Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Evil of Two Lessers

Yep, it's the match-up you've all been groaning about: The Patriots and the Colts in the dome sponsored by a crappy TV manufacturer.

You know all those obnoxious people who have been chiding you all week that if you didn't want this game, you somehow weren't a true football fan? Well, those people are submoronic asshole Colts or Pats fans.

Personally, I'd like to see Dwight Freeney break Tom Brady's femur then tear over to the sideline and rip out Gisele's uterus. You know, like something out of Apocalypto.

Feel free to throw up your comments on the game or heap fellatio upon Manning or Brady during the rare moments in which the announcers don't.

NOTE: KSK Message Board thread here.


  1. Awesome pre-game moment, Shannon Sharpe mentioned he's been on the CBS pre-game show for three years, and either Boomer or Dan said, "Wow... it's been a long three years...."

  2. i have no beer and everybody's bailing on the bar because of the snow...i think i have to brave the elements.

  3. he said what? all I heard was: "jibba jabba jibba jabba when I played jibba jibba Denver jabba dooba wild card.

  4. Marino called Belichick "The Monk Man." It was still more intelligent than what came out of Sharpe's mouth (including the Indy pick), but not by much.

  5. Anyone want to keep a Manning commercial count?


  6. Anyone want to keep a Manning commercial count?


  7. Will the game consist of the winning QB in this game getting felated by Peter King on the 50-yard-line at Pro Player Stadium?

    If that's the prize for winning the AFC Championship, then both QBs will be throwing the game today.

  8. Christ, glad I bought that extra box of kleenex for all the slobber that's pouring out of my TV during this game.

  9. Who would win in a sex-off Brady or Sexy Rexy?

  10. Marty McMustache said... Who would win in a sex-off Brady or Sexy Rexy?

    The fans

  11. Wow. Jesus loves New England.

  12. the message board is better man. You don't have to typein a 40 letter long conformation if you want to talk about the sexy effects of the man they call Rex.

  13. I thought there was a "Raider Rule" that said that the offense couldn't recover a fumble in the end zone for a td. Or is there some special circumstance that applies.

    Like, you can't be the Raiders, or this rule doesn't apply to the Patriots?

  14. Im rooting for the stadium to implode. That way we all win

  15. Stop children/
    What's that Sound...

    Oh, it's the sound of Manning gagging yet again.

    Guess Miami had better get ready for the sex-off...


  16. I think Colt fans are starting to boo. Already.

  17. Well. I'll cheer for Sexy Rexy. You know he's got the lasting power. Lets just call the Super Bowl the money shot and all get plastic cover like the Ghallager crowd where we won't get Rexy's juice on us.

    You think Miami is going to be the only town affected? Watch out Clearwater, watch out Daytona, Watch out Orlando. It's gonna be a Florida wide fuckus maximus.

  18. did anyone see Bob Craft diggin for gold. Unbelievable, pick a winner. I bet five he eats it.

    Go bears

  19. Alright. I get it. Rex Grossman likes to fuck. Let's move on.

  20. Bill Simmons is proven wrong... Vinny Testaverde shot a Mastercard commercial!

  21. grimey,

    there isn't enough time in the day to discuss Rex Grossman.

  22. There not saying BOOOO... There saying MOOOOVERS!

  23. grimey seems a little upset that no one is calling him a sex cannon.

  24. We...
    are all...
    Bears fans.

    That being said, FUCK YES. Now all the Disciples of Dreamboat can shut the fuck UP already. Hey, Simmons et al? I never hated your team, I hated YOU. The PATRIOTS weren't irritating, the Patriots FANS were irritating! Now finally, you can go away! Huzzah!!!

  25. FUCK THE BEARS!! Oh yeah, fuck the Colts and Fetus Head, too.
