Monday, April 7, 2008

The End Of Brett Favre. The Beginning Of Favraro

I’ve been meaning to cancel my subscription to Sports Illustrated. Do I really need to know what Kristis Yamaguchi’s favorite food to microwave is? No, I do not. (She said “leftovers,” which isn’t even a fucking specific food. What a whore.) But I need something to read while I’m burning 5 calories an hour on the elliptical at the gym. (It does all the working out for you!)

But it’s clear now that I should spend my gym time reading whatever copy of Redbook someone left lying around instead. Because this week’s issue of SI contained a handful of letters to the editor regarding Brett Favre’s retirement that made me want to swallow my own head. And since I had to read this incredible dogshit, you do too.

Watching his play and his life for 17 years, we didn’t just see Brett Favre in that Number 4 jersey. We saw our uncle, our brother-in-law, or our fishing buddy. No, Brett wasn’t the greatest quarterback ever to have played. He was just the greatest GUY to ever play quarterback. We’re going to miss you, Brett.

-Scott Powell, Rexford, NY

I… I can’t even… must fight… homicidal urges…


Here’s who Brett Favre was, Scotty. He was a very good, durable quarterback. Many times, you may have enjoyed watching him play the game with great skill and creativity. When he wasn’t throwing more interceptions than any player in league history. Other than that, you, Scotty Powell, KNOW FUCKING DICK ABOUT BRETT FAVRE. He’s a fucking stranger to you. For all you know, he boned your niece back at Southern Miss after hitting the ‘shine bong. YOU AREN’T FUCKING RELATED TO HIM. HE’S NOT YOUR GODDAMN POKER BUDDY. “Oooh, look at Brett! He likes to hunt! And he has stubble! He’s so much like me, it’s scary!” Jesus.

“Do you know Vince Vaughn? Have you ever met him? I feel like we’d really get along well. I just… he seems like a fun guy. I feel like we’d hang together well.”

There’s no tangible evidence that Brett Favre is a better person than Trent Dilfer, Jim Kelly, or hundreds of other people who have played the position. Maybe one day, I pray, we’ll be able to do a blood test for Kindness and Warmth. But, until that day, KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.

But wait. There’s more.

People would laugh when I said “we” won or lost a game because “You’re not part of the team. You didn’t win or lose.” But I always felt like Brett Favre played for me, the fan, so, yes, we did, win and lose together. Every emotion I felt, I felt with him. Brett, enjoy your retirement. We love you, respect you, and, most of all, we will miss you.

-Anna Garcia, Arbuckle, CA

Actually, Anna, the people laughing at you were on to something. For you see, Brett Favre signed a contract with the Green Bay Packers that stipulated he play football in exchange for money and possible health benefits. It’s in writing. I SWEAR. I’m quite sure Favre was pleased to see fans happy with a Packer victory. Know who else felt the same way? EVERY OTHER PLAYER ON THE TEAM. “Omigod! He won that game just for me!” “Omigod! He felt sad after a loss! I felt the exact same way!” “Omigod! He’s jumping up and down after a touchdown! I DO THAT!”

Indeed. Amazing.

The NBA will never replace Michael Jordan, and the NFL will never replace Brett Favre.

-Craig Earl, North Logan, Utah

Actually, Craig. They replaced him well before he retired. Ever watch Tom Brady or Peyton Manning play quarterback? They’re just like Favre, only they don’t throw 500 ill-advised, back-breaking interceptions a year! Who knew you could have your cake and eat it too?

Do you know what’s happening here? Brett Favre has officially become just like fucking Barbaro. A bunch of retard fans, easily swayed by the “special” status bestowed upon Favre by the media, have begun making all sorts of baseless emotional connections with him. He was more than a quarterback! He was a family member! He attended my wedding in spirit! We have imaginary children together! Our lives are incredibly intertwined!

Enough already. You didn’t know Brett Favre, and he didn’t know you. He played for the team you liked and he was good at it. So much so that he became your favorite player. That's neat. But you wouldn't have known him any better if he had been a fucking horse. You admired him from afar. That’s it.

If that isn’t enough for your emotional needs, buy a fucking dog.


  1. "In Rainbows"

    From God's Loving Heart
    Beautiful Visions
    Beautiful Creations
    God's Wonders
    His Artistry
    So Very Beautiful Angels Here
    Love That Keeps Us Warm
    Angel Blossoms
    Flowers Blooming So Beautifully
    The Beach
    The Horse In The Sea
    The Sea Of Tranquility
    Calming Waters
    Divine Healing
    The Signs Of Inspiration
    In Spirit
    Tuning In To God
    God Brings Comfort
    God Brings The Rainbows
    It Is Brettbaro
    His Halo Is Glowing
    All The Beautiful Colors
    His Wings Of Love
    The Wing Is A Rainbow........

    Believing Makes It So........
    It Is Love........
    Love Is A Rainbow........8........Halos........
    All Spiritual........


  2. "A bunch of retard fans... have begun making all sorts of baseless emotional connections with him."

    Isn't this the sort of connection that leads people to shoot the president in order to impress Jodie Foster?

  3. I once saw Mike McKenzie out gun shopping.

  4. "Do you know what’s happening here? Brett Favre has officially become just like fucking Barbaro"

    Crystalized observation of the year.

  5. Fucking Scott from Rexford, enough with the man crush. And ending the letter with "we're going to miss you". Speak for yourself homo, I won't miss Favre

  6. Amen BDD. That being said all of this is true about John Elway.

    I will leave now.

  7. Actually it was Mark Shamura who boned Scott's niece at Southern Miss.

  8. BDD,

    Perhaps an open letter to these individuals would help them understand.

    Eh, probably not. There's no way to undrink the Kool-Aid.

  9. My cat would love Brett. He'd curl up in his lap and Brett would scratch him behind the ear...

  10. Brett Farve won a game for me once. The announcers kept saying some business about his dead father, but I know he was playing to make me happy.

  11. You speak to the very heart of the Vikings fan, Drew. We've had to endure millions of announcer comments like "he just has so much fun out there, doesn't he?...", "that's just Brett Favre being Brett Favre...", and "I want to drink Brett Favre's pee, etc."

    It drives us all absolutely crazy, and I fear that they won't stop even after this long awaited retirement. His immunity from criticism and his undue praise will not be missed on this side of the st. croix river.

  12. Legend? Farverah went undrafted for 10 rounds in my fantasy league, and we had girls in our league. Girls!

  13. He is not your friend, guy!

  14. All of this is true, EXCEPT when he was beating the Vikings, then I think he was truly doing it for all of humanity, truly and everyman, a warrior for the working-day, his gayness and his gilt all besmirched with rainy marching in the painful field.

  15. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Vikings fans.

  16. I had much the same reaction when the day he announced his retirement I heard grown men calling into NFL radio and crying because Farve was done.

    Are you kidding me, he was a QB, he didn't die, he retired, he isn't part of your family

    for the most part I enjoyed watching Farve play (as long as I remembered to mute the TV), well except for the game after his dad died. Poor Philip Buchanon, you would have thought he killed Brett's dad the way Brett beat him.

  17. Throw Favre, Throw!!!

    Sorry, I miss the Barbaro days at Deadspin.

  18. @ Dr. Funke

    You had girls in your fantasy football league? You should be deported.

  19. lov2h8,

    What can I say? Until they pass legislation banning women from the workplace, I'm screwed.

    /crossing fingers

  20. Steve Young > Brett Favre

    There, I said it.

  21. I heard grown men calling into NFL radio and crying because Farve was done.

    I have to admit, I cried when Joe Montana retired. But, in my defense, I was only 12 and I'm a girl.

  22. And, smurphette, Montana never threw so many bad interceptions.

  23. Having grown up in Wisconsin, I have always been a Green Bay fan, and I thought Brett Favre was a great player and most of the time fun to watch, though game-killing interceptions always were painful.

    I really was not that disappointed that he retired, he had a great run and that is the way it goes. It was cool to see him set some records.

    People should get over it, if not then they need to do the rest of us a favor and put a bullet in their brain.

    This would be entirely different if they took my favorite team away.

  24. "But you wouldn't have known him any better if he had been fucking a horse."

    { k }

  25. Drew, that post totally spoke to me. I mean, whoa. Seriously, did you write that just for me? You are so right about all those retard fans thinking they have some sort of special "connection" with Favre. When you wrote
    “Oooh, look at Brett! He likes to hunt! And he has stubble! He’s so much like me, it’s scary!” Jesus.
    I was like, EXACTLY. Holy shit, I can tell from your writing that if we knew each other we'd be such good friends.

  26. These people are likely the same 'tards who voted for Bush because he was the candidate they'd most like to have a beer with.

    Yeah, who cares about his positions on the issues that will actually affect your life? Maybe one day he'll come over and you two can braid each others' hair!

  27. I just like when I can tell who's writing the post by the first two sentences.

    You see, Big Daddy Drew is more than just a blogger to me. I feel like every blog he writes, he's choosing each curse word specifically FOR ME. When he goes into the mind of Jerry Jones, it's like we talked about that day before he even typed it. And when I talk to my friends about his blogs, I say things like "Man, Drew and I really wrote a hilarious blog today," and they know exactly what I mean because it's like we're the same person almost.

  28. Holy shit, I can tell from your writing that if we knew each other we'd be such good friends.

    Given the post subject, ironic?

  29. Sorry to sort of steal your thunder there, c 10c.
    Jeez, Drew still hasn't responded to my comment. I hope he's not mad at me...

  30. Don't worry, I can totally tell what he's thinking. He's super stoked with both of us right now.

  31. I think Drew fails to see the service that Brett Favre provided -- and continues to provide -- for millions upon millions of closeted gay men across this country (but mostly in Wisconsin). These flaming, cock-worshiping homosexuals have had to stuff their humongous gayness deep into their sub-conscious, out of shame and fear. But for a scant few moments, be it watching the game in a bar with some friends, calling a sports radio show, or even writing a letter to SI, these gay men can proudly exclaim their butt-pounding love for Favre without fear of reprisal. When a gay man says, "He was just the greatest GUY to ever play quarterback," he really is saying, "I want to fuck Brett Favre in the asshole." Everywhere else poor Scott must bottle up his man lust, so giving Favre verbal fellatio is as close as he'll ever get to being himself. Would you really take that away from them?

  32. I wrote that just for you, awful chief!

  33. Way to pick favorites, Drew. I hope citizen10cane isn't cutting himself right now.

  34. Favre is Barbaro because he boned the Vikings with his horse cock for 16 years...

  35. I'm not afraid to admit I love Favre. I loved him when he threw that interception in overtime against the Giants. I just know he was reading my mind and right before he chucked it up, he thought, this one's for you Animal.

    I'm sure we could be best pals if he would just read my letters, e-mails and notes tied to those adorable little bears I send him.

    I bet we could hunt down Scott in Rexford and film him rimming Brett's asshole and post it on Faggots In Love with Favre or as we call them, FILF's.

  36. @smurphette:
    What I really meant was that I've always had a secret connection with Ape.
    In fact, I coined the phrase Marmalard on one of our sleepovers.

  37. Awful comparison,Drew.

    Barbaro would totally make a better glue than Brett Favre. "Elmers Favre" would just be running all down the page trying to hug people....

  38. @ tim:

    Except in the playoffs... 4 int's. Greatest game evah.

    But seriously, he destroyed us plenty of other times.

  39. I hate that fucking horse, and I really hate that fucking brett favre.

    thanks for this. bravo sir. bravo.

  40. Hey Vikings fans...what is worse? Losing to the Giants by 3 in OT in the NFC Championship, or losing to them by 41 in the NFC Championship? Or blowing it against the Dirty Birds?? HAHAH

  41. The answer is beating them at home in the playoffs and then having Randy give the greatest F-U TD celebration in football history.

    I didn't want this to devolve into a Vikes-Pack rivalry conversation, but I must defend milady's honor.

  42. Wow. I thought I was the only one who still had a subscription to SI. So there are two of us, plus my barber. That makes three. Good to know.

  43. Brett Farve ran over my dog one. In my fantasy Losers Bracket, he suked worse than ever. Bye.

  44. hahaha. deliciously bitter. people are so gay and stupid.
