Sunday, February 18, 2007

Old NFL QB Child Trend: Autism. New NFL QB Child Trend: Illegitimacy

Dumping Bridget before she gets too old? Smart move, Brady. Slipping one past the goalie right before doing so? Ouch. Did Matty Leinart teach you nothing?

Photoshop work by MDG


  1. Am I to believe the most clutch QB of all time would neglect to use some form of protection with a hag he was planning on dumping the next week? Say it ain't so golden boy! You take away my dreams of bearing Brady's only children, you take away my reason to live.

  2. Newbie - can you explain the reference to 'autism' - you came up on my google alert.

  3. Man, that story had it all: models, calling Brady a loser and Manning a winner, even a fat guy.

    Losing in the playoffs two years in a row and now this. Looks like Tommy is stating to lose that clutch feeling.

  4. Newbie - can you explain the reference to 'autism' - you came up on my google alert.

    A lot of NFL QBs have kids with autism. I'm blanking on some of the names, but I think the list includes children of Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, and Doug Flutie.

  5. Hunter Kelly had Krabbe Disease. Marino and Flutie have sons with autism. Boomer has a son with cystic fibrosis.

  6. You'd think with the demands of high profile athletes and their sex lives that the pill for dudes would have been developed long ago.

    I eagerly await the Babydaddy Social Club playdates between Brady and Leinart's kids.

  7. "You'd think with the demands of high profile athletes and their sex lives that the pill for dudes would have been developed long ago."

    They've been trying to get one for a long time. I'm pretty sure that they have pills that pretty much shut down sperm production 100%. The main problem is that they also shut down testosterone production, so the pills also need to contain artificial testosterone to make up the balance, which would mean that athletes couldn't take them because they'd show up positive on steroids tests.

  8. You're assuming that Peyton's going to procreate. Considering he's been married six years and there's no bun in Ashley's oven yet, I wouldn't be so sure. Either they can't or they won't. Or maybe Kenny Chesney doesn't like kids.

    That being said, I wonder if Brady will ignore Bridget as studiously as Leinart ignores his baby mama.

  9. Like the rest of us Brady assumed she was past the point of no return in her womanhood.

  10. Well, it's certainly been a winter to remember for Handsome Tom Brady.

    But fucking Gisele probably takes out some of the sting. Bastard.

  11. If that kid comes out with the Mr. Spock eye brows and dropping his bottle every time his mom gives it to him, Brady better pay a visit to Chicago.

  12. I enjoyed Ms. Moynahan's publicist's early work as Ma'am on Webster and obviously as Mrs. Kurt Warner in later years.

  13. I knew Tom Brady was a bastard, but I never thought he'd sire one. Wanna bet his career goes down the shitter after this?

    I hope Ms. Moynahan gets TONS of child support. Even if she never acts again, she can be set for life.

  14. I knew Tom Brady was a bastard, but I never thought he'd sire one. Wanna bet his career goes down the shitter after this?

    I hope Ms. Moynahan gets TONS of child support. Even if she never acts again, she can be set for life.

  15. Shut up Jez, Fucking turd.

    Shut up Jez, Fucking turd.

  16. Fucking blogger password shit!

    I wonder if Tom Brady will cry as much about paying child support as he did about Cadillac not switching to the vehicle he wanted.

  17. Go to YouTube and search for Heather Graham. Bridget shows a bit of acting range.

  18. Huh. I always pictured Brady's baby momma with horns, hoofs, and chewin' on a tin can.

  19. That's what you get for using the Fabian Barthez brand condom.

  20. Phil Simms. No wait, that was Spleen Oblivion.

  21. That’s right Big Jim. And I heard Archie Manning’s youngest son had a ballsysterectomy.

  22. This just reaks of entrapment. She told Dreamboat that she was on the pill but she really wasn't. Hoping that a baby on the way would make him propose. Instead he pulls the QB option and kicks her to the curb for a younger tight end.

    I'm most proud of the chin on that kid.

  23. That looks like Dat Nguyen's baby

  24. Grimey, I was going to suggest perhaps Hines Ward was our culprit...

  25. You ladies have been awfully quiet about this. No outward hatred of Bridget and her bun in the oven plan to get Tom back or anything.

    It surprises me.

  26. This just reaks of entrapment. She told Dreamboat that she was on the pill but she really wasn't. Hoping that a baby on the way would make him propose. Instead he pulls the QB option and kicks her to the curb for a younger tight end.

    As a woman it pains me to say this, but I agree. I smell trickery afoot!

  27. You ladies have been awfully quiet about this. No outward hatred of Bridget and her bun in the oven plan to get Tom back or anything.

    It surprises me.

    Not all of us are Dreamboat fans. I frequently refer to Brady as the Girly-Armed Douchebag and that is one of my kinder names for him.
