Thursday, February 7, 2008

KSK's Valentine to... Matt Walsh

We won't beat around the bush, we're crazy about you, Matt Walsh. After all, what's sexier than power? And right now we think you have the power to run Belicheat out of the league in shame and dishonor. And that's sexy, baby.

Come to Rogg's office and sing like the magnificent canary that, deep down, you know you are. Tell him how Bill made you tape the Rams in New Orleans and how he cackled like a maniac when you forked over the discs. Tell him where he touched you while you reviewed the Rams futile preparations over braunschweiger and warm malt liquor. Tell him how he just laughed when begged him to stop. You can do it, big guy. We believe you... and we believe IN you. <3 <3 <3


Anonymous said...

Come on guys, haven't the Pats and their fans suffered enough this week?

Wait, what the fuck am I saying? Carry on.

Christmas Ape said...

If Matt don't get him, John will.

SlideShow Bob said...

I dont know if this is gonna be enough, maybe if Walsh claimed that he ran a dog fighting league for Bill.

Grimey said...

If Matt and John don't get him, Brandon will.

Stephen said...

If Matt and John and Brandon don't get him, Bill will.

flubby said...

grimey can expect a valentine of his own from The Big Lead

Anonymous said...

bad touch? or is it good touch? no, no - definitely bad touch!

Zamboni said...

If Matt and John and Brandon and Bill don't get him, Joe will.

Zamboni said...

ESPN Featured Comment: Enough with the black . . . s in all sports. We get it. Black is cool.

Obviously a Masshole.

larry b said...

If it's out there somewhere, I'd also like to see video of Tedy Bruschi's stroke. Too soon? Didn't think so.

The Last Unitard said...

When asked for a comment, Steve Walsh threw an interception.

SonOfSpam said...

I hear Walsh has video of Belicheck coaching Pedro at a cockfight.

Strangely, no roosters were present.

J. Ro said...

Why is everyone so concerned with
The dude from the upright citizens brigade
all of a sudden?

futuremrsrickankiel said...

If you strike Belichick down, he will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

the great bambi said...

actually futuremrs, i believe he'll just become more smug and vindictive than you can possibly imagine

smurphette said...

@futuremrs: +1

Did he make Walsh wear the little red riding hoodie like he wanted Cassell to? And I just realized that Punter totally called the change to the red hoodie.

Animal Mother said...

Osi doesn't give a shit.

OK, maybe one.