lane? Bam. Fucknut driving 65 in the left lane? Bam, bam, backup, bam.

    If I made it out of there, I'd head into the city for a little game I'd like to call Yellow Cab Derby. Eventually, I'd get plugged by New York's Angriest.

  64. i always have wanted to try AIDS...

  65. Snitch on Marlowe Stansfield, from what I understand those row houses are pretty nice.

    Sorry, I just couldn't keep quoting Gravediggaz, plus I was running out of good ones.

  66. 1. Swear Michael is the new Don.

    2. Change story in front of Senate panel.

    3. Open wrists in bathtub, Roman style.

  67. option #2...

    play for Columbian soccer team. Score own-goal.

  68. @grungedave: Those ivy-leaguers are fucking serious about soccer.

  69. Submerse submarine to 2000 feet. Open hatch.

  70. Take a long walk off the Skywalk at the height of tourist season. Put that in your photo album, motherfuckers!

  71. Nicholas Cage style...a.k.a. Leaving Las Vegas style.

    Wait, does smoking count? If so I'm already doing that.

  72. I would climb to the top of a very large metropolitan building during rush hour. Attached to my back would be 40 foot bungie cord. Attached to my neck would be a 35 foot noose made of steel cable. I would Get an Erection by watching the 2006/2007 Rex Grossman highlight film. I would then pull my cock out of my pants. Then i'd super glue my hands to my face similar to Macauly Caulkin in homealone. I'd then jump off the building. When i hit the 35 foot mark the steel cable would decapitate me leaving my lifeless corpse bungie jumping while performing felatio on myself.

    been talking about this for years

  73. Wow! I think Calvin just won.

  74. Go for a walk in my neighborhood after about 1AM.

  75. I'd lock myself in a room and gorge myself to death on Jimmy Dean Pancakes n' Sausage on a stick. It's breakfast, corn-dog style. It's also incredibly, incredibly sad.

  76. I'd strangle my wife and kid and then hang myself from a weight machine ... wait thats been done already ... shit.

  77. Well I wanted the ride the bomb to the ground but it was taken, so I will go with Swim in the reactor pool at the nearest operating fission reactor. Come on in, the water is warm.

  78. Beer pong with Ajax, now to find someone else who wants in,l any takers?

  79. @John

    I'll stick to my MD 20/20...
    it's pretty much the same thing

  80. Step 1: Build a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.

    Step 2: Absorb self. Earth.

    It's quick (not sure about painless), it's awesome and the rest of Earth will be "a huge glob of strange matter".

    Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth - Click number 9

    If this one is used already than I give up.

  81. been talking about this for years

    I heard you're terrific at children's parties.

  82. @Calvin's got a job

    You are a brilliant sick bastard. I also vote for your victory.

  83. Fuck, I didn't realize we Cornellians were so cliche.

    Well fine, I'm jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge then. At least it won't be a long walk to get there.

  84. Dudes, Space Shuttle hijacking. It'd take some planning, but imagine the payoff!

  85. Fuck, I didn't realize we Cornellians were so cliche.

    Ed Helms just killed himself

  86. Suicide by cop after taking out people who have it coming...OJ, Kim Jong Il, Charles Nelson Reilly, etc.

  87. Rocking myself to death. Quite how I'm supposed to accomplish this with Alex Lifeson succumbing to Alex Lifeson disease and Spinal Tap not being real is another matter altogether.

  88. To clarify, I think rocking myself to death would work best were I to stick my head inside an amp and have someone rock out until my brain turned to mush. Also whoa whoa Calvin uncool. You just stole that from, for shame. Also I can't spell shame, it kept coming out as sgame.

  89. i'd hire a hitman on myself and spend the rest of my days in an exciting game of cat and mouse...and thats only if i'm not allowed to fuck angelina jolie to death

  90. @ calvin - so if you're watching the rex grossman highlight film to get a chubby, then you're a colts fan, right?

    OK...I'm piggybacking on a few others here, but here's something I've always wanted to do that'll probably get me killed -

    I'm breaking into an army base and stealing a tank. Then I'm driving it around for maximum carnage until they finally get me.

    And there's only 2 ways to stop a guy driving a tank.
    1. Blow it the fuck up.
    2. Wait until the dumbass gets it stuck and then open hatch.

    When the latter happens, I'm pulling the pin on a grenade while inside.

  91. pick a fight with pac-man and his peoples in the back of a strip club. obviously. how did I steal that one with the 96th pick?

  92. all these cool ways to die and we are all probably gonna die from liver/lung cancer in our 60's. so...fucking...lame.
