Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Elite 8 of Kill Kill Killers is Revealed

We're done with our internecine (pretentious!) fighting for now, and ready to get back to what's important: determining the most murderous of the mascots. We're down to the Elite Eight and have reached one overriding, indisputable conclusion: you people hate upsets. Other than the Chief in the Construda Region, there's not anything beyond a 1 or 2 seed to be found. We take it as a compliment to our seeding abilities, but shit - let's make this interesting.


  1. Bengal tiger is a bigger cat than the Lion. I'm calling an upset there, especially since it's a one on one fight.

  2. Well, the Chief could beat the Viking. There's still hope for a colossal upset.

  3. I picked the Dolphin to shock the world by beating the Bengal, but apparently my poor prognostication skills are not confined to hoops. PS Fuck Mercury Morris.

  4. Jet has had a easy road going up against winged fowl, now lets see how it handles the Bear.

  5. the jet is going to win, surprise surprise

    ..unless its coached by rick barnes

  6. Jet had the benefit of a weak division. God damned airplane vs the zoo. No chance making it to the final.

  7. And the Chief is this year's cinderella story.

    Hey, everything worked out great for him the last time he was the underdog.

  8. I just saw an impetigo Suzy Kolber bobbing hypnotically on the banner and I think I peed my pants a little bit.

  9. still getting over the Falcon loss...truly thought the had it in the bag

  10. this whole argument is shallow and pedantic

  11. You can't put up something as adorable as Daniel Striped-Tiger and then expect me not to vote for it.

  12. Pennington vs. Grossman = dogshit

    Eli vs. Young = Holy shit

    Viking QB TBD vs. Chefs QB TBD = Don't give a shit

    Kitna vs. Palmer = one sided shit

    Who'd a thunk it, but Eli has a legit shot at winning another championship in our lifetime.

  13. this whole argument is shallow and pedantic

    Yes, shallow and pedantic.
