Sunday, January 14, 2007

Seattle Seahawks, You've Been Cannonized

Who's fucking tonight? This guy right here.


  1. He'll make 'em bloody tonight with his finger and manhood.

  2. I offer up my sister to the Sex Cannon, as a show of thanks. Next week, he can have my girlfriend.

  3. On CBS's pre-game show, Leslie Visser interviewed Rex Grossman. As soon as she was done, Rex ran off...and past an interviewer who I'm pretty sure was Rachel Nichols. I believe he said something when he went by, too. Really, someone with Tivo take a look at this if you want.

  4. He still has small hands. I'm not impressed. GEAUX SAINTS!

  5. I only hope the Sex Cannon has enough energy to beat the Saints next week.

  6. The Sex Cannon is bringing man missles and Mardi Gras beads next week.

    GO SAI... fuck it, I don't care.

  7. "Who's fucking tonight?"

    Damn, I was hoping it'd be me.

  8. MWCB-I think it's pretty obvious what the Sex Cannon said to Nichols. "Tonight. You."

  9. Sexy was just on the local Fox newsroom affiliate with a babe on each arm.

    When they came back from commericial there were no chicks, but the desk in front of Rexy was having serious turbulence.

    Bring on the Aints!!!!

  10. Rachel Nichols said on Sunday NFL Countdown that she had spent time with the Cannon in the film room, where he had a burrito, Coldplay on his iPod, and three playbooks. She didn't add "and his dick in my mouth" but then again she didn't have to.

    The cum has been slung.

  11. I had no interest in the winner of this game, but I found myself pulling for the Bears just so we could have a Rextasy victory post.

  12. I'm 4.5 hours away, but I think even I caught a little spray from the Sex Cannon.

  13. Rachel Nichols is going to wake up in a bathtub full of Rex juice.

  14. If the post-season has taught me anything, it's that parity is good for kicker's agents.

  15. Rachel Nichols, 1000 degrees, you'll be on your knees, and you'll be burning beggin' please...

    Sex Cannon firing on all cylinders!!!

    Can you believe that the fuckin' Chargers are choking one off right now??? I fuckin' hate Brady!!!

  16. Rexy's next target: the blonde with the "FUCK DA EAGLES" shirt.

    Rex Cannon: "Hm. 'FUCK DA BEARS'? Want some beads, babe? Or how about 'FUCK REX'? I'm up for that shit!"

  17. Also, I think I'm now rooting for a Patriots-Bears Super Bowl, as I can only imagine the recently single Dreamboat and the Sex Cannon terrorizing the surgically rejuvenated vaginas of South Beach.

  18. At 9:40pm CST on ESPN News, right in the middle of Rachel Nichols's piece on Rex Grossman, Comcast in Chicago cut away to a hot tub ad...let the ad finish...and then cut right back in for Nichols's closing remarks. Coincidence?

  19. Tonight while watching The Final Word (a Sunday night sports show on Fox here in Chicago) Grossman was in studio.

    When asked about the cut he got on his finger, his response was priceless. Keep in mind, Rex is married.

    "It's just my ring finger, I don't use it much."

    The Sex Cannon spews forth the truth.

  20. too bad the next game isn't in new orleans because that's definitely what the city needs. a nice, good overdose of rextasy...

  21. The Sex Cannon gonna drown all y'all bitches in victory gravy.

  22. Spewing sex cannon here in Cbus, Ohio. Pulling for the cadillac of cumslingers to take the squad all the way, culminating in an orgasm of Lombardiness.

    Rachel Nichols: I'm fuckin' cummin on that little half polish, half shylock nose of yours bitch, I'm fucking gonna blast bitches eyes out in afghanistan with this power shot of cum.
