Friday, December 1, 2006

You May Now Enjoy Becca in Fathead Form

Fathead -- a little-known company that rarely advertises its life-like wall coverings -- announced that it has added three Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders to its roster, including britch-thick Becca, who has graced the spotlight of KSK's cheerleader post before.

And, without further ado, here they are, horndogs (I'm placing Caveman favorite Becca last):

Interested masturbators can purchase them here... though this new-fangled wall technology makes me long for the days of a simple, faded Cindy Crawford poster. Ahhh, freshman year of high school. Such an innocent time. Just me, Cindy, lotion, Kleenex, and a web belt.



  1. I got your fathead right here!

    sorry that was vulgar and innapropriate.

  2. If you're that interested in fucking a wall, you should just date Debra Messing.


  3. remember, only the back is supposed to be sticky

  4. Any word if these are scratch'n'sniff?

  5. We know which one Irvin is going to be sending the Romosexual's way this Hanukkah.

  6. Finally. Something to go alongside my Fred Smoot Fathead on my bedroom wall.

    For the record, I have legally trademarked the phrase Fred Smoot Fathead for my mail-order collection of adult toys. Order one for the tight end in your life today!

  7. Do they stick together so you can make a Cowgirl sandwich?

  8. can we all chip in to buy wunderlich some new glasses?

  9. "I'm no schoolboy, but I know what I like..."

  10. Is there a Fathead shiney pole and disco lights with accompaning DC 2 disc set?

  11. Finally, take-home versions that are as two-dimensionial as their personalities are likely to be.

  12. It's only a matter of time before we get the Holly Mangold Fathead.

    It covers an entire wall.

  13. Nice! I can finally replace my Jeff Garcia Fathead. It kept falling off my wall while I slept and getting caught in my ass.

  14. Becca is proof that it's all in the tie. Of course, don't expect her to take a deep breath in that thing.

  15. enough with the cowboys as america's team and their cheerleaders being the hottest.
    i want some equal oppurtunity wall porn. i think the eagles cheerleaders would look great on my wall.

    they have to realize that people hate dallas won't be able to put those sexy girls on their wall, what can the expect us to do?

  16. Caveman has good taste.
    Becca FTW!!!111

  17. This is pure stupidity and a waste of space.

  18. those puffy sleeves piss me off
