Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The KSK Guide To Making The Yuletide Even Gayer

It's The Girl's first Chirstmas of her young life, so I am doubly fucking excited for the holiday this year. As a matter of fact, it got me thinking about what's important to me this time of year. Family? No. God? Uh, no. The spirit of giving? God, fuck no. No, I'm concerned mainly with the areas of Christmas music, present-giving, eating, boozing, and watching of TV. You know, the important stuff.

As such, I follow these rules every year. Now, maybe you deviate from these in some ways. It's your right. This is America. But in my house, we follow these rules, or else I shit in Tupperware and gift wrap it to you. Don't think I won't.

Christmas presents are to be opened on Christmas fucking morning: Want to open your gifts the night before? I call bullshit on you. Opening your gifts on Christmas Eve is for the weak. You can't wait 12 hours? Pussy. Real motherfuckers show some willpower and wait the night out. Mrs. Drew's family opens gifts on Christmas Eve. I hate it. What do you get the next morning when you wake up? Jack shit. Maybe some clementines with breakfast. Where's the thrill of anticipation? I want to be surprised when I open up that Simpsons DVD I saw you buy me at the mall, god dammit.

I want a smoked turkey. I will eat any smoked food. Seriously. You could smoke a pig's dick and I'd eat it. I am a smoked food whore. Everything tastes better smoked. Especially turkey. Smoked turkey rules. It's like regular turkey. Only smoked. That is fucking flavor country, people. Just seeing one makes me wanna stick my head in the cavity Mr. Bean-style and lick the giblets.

Any singing of "The First Noel" will include a reference to the old Mickey's Knights of Columbus SNL skit Nooooooooo-el noel noel noel... uh... noel noel noel noel.

No bullshit Christmas songs. Every year, hundreds of asshole songwriters try and write new Christmas songs to go in the canon with the rest of the classics. All of these songs are shit. If the DJ ever says the next song coming up is called, "Christmas Magic", or "The Wonder of Christmas", or "Santa's Glory Hole", click. That is not Christmas music. That is Christmas ass.

No "Silver Bells". I fucking hate this song. Let's move on.

Or "Merry Happy Christmas" by John Lennon. I fucking hate this song, too. Hey Lennon, I didn't ask for liberal guilt for Christmas. Eat me. And that McCartney song also licks balls.

That reminds me. About three years ago, we were all at my folks house for Christmas. Christmas morning, my dad decides to wake everyone in the house up at 7AM by blasting that McCartney song on his stereo system through the ENTIRE FUCKING HOUSE. He thought it would get everyone in the spirit. Which was true, except it was the spirit of patricide.

Someone else can string the fucking lights. I'm not doing it. I have a bad back.

No singing the extra verses to carols. My family goes to church once a year on Christmas Eve. And if you don't think the reverend gives us that, "I know you assholes don't buy any of this shit and are only here to sing the songs and you will burn in the fiery embers of Hell" look, you are quite mistaken. That look alone doubles my dad's annual offering. My mom says she likes church, but I think it's really so she doesn't have to cook for an hour that day. I'm onto you, Mom.

Anyway, most of my time at Christmas service involves staring at the program, determining where in the program we are, and figuring out how much of the program is left. Once you get past the homily, you are in the home stretch. I do a little fist pump after it's over. But by far the most brutal part of that service is when they make you sing the 27 extra verses of "Silent Night" and every other song. Everyone only knows one verse: the first verse. The first verse is really all you need. You get it. You don't need to do stanzas 2, 3, 5, 7, 56, and 987. It just isn't necessary.

I also dislike it when the hymn writer tries to jam two syllables into one note. Hey, Mr. Hymn Writer Guy, you don't think I notice when you're trying to cram "given" into one note on that third verse of "O Little Town of Bethlehem?" I notice, you lazy tit.

Acceptable Christmas song CD's: Sinatra, Elvis, Nat King Cole, Phil Spector, The Nutcracker, Ella Fitzgerald, Bing Crosby. If you give me a Mannheim Steamroller CD, it will end up in your digestive tract.

There's only one Scrooge: Alistair motherfuckin' Sim.: I don't even like the Albert Finney version, even if Finney was a fucking badass in Miller's Crossing ("Johnny, you're as big as I let you be and no bigger and don't forget it EVER."). When I was a kid, the Sim one was always "hosted" by some asshole standing in front of a fireplace. I want that job. That Scrooge: such a miser!

No leaving the house on Christmas Day. It's the one day of the year when the Jews have the movie theaters and ethnic restaurants to themselves. Leave them alone and let them enjoy Helen Mirren in "The Queen". They hear she's excellent.

Adeste Fideles>O Come All Ye Faithful: Get your Latin on. Semper fi, asswipe.

You must giggle any time the lyric "Make the yuletide gay" pops up: Does it ever get old? Fuck and no.

Any NFL game I manage to watch will be a 44-14 blowout: Happens every year. I find the time to watch one game, and it's 28-0 in the first five minutes. And I have no fantasy players involved. Fuck.

Those are the rules. They are ironclad. Unless Mrs. Drew tells me different. Then I just bitch about it online.


  1. The John Lennon song is actually called "Happy Christmas", further proof that the song sucks.

  2. Get your head out of your ass. George C. Scott owned as Scrooge.

    Other than that, one of my favorite NFL posts on this NFL blog.

  3. Brown liquor is the recommended liquor of consumption, to be consumed copiously

  4. The McCartney song is THE WORST Christmas song ever. I want to stick sharpened candy canes deep in my ear whenever that shit comes in.

    "Simply having a wonderful christmastime
    Simply having a wonderful christmastime
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Ding dong, ding"

    Close runner-up: Jose Feliciano's "Feliz Navidad." Fuck that old blind bastard for subjecting me to that wretched song lo these many years.

  5. I must once again recommend the Scrooge from the Honey Nut Cheerios ad. He makes the bee fucking cry. Now that's miserly.

    I've also heard rumors of people opening gifts on Christmas Eve, but never actually witnessed it. I would've gotten my ass kicked as a youngin' for such transgressions.

  6. Wow, this post really stiffarms me into the Christmas Spirit. I wish all of you the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye

  7. what the fuck is it like grits?

  8. C'mon Ape, that bee is a pussy. He probably cries when someone buys Dig 'em Smacks instead of Cheerios.

  9. Homily is how Jeff Garcia does everything.

  10. Paul McCartney wrote some great music, but that Christmas song is one of the worst five songs ever written in any language or musical system. Aliens listening to our radio transmissions want to tear out their audio receptors when they hear it. A close second is George Michael's "Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart" which always reaffirms the straightness of my own sexual orientation when I hear it.

  11. How dare you exclude the Godfather.

    Also, my ticket-checker on my most recent flight's name was Jose Feliciano. I made sure he wasn't flying the plane and laughed all the way to Philadelphia.

  12. hey thanks for letting us have the movie theaters.
    i don't know if my parents are going to be up for a 2nd viewing of "borat" though...they found it offensive for some reason. baffling.

  13. a group of us take over the local chinese restaurant's bar on christmas eve.

    jews, spring rolls, and makers mark - it really is the most wonderful time of the year.

  14. i'm a half-breed (don't tell anyone though) and i have to spend Christmas watching basketball at home next to some tree.

  15. There's other sports besides football?

  16. Dodgers, you obviously haven't heard that new Twisted Sister version of "O Come All Ye Faithful". ::shudders::

  17. "Fairytale of New York" by the Pogues is the only Christmas song I tolerate (also enjoy the cover by No Use For a Name).

    And the only Christmas movie that I will watch is Die Hard.

  18. 'Silver Bells' sung by Bob Hope (yes, THAT Bob Hope) in 'The Lemon Drop Kid' kicks butt - but only that version. Any other version sucks chocolate salty balls and is worthy of much ridicule.

  19. +1 for grimey

    That song rocks, if only because the woman calls the guy a "cleap lousy faggot."

    Joey Porter approves.

  20. christmas is great for us jews, becuase we have our yearly "how to further control the media" meeting and eat lo mein.

  21. The worst Xmas song ever is that Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree bullshit.

    Hey lady, that ain't rockin'.

  22. Screw you guys.

    I get to go to Ohio for christmas.

    What's worse is my mom (fucking terrible cook) is making christmas dinner this year instead of my Aunt Tina (fucking awesome cook).

    I'm just going to have to suck it up and channel my inner Ned and get through this.

  23. Adeste Fideles does indeed rule. It's the highlight of Midnight Mass, which at my hometown church is at like, 9:00 p.m.

    Jesus doesn't mind if I have a buzz as long as I show up, right?

  24. Adeste Fideles. Semper fi.
    Indeed. Indeed.
    Semper fi to you as well.

    And Silent Night sung in French is pretty cool too. Although the French can suck my left nut.

  25. What about Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey?

  26. jewish xmas rules. I love driving on the empty streets to the chinese food palace, to be surrounded by chinese and jews. it sucks that in recent years though by the time you get to the movie theater, it's mobbed with christmas people trying to escape each other.

    in fact, jewish december rules. I love not having to buy anyone anything (unless I feel like it) or go anywhere near a mall.

  27. There's one Christmas "song" that I used to hear in my youth that I haven't heard in years...

    "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer"

    Instant classic, yet not the cheery kind of Christmas song that's going to make you homicidal. It also doesn't come on in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING STORE you visit during the month of December. Yet is also has a somewhat satisfying message of death and celebration that one needs during the holidays.vrti

  28. smoked turkey = ok;
    Cajun marinade-injected deep-fried turkey = hhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhhh, oh baby!

  29. The worst part of Christmas is always the music. It's like a coathanger abortion for your ears.

  30. grimey is right. "Fairytale in New York" should be the song played everywhere.

    This year will be one of the very few where the Catholic Lite mom and I join the rest of her family in NYC for a properly done feast. In my line of work, holidays just mean double time pay, so this half-breed prefers to open the gifts, go to work, and then do the Gentile thing by ordering Mongolian beef and BBQ pork fried rice.

    O Tannenbaum > O Christmas Tree, and Nat King Cole > Frank Sinatra. Not by much, but still.

  31. Christmas in Washington is tops on the Fing list of worst songs ever. Give me a little Santa Baby anytime. I must say that checking the program has been a long standing tradition in my family along with the long standing tradition of standing in the back so you can sneak out whenever you want of the Midnight mass. But 3 years ago I started a new tradition when they cancelled midnight mass. I get drunk with my brother in front of the tree and watch basketball.

  32. Is "Santa's Glory Hole" out on cd? I want to pick it up for my fucking worthless boss, who needs a chainsaw up the ass for his secret santa gift.

  33. You forgot two must have Christmas CDs...The original Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack from the 60's special not the newer crappier ones featuring Linus's kid brother and The Ventures Christmas CD which is great for Sexy Parties

  34. Talking about your pretend family again I see, Drew.
