Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Homerism Regional 1st Round: No. 2 Bear vs. No. 7 Bronco. WHO YA GOT?

This opening round match-up pits ursa mighty against one of many retarded fucking horses we've got in the running in the mascot tourney. Will Mr. Bear get the chance to eat glue like Ralph Wiggum or will the Bronco learn for sure whether there is truth to the phrase "sweet like bear meat"? Only you can decide.. WHO YA GOT?

NOTE: The poll is at the top of the sidebar to the right. Voting for each contest is open until the end of the day that it's posted. Voting is closed in this contest. The Bear won with 89 percent of the vote.



Best Known For

Threatening America__________Bucking (and Levading)

Gravitates Toward

Salmon, Menstruating Women________Num, num, good salt lick

Possible inglorious end

Head mounted on wall_____Glue holding together your macaroni art

Name Appropriated By

Hirsute homosexuals_______Ford Motor Company

Country way of saying it



"Godless killing machine" label appeals to atheists___Dee Mirich

Finishing move

Killing godlessly__________Running hopelessly


  1. Man, that's sweeter than bear meat. I'ma marry her too.

    +10 to the first to tell me who said that quote.

  2. Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you.

    Especially if you're a prissy harse.

  3. Theres a reason thery are the number 1 threat to America.

  4. I think this outcome was predetermined just on the pictures provided... that and it's a fucking bear.

  5. the only thing more dangerous than a bear is a bear led by a certain coach ditka...

  6. Man vs. Wild > Sex And The City

  7. I think this outcome was predetermined just on the pictures provided...

    Yep. If it's Yogi Bear vs. a rodeo bronco, this goes the other way. That dude would get his head crushed in on his way to a pickanick basket.

  8. You can only go with the namesake for mr. Grylls. It's the bear

  9. That bear's pretty good. If you like...ten foot, 2,500-pound mascots with razor sharp claws and teeth...

  10. Come for the Simpsons references, stay for the killings.

  11. I'd like to send a warning. Anyone who is considereding doing a google image search for "gay bear" to then maybe link to a funny picture, should first make sure your safe search is off. that way you get pages consisting entirely of pictures of dudes blowing each other and/or holding their weiners.

  12. Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.

  13. Tiki Barber would like to take the credit for the bears 1st round victory.

  14. depending on how big the octagon is, i'm pretty sure the horse's speed is useless here. Sure he might be able to deliver a solid kick to the head or two, but I'm picturing the big, drunken, godless killing machine takes this one.

  15. bronco takes this one.

    because fuck you guys for giving him a #7 seed in a bracket where a crow is a #4. that's why.

  16. Bronco.

    Anything from The Simpsons, beat anything from real life. You wanna make if fair, you gotta throw up a pic of that bear from the Simpsons with his protective gear on. Until then, bronco, hands down.

  17. OJ Simpson votes Bears because Broncos will always let you down in your time of need. Especially the white ones.

  18. Bronco pulls off the upset of the tourney here. Bears are out of style anyway, as any trip to your local seedy video store will tell you.

  19. Bears are the #1 threat to America ... I think they can handle Furious D.

  20. A unicorn, maybe... A bronco, no way.... However if the two animals were trained circus animals, they would be more inclined to have the bear ride the horse.

  21. The Bronco better win or fucking Shanahan is going to fire everybody

  22. Wait! I thought manbearpig was the #1 threat to america!?! Fucking Al Gore....

  23. Fallex, that's The Creeper, baby . . . we know him as The Hamburger Pimp, though!
