Friday, October 27, 2006

Started with romantic, then got to frantic / Then things thats normally small become gigantic

Finally this damnable week has come to an end! For me this is the hardest week of the entire year, when the Redskins have a bye week everything else in life seems to take twice as long. I can't tell you how happy I will be to drive home from work tonight. There's a lot to get done over the next few days, tomorrow I'm actually going to have to buy all the elements of my Halloween costume. After much deliberation I've settled on the favorite costume of my favorite football player. Come Saturday night's annual Nightmare on M Street (a raucous DC bar crawl) you might just catch a glimpse of the return of Southeast Jerome (if anybody knows where I can find the proper wig should send me an email asap).

As you all know it's not the men's costumes that everybody fawns over (so there's no point in trying too hard); the best costumes always belong to the lovely ladies. If you go out this weekend (you fucking better!) you're sure to see a healthy dose of slutty cats, slutty nurses, and slutty sluts. Of course nothing can ever top the ultimate Halloween costume...the slutty cheerleader!!! Well for all the ladies out there (I'm looking at you Becky sandwich) we're proud to offer some sexy Halloween inspiration.

Her name is Adrienne and she's one of the sexiest pieces of ass on the sexiest damn cheerleading squad in the entire league. As much as I loathe everything that is Philadelphia (especially the Iggles) even I cannot question their superior shapeliness.

Although Adrienne is an old hag in cheerleading circles (six year veteran) she's still got the body of a rookie. She's also quite possibly the hottest woman to ever matriculate through the famed University of Delaware. As you all should know the blue hen is the sexiest fucking bird in the animal kingdom.

Have a great weekend, somebody will be hanging around to provide you with the occasional update so be sure to check in now and then. Seriously, we know where you live, so you better fucking show up!


  1. when the Redskins have a bye week everything else in life seems to take twice as long

    Shouldn't you be grateful for that this season?

  2. Is she signing her own breasts? Awesome.

  3. She has to MMP, otherwise she forgets her own name.

  4. have you checked that costume place on 8th st se? i fucking hate the marine corps for making the race on sunday instead of saturday. good luck landing yourself a slutty something.

  5. I thought that the 8th street place was theatrical as opposed to stupid halloween themed...i may have to check it out. now where did i leave my luger?

  6. My buddy said all the great strippers were in Tampa. IT is also the Internet Porn Hub of the world. All those great chicks and the servers that host them are in Tampa.
    Texans and Tampa do have some fine ladies thats for sure.
    Adrienne is pretty hot as far as blondes go as well.
    Good job.

  7. UM: Halloween in Georgetown? For shame. All those popped collar assholes. Get your ass on over to U Street.

  8. Eric Stratton said... Tampa is the strip club capital of the universe. Last time I was there, I drove down one road that alternated car dealerships and strip clubs for 2 miles.

    That would be Dale Mabry. Matt Bryant could probably kick a field goal from the Mons Venus to the stadium.

  9. Like all Blue Hen girls, she prolly smells like chickenshit and seaweed. Yes...yes, I would throw her out of bed for a hell of a lot less than eating crackers.

  10. [ESPN Mobile Update]

    Adrienne is questionable for Sunday's game against the Jaguars after trying to do some simple arithmetic and hyperextended her brain.

  11. sussman wins.

    I don't care about the dubious Delaware status -- I wouldn't throw that out, no matter how stupid.

    One of the more comely co-workers says she's showing up to the party I'm bound for in an old-school drive-thru roller girl costume with "JUICY BURGER" strategically placed.

  12. siobhan, i'm probably going to be all over the place (except rumors...i hate that place). as much as i hate some of the gtown students it still houses my neighborhood bars, so that's where i'll be starting.

  13. She looks Jenna-Jamison-haggard.

  14. an old-school drive-thru roller girl costume with "JUICY BURGER" strategically placed

    Mmmmm, nothing like a little furburger on Halloween.

  15. sorry guys, I went with the slutty referee

  16. Other Becky - Great minds! However, I opted out of slutty referee and went with slutty military girl instead. I declared it to be Mjr. Flirt, while the husband instead went with Sgt. Skank. In any case, I'm sure you can understand my pride in winning the slutty costume dance off at my local watering hole.

  17. man I wish I won a slutty dance off. you definitely win. although I did enjoy throwing yellow flags at people that annoyed me all night. thinking about adding it to my daily routine.
