Sunday, January 21, 2007

Halftime Report from Indianapolis

Nice first half, Colts.

But don't worry, there's still hope: a terrorist attack that destroys the RCA Dome before the game ends will probably erase this game from the record.

UPDATE: Dungy must have performed the ol' Halftime Heimlich. Peyton leads the Colts on an opening drive TD. 21-13 Pats. It's a ball game. For now.

SECOND UPDATE: Tied at 21 now following a gutsy 2-point conversion.

...And then an 80-yard kickoff return. I'm not making any more updates.


  1. You're wrong the game would not be called. The explosion will cause ball to be fumbled into the endzone and at least 7 Patriots will jump on it giving them the game.

    Sharpe had some great halftime comments too.

  2. I'm dying to know at this moment:

    WHY do they call peyton manning, fetus head?

  3. Nice flipped photo! Train wrecked so hard it reversed the lettering on the cars...

  4. Caldwell has the eyes and hands of E.T.

  5. Biggest blown lead ever in a conference title game. Brady chokes. I love it. I absolutely love it.

  6. And the cherry on top... Without a Trace!

  7. How is this possible?

    The Pats are the Yanks of the NFL?

    The Bobby Orr of the 21st Centurty.

    Can;t wait to see how Simmons explains this away.

  8. Rex will be basting the babes and fan Colt fan base in Miami.

    Shoney restaurants are expecting huge turn outs in South Florida with all the Indy hilljacks catching freight cars down to Miami.

  9. fuck simmons, fuck him, fuck tom brady and robert kraft, who gives a.....need help here, uhhhhhh, FUCK

  10. Joseph Addai just cost me $60.

  11. Belichik in post game interview.

    In a hurry to catch his flight to Newark.

  12. Belichick seems depressed. Married men in Jersey better look out.

  13. Hey Fitzy, you're team fahkin' lahst!

    I bet you were smokin' a whole kahtin of smokes in that last quarter.

    I got four words for you and all the other Massholes out there:

    Eat Shit You Fuckers!!!

  14. Bill Belichick, the Rain Man of the NFL.

  15. Hear that sound?

    It's the sound of Manning's johnson scraping against Brady's tonsils.

    Let's see Simmons try to explain why this wasn't a huge choke job by Tom Terrific. My bet: adjective "valiant" used at least twice.

  16. I bet Matsuzaka will be mentioned in next Simmons post.

  17. this one is pretty sweet, I am going to throw up now :)

  18. Berman doesn't like "The Fetus Redemption." He likes "The Fetus Ascension." What a fucking tool.

  19. The scoreboard says the Pats had 34 points and you all put this on Brady. The defense got wore down and couldn't stop Peyton, the game was lost there.

    But another year were I watched the Pats all but one game, I got my money's worth!

    See ya next year...btw, Colts/Bears super bowl, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  20. Dont worry Beantown Celts will keep you awake until spring

    The Super Bowl will be a great start to Black History Month.


  21. that's me in the spot--light losin' my religion

    wv: whemye

    that's disturbingly close to the two word question I've asked myself after watching Nola, Pitt, and New England lose today.

  22. Who are these Celts you talk about? Are the Celts fighting the Scots again. I don;t even know if that is historically correct? I don't watch the NBA until the finals because when a team can make the playoffs with a less than .500 record, it's a joke. Sort of like the NFC this year with the Gaints losing 6 out of 7 games and making the playoffs.

    When does spring training start?

  23. Beantown only roots for the Boston teams that WIN, you see.

  24. CC - yeah, like when Grogan and Eason played for the Pats we were winning everything. About time for bed isn't it son?

  25. Actually I'll be up writing until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning so people have more blog posts to comment on.

    p.s. Usually people who call me "son" have served in the armed forces and outrank me.

  26. Only one thing left to do.

    Ride the fucking Sex Cannon all the way.....
