Wednesday, February 28, 2007

KSK Off-Topic: Rules for Going Off-Topic

Now that it's the NFL off-season, we've been dabbling in a little bit of this and that while cooling our heels and enjoying a more relaxed posting schedule. However, in the wake of several reader emails saying, "You guys should write about X!" -- where variable X is anything from Phil Mickelson's pectoral flab to a link to some NBA story or blog post, I thought I'd lay down some ground rules and reminders for how we go about keeping our NFL rudder straight in this sea of stories about other sports.

Remember: this blog is committed to two things: the NFL and dick jokes. Generally speaking, we're not looking to expand our coverage.

I can already hear the naysaying. "But you go off-topic all the time! Unsilent Majority even did a college basketball post!" Yeah, and if we had any kind of connection besides email, he would have gotten his ass kicked for it. That's why you can now catch UM talking college hoops at The Big Lead.

"What about the mock drafts? Black people you want as your friends? Cities you want destroyed?" Uh, yeah: mock drafts. Just like Mel Kiper Jr does relentlessly for six months a year. It's totally NFL-related.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: We make the rules. We make the agenda. We appreciate legitimate tips like photos of Chris Simms rolling blunts and Kyle Orton pretending to give fellatio, but we don't want your suggestions. We're the Gay Mafia for a reason, and if we want to post the nine and a half minute director's cut of Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around... Comes Around," then we'll post the nine and a half minute director's cut of Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around... Comes Around."

And we don't need to justify it.

Goddam. If you told me in the year 2000 that I could someday masturbate to a Justin Timberlake video, I would have punched you in the throat.


  1. This from the guy who posted a recap of the Oscars barely 48 hours ago.

    Al Gore would like a word with you.

  2. This from the guy who posted a recap of the Oscars barely 48 hours ago.

    QED. We make the agenda.

  3. You say you guys are commited to two things: the NFL and dick jokes. May I suggest you commit yourselves to adding porn/hot chicks to that list.

  4. I like this assertion of authority from the KSK mafia.

  5. Eventually this string of luck is going to run out on Timberlake. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

    steagles gets a +1 for the photo.

  6. JT always has been and always will be worthy. Haters.

  7. 5150cd - just hope Caveman doesn't read that. I heard somewhere he has a thing for Scarlett.

  8. Posting that video here and at With Leather? I hope you're using the royalties from Camp Timberlake to update your wardrobe.

    Just kidding. You know I'd prefer to see you naked.

  9. You guys could write about The Internation Interspecies Erotica Olypics/Bake Sale and I'd still f**king read it.

    Keep up the awesome work.

  10. Is it still gay if I watch that video with the sound turned off? I swear I'm watching it only for Scarlett.

  11. steagles - the mind (amongst other things) boggles. Nice pic. KSK always has the most entertaining material...

  12. I don't get it, you can barely see Scarlett in the video.

    If you guys are getting paid for this you should really make it known.

  13. KSK has officially jumped the shark.

  14. ksk had sex with patrick's wife.

    Nobody understand's CC's love for this video, we just go with it because we can't get video of her making out in the rain in Match Point.

  15. I can't believe how many people actually watched the video, even though they were warned.
