Tuesday, April 10, 2007

fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way...

Did you hear Dwayne Jarrett is slow? Now, you may say to yourself, “Wait, I’ve watched Dwayne Jarrett for years at USC and always thought he’s fairly fleet of foot.” Not true. Actual, factual story: at the combine, Jarrett raced a pregnant woman and came in third. This is why we need the Mel Kiper Juniors of the world; to tell us what our own treacherous senses will not. Jarrett, meanwhile, might find out the technical name for slow receivers who aren’t particularly good at running routes—Montreal Alouettes.

“Shady” Grady Jackson is suing the Atlanta Falcons for improperly disclosing his medical history in attempt to depress his value in the free agent market. So, grossly overweight African-American males are predisposed to heart problems? Damn, thanks Dr. C. Everett Koop for that medical newsflash. It is readily apparent to anyone who has ever seen Jackson sweating gravy on the Georgia Dome sidelines that his fat ass is in trouble in the not too distant future.

In response to Big Daddy Drew’s “kill kill kill” series of posts, faithful reader Lucille sent us this image of some long-awaited revenge. Walruses, seals and otters have been waiting years for the sharks to get what they have coming. This is their snuffporn.

Let’s check the updated scoreboard-- Sharks: 541,285,951 Pinnipeds: 1

Lastly, some are using the occasion of the Ladies… takeover as a call to our erudite commenters to commence hostilities towards our temporary feminine occupiers. Far be it from me to tell any of our readers how they should use the KSK product, but, personally, I don’t have it in me to be a dick to them merely because they won a wager where the terms were decidedly slanted in their favor. (My pet theory on the ill-advised conditions of the bet: Punter loses his damnfool mind around internet cleavage.)

Often at baseball games, some lucky kid is picked to race the mascot around the base-path. Invariably the kid “wins” after the mascot becomes cocky or distracted or gets tripped by the third baseman. It would be heartless to boo this little kid even though it beyond dispute she won an athletic contest of dubious validity. Heckling the Ladies… is tantamount to heckling the little girl that won the Mascot Derby.

My advice for handling the Ladies: Pat them on the head. Tell them they are pretty and doing a swell job. Humor them as you would a “special” relative at a family gathering. Science tells us that most women lack the gene that tells them when someone is being condescending towards them.

UPDATE: KSK will have to soldier on without the wealth of comedic inspiration from Pacman Jones this season. The AP just reported that Jones has been suspended for the entire 2007 season. Without his NFL scrilla, how can Pac make it rain? Sadly, it appears that the hydrologic cycle may be irretrievably broken.


  1. Is there anything else us men do besides fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way?

  2. Can I pat the women on the head until it is flat?

  3. Can I pat the women on the head until it is flat?

    Yes! All the better to balance your beer while getting a BJ...

  4. If the Ladies... are the little girl who won the Mascot Derby, then the KSK Gay Mafia are Grump.

    Stop touching me in my no-no spot, KSK Gay Mafia.

    wv: wwnkd (what would nik kershaw do?)

  5. The first person who pats me on the head draws back a bloody stump.

  6. Fair enough, J.L. Plus, I doubt most of the guys could even reach to pat me on the head.

  7. ladyandrea are you a giant amazon woman?

  8. Fair enough, J.L. Plus, I doubt most of the guys could even reach to pat me on the head.

    You assume that you'd be standing up, but that's not how any of us are picturing you.

    WV: hpcsuk

  9. And theeeere go flubby's chances for sex for at least six months. Hope you already got a girl.

    (I didn't make the rules. Were it up to me you'd get more tail for this.)

  10. Run, you stupid fucking dinosaur!


    /Too lazy to link
    //It's old, but it's good

  11. Ahh, walked right into that one Vanilla.

    MitchKayak, I am, in fact, an amazon. (I also played the Queen of the Amazons in Midsummer Night's Dream once).

  12. Can we try to focus on the fact that that picture is fucking awesome?

  13. I played Nick Bottom. What this says about my sexaul preference is moot.

  14. UM, that's awesome, I love Nick Bottom. I got to be Titania for awhile before they separated Titania and Hippolyta into two parts. The Elementals have the most fun, I think.

  15. J.L, don't make fun of literature with centerfolds. I love Playboy, I buy it most months. For real, the articles and interviews are usually high quality. Also, I feel like the pictorials are at least not as skanky as some magazines, so I don't mind those either.

  16. Yeah, I know. It's hard to be me.

  17. And so it begins...we're already talking about literature and plays.

    Patting on the head is the same thing as the 10 pound hand, right?

  18. fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way...


  19. The first person who pats me on the head draws back a bloody stump.


  20. @total bs.

    I respectfully disagree. That honor belongs to Wish You Were Here

  21. Danny G, we were also talking about Playboy, so untwist your panties.

  22. Is there anything else us men do besides fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way?

    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

  23. I just found out you guys are ranked 70,146 in the alexa rankings. Nice work for a bunch of racist bigots. keep it up

  24. I just found out you guys are ranked 70,146 in the alexa rankings. Nice work for a bunch of racist bigots. keep it up


    Juuust a bit outside...

  25. I honestly cannot tell if that was sincere or sarcastic.

    Off hand, I don't remember their names. I wasn't really paying attention to that stupid Bio sheet where they all love puppies and hate arrogant men or whatever.

    I do remember that Belinda Carlisle's pictorial was really hot. I do have to say, the Dahm Triplets are beautiful women and having multiple participants in a pictorial really ups the hotness factor for me, but I cannot get past the fact that they are siblings. I know guys think it's hot, but it totally skeeves me out.

  26. PS: J.L White, if you can direct me to a place on the internet where I can browse the centerfolds, I will absolutely pick out my Top 10.

  27. Andie: the Dahm spread didn't do that for me, but the one of the Bentley sisters where they looked like they were giving each other the Scissor Sister did give me a pang of conscience about that.

  28. I really hope the use of the "kill kill kill" tag continues into the football season. Perhaps it could get its first football related use on draft day when Al Davis does something particularly stupid with that number 1 pick.

  29. JL White, I'll take a look after class.

  30. Aaaaaaaand JL becomes an internet stalker.


  31. If you go to sportsline.com to read about the Pacman Jones/Chris Henry story, an ad for apparel of your favorite team will show up in the upper right hand corner. If you are a Lions fan like me (ROAR!), the ad is for a Charles Rogers "alternate" jersey for just $14.97!!!!

  32. Do they advertise the Plaque for the Alternates?

  33. 'The Alternates' would be a great team. He could be joined by Pacman and Chenry for starters. From the Chuck Rogers wiki page:

    On September 2, 2006, Rogers was released by the Lions. According to Lion coach Rod Marinelli, Rogers simply wasn't good enough to make his team, which values hard work over raw talent. "We picked the men that are right for this football team", said Marinelli.

  34. Raced a pregnant woman and came in third. Thats some funny shit. Thanks KSK, I just spit Fiji water all over my moniter, this is some expensive water. Plus, I feel like a huge douche because you made me do a spit-take. I hope nobody saw that, Ill have to quit my job.

  35. My approach to this? It's like Rosalyn babysitting Calvin and Hobbes. Only if Calvin were past puberty and had the Internet...this sounds like a job for Stupendous Man!

    Or Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS (G.R.O.S.S.). Either one.

  36. the real question is: who will be the pac man jones of the 2007 draft class?

  37. Nice work for a bunch of racist bigots. keep it up

    That's an interesting comment from someone who's blogger handle is "Dirty Sanchez." I guess linking degrading sexual acts to Hispanics is cool, but this other stuff isn't?

  38. Dammit -- that should be "whose" not "who's" there.

    Somewhere, my high school Englihs teacher is shedding a single, sad Iron Eyes Cody tear.

  39. Dammit, English.

    "Ooooh. Him card good read!"

  40. @dirtysanchez

    Don Imus, is that you?

  41. JL White, in no particular order. My favorite is definitely Summer Altice, but my favorite photograph is Stephanie Heinrich.

    Suzanne Stokes, February 2000
    Brande Nicole Roderick, April 2000
    Summer Altice, August 2000
    Irina Voronina, January 2001
    Crista Nicole, May 2001
    Stephanie Heinrich, October 2001
    Teri Marie Harrison, October 2002
    Divini Rae, November 2003
    Sandra Hubby, March 2004
    Stephanie Glasson, July 2004
    Tiffany Fallon, December 2004

  42. @ dsanchez

    "bunch of racist bigots"

    For all his flaws, at least Sanchez isn't redundant and repetitive

  43. Brande Roderick? Her nipples look like Africa....

  44. Not in the picture on the site, Grimey. Also, I like her boobs, they look natural. She's a keeper.

  45. Until she bonked Pauly Shore I was totally digging Jillian Grace. But let us not all forget that there were Playmates before 2000. I think there were a few in 1999.

  46. Burnsy, there were some every year since, what, '53? But those were what I was handed. I picked out 10, my work here is done.

  47. @ harris:
    LOL! Loving the Arrested Development reference... that's what it was right?

  48. aaaaaaaaah yes Tiffany Fallon. She might be the best ever. Good taste Andrea

  49. @ sean

    bigot:a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions

    racist: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    that shit is from Webster's the dictionary not the little person.(see I even used little person there)

    There is totally a difference.

  50. Thanks, godfather. I do what I can for you fellas.

  51. Speaking of Playboy, I heard Scarlette Johansen (sp?) is thinking about playing Jenna Jameson for her autobiography. I smell a box office hit.

  52. I smell a box office hit.

    I'm not sure. With Jenna Jameson, it's hard to tell just what you're smelling.

  53. I smell a box

    In giddy anticipation of tomorrow: Fixed

  54. sanchez lets check urban dicitonary to get common usage:

    bigot1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.

    racist: A person who basically judges other people on the basis of their race. This is not limited to negative judgements alone

    to me this are almost the same.

  55. F*ck that. I'm heckling. Until they figure out a way for me to tip dollar bills through the computer screen Internet cleavage is useless to me.

  56. Well here it is, Wednesday morning, and nothing is posted. The women starting out predictably: taking too long to get ready.

    It shouldn't take too long to put an apron over your naked body and make breakfast, ladies. Let's get to it, shall we.
