Sunday, January 14, 2007

"You punted, you went home."

Hey Eagles fans, remember this? Apparently your coach doesn't. Andy Reid showed a severe lack of brains, cojones or both last night when he decided to punt on 4 & 15 late in the fourth quarter; thus allowing the Saints to salt away the win. Reid's sheepish, marble-mouthed answers at the post-game conference showed the coach realized how bad he screwed it all up.

At least the evening wasn't a total loss for Andy Reid. We heard after the game, he got a shit-load of beads showing his ample rack to debauched college students in front of Razzoo on Bourbon Street. Enjoy your off-season, Philly.

Andy sez: "Love the shirt. Does it come in green and XXXXL?"


  1. A buck fifty-eight left and you punt, Reid must have had dinner reservations he didn't want to miss.

  2. Reid's temporarily stolen the "playoff choker" coach label from Marty Schottenheimer pending the late game.

    He sounded like he was about to have a heart attack during the post-game presser, the way he was breathing -- and there are probably a bunch of Philly fans who wish he had.

  3. Mike sez: "Love the shirt. Can I see what's underneath it? I have beads!"

  4. We can't win. We won't win. It's destiny. Yet I remain an Eagles fan. I can't explain it.

  5. That Cowboy fan doing the song has got to be the most pathetic attention-whore move I've seen in the last week. Sorry your team lost to the Seahags. Even fucking Sex Cannon did a better job against their secondary than Romo did, and I thought Romo was the better QB.
