Friday, August 10, 2007

Jerry Jones is COLD LAMPIN'

We were recently outbid on eBay in an attempt to acquire a hard copy of this slick golden oldie from 1985, an instructional book on hip-hop dance, with a fresh to DEF! ad starring Alfonso Ribeiro, or, as you better know him, Carlton Banks.

Classic, right? And the booklet looks incredibly informative. Step 1: stand upright. Step 2: do a head-spin. Step 3: accept phone numbers from the ladies. It's like those "Drawing Comics the Marvel Way" books I squandered all my youthly savings away on. (Step 1: draw a circle. Step 2: completed Wolverine.)

Anyway, we were wondering who could have swooped in and taken this away from us, but then reader Danny from Dallas sent us this clip. That dastard!


  1. Phase 1: Collect underpants
    Phase 2: ?
    Phase 3: Profit!

  2. The way he says "what?" at the end is very..... strange.

  3. This is why Jerry Jones is an asshole.

  4. That dastard? Oh fooey, that darn jerk stole your cotton-picking video.

  5. And we find out what a young Matt Ufford spent his youthly savings on.

  6. Reason #982 for why I hate the fucking Cowboys.

  7. wow...i live in dallas and have never seen that douchebaggery.

    for a second i thought the first video was gong to teach me the "african anteater ritual."

  8. Did anyone else notice that Quincy Carter is actually an extra in the background

  9. Even though I know it's not Jerry Jones' body, that is still fucking creepy. Actually, everything about Jerry Jones is pretty creepy.

    I couldn't believe how many people sat in traffic last night (the hwy runs right by my office) to sweat their asses off in Texas Stadium to watch a preseason game.

  10. Tony Romo's Electric Boogaloo 2: Hellzapoppin!

  11. Pretty soon this is actually going to happen: Jerry Jones will transplant his head onto a younger, more flexible body.

  12. Hey....isn't that dance that Jerry Jones does the same one I did after T.O. overdosed last year? He owes me some royalties for that.

  13. The best thing about that video is that Ribiero is now known for his awful dancing to Tom Jones. Karma, anyone?

  14. All your dance moves are belong to us.

  15. I'm sorry, did I here Alfonso say that he didn't used to always be a "gangster?" He's about as gangster as Molly Ringwald.
