Thursday, March 20, 2008

Matt Ryan Explained

Matt Ryan, who played quarterback for the football team at Boston College, threw for scouts and coaches of professional football teams on Tuesday. He did this in hopes of being selected by one of the NFL's teams as a professional football player. Professional football players are paid to play football, which is a much better job than being an accountant or someone that mops up shit all day.


  1. jesus, thank you. i had no idea what all the fuss was about.

  2. Also, he's a white dude with cornfed good looks, thus guaranteeing him more pussies than a game between the Falcons and Rams.

    Better if I said a contest between the chiefs and Raiders? More topical?

  3. Of course, he willingly decided to attend Boston College, which means he's not going to throw to any of them daaahkies without some incentive.

  4. I'm just excited because it might mean the end of the Brodie Croyle era.

    Look out NFL! The Chiefs are coming to a playoff game near you in 2018!

  5. 2018? little optimistic are we?

  6. That's who it is Matt Ryan reminds me of! Brodie Croyle!

  7. My poop reminds me of Brodie Croyle. It sits there, floating aimlessly, doing nothing to benefit anyone, and is then spun about uncontrollably by overpowering external forces (that is, the flushing).

  8. Only the Chiefs would consider drafting a QB without a left hand.

  9. 2018? little optimistic are we?

    to quote the Great Prophet Schottenheimer, "There's a gleam, gentlemen!"

  10. i think this is my new favorite KSK post ever. is fucking sublime.

  11. Dude, drafting Ryan would be a huge mistake. He has two first names! He absolutely cannot be trusted.

  12. @ smurphette

    well who would you trust more? matt ryan with two first names or brady quinn with two last names?

  13. @bambi: No contest, Brady Quinn. Last names are not a problem. Plus, as a Notre Dame alum, I go with Holy Cross Bros. over the Jesuits any day.

  14. Brodie Croyle may be a clueless loser, but his wife is hot as shit. That's gotta count for something, right?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
