Friday, February 16, 2007

Let us be lovers we'll marry our fortunes together

The season may be over but for one of the First Ladies of Football things are just getting started. Michae' Holloman (no relation) isn't just a sexy cheerleader, she's also a fucking beauty queen.

The rose goes in the front, big guy.

After winning the title of Miss Maryland (Ft. Washington represent) 2007 Michae' is preparing to move on to the Miss USA pagaent in March. This is not to be confused with the Miss America pagaent; these ladies forgo the "talent" competition in order to focus their full attention on the tits and ass. Come on Miss America, get with the times. Rocking that body should be worth more than all the juggling and crappy warbling in the world. If these ladies had real talent do you think they'd waste their time with this low-rent shit? Hell no, they'd be too busy giving Simon blowjobs during the commercial breaks on American Idol. Donald Trump know's what's up...

If she wins I might have to reevaluate my Black Draft selections--don't worry Halle, on the national stage she's still just another busted Marylander (no offense to every girl I grew up with--actually fuck that, offense intended! Bitches...).


  1. UM--where in Maryland? I represent Montgomery County, yo.

  2. That is, does she represent Ft. Washington or do you? Or both?

  3. It's a superscript L, not an apostrophe, in her first name. Classes it up.

  4. Hey Unsilent, I like the old school Simon and Garfunkel reference.

  5. It's actually half of a Spanish double-L.

  6. Stay classy Ft. Washington. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

    There sure are plenty of fine women in the MD/DC/NoVA area. I want to hear about hook ups, not vague admiration.

    UM, get to work!!!

  7. You son of a bitch! i'm telling liz

  8. This is from an email I received:

    “P.G. County Barbie”
    recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm handgun, a Ray Lewis knife,a Chevy with dark tinted windows, and a Meth Lab Kit. This model is only available after dark and must be paid for in cash (preferably small, untraceable bills) ..unless you are a cop, then we don’t know what you are talking about.

  9. UM:

    If you're going to try an win over this Nubian Princess, you might want to lay off the Simon and Garfunkel references in your title.

  10. Remember - G. Gordon Liddy represents Ft. Washington still.

    Frederick Co. here, then I lived in Beautiful PG county where I now feel I've seen all the wonders that MD has to offer.
