Saturday, February 9, 2008

"You Want Me to Run ANOTHER Reverse, Mr. Snyder? Okay."

Whatever you say.


  1. Uh oh. Fire up the UM suicide watch...

    ...wait, make that homicide watch.

  2. The news conference to introduce him is at 3pm tomorrow? Way to disrespect the 4:30pm kickoff of the Pro Bowl and draw attention away from the pre-game activities... oh wait, that's right, nobody gives a shit about the Pro Bowl.

    I look forward to the return of and many uses for the 'children of the zorn' tag.

  3. How shitty/happy does Jim Fassel feel right now?

  4. I saw this on MSN about 3 minutes ago and I was floored. I admired the pluck he exhibited as the Seahawks QB but what the pluck is he doing as the 'Skins new head coach? Hopefully he will turn out to be Gibbs-like; time will tell.

  5. Crikey! It's a behm777! Isn't she a beaut! You rarely see 'skins fans in the wild. Notice the skewed standard of excellence and the completely irrational optimism. Only a half hour metro ride from Ballston can inspire that kind of punnery!

    Weeks 1-3: All hail Lord Zorn!
    [Loses to Eagles/Dallas]
    Week 4: Wannabe Dave Krieg-ass bitch

    /hates because I'm empty inside

  6. Somebody should tell UM when he sobers up.

    Wait, make that if.

  7. Irrational optimism/exuberance is standard issue for 'Skins fans, especially those of us that wish they would revive the gold knickers. Rooting for the Redskins is kinda like changing your infant son's diaper: you might get a face full of piss, but you still love the lil' guy.

    /Crikey, indeed.
    /Exhumes George Allen

  8. We think this is a great hire! Jim Zorn was clearly the most qualified candidate.

    Yours sincerely,

    Al Davis & Lane Kiffin

  9. "Who am I? Why am I here?"


  10. Where'd you find the Shane Falco rookie card?

  11. As a Cowboys fan, I'm a little sad ... I was looking forward to embarrassing Jim Fassel as he ruins an entirely different team.

    I suppose "welcoming" Zorn into the NFL will have to do. (In all seriousness, I'd rather have unknown quality than proven garbage).

    ... looks like a two-horse race in the NFC East next year. D-A-L-L-A-S!

  12. The internet is really really great... for ZORN!

  13. Zornography > Fasselatio

    /shows self out

  14. so my friend to called me to ask me about zorn, i said we hired him as OC, 15 min later i realized he was asking about him as head coach, i checked online...i was muy triste

  15. ¿Quién tiene más torpezas de la carrera, Zorn o Tiki?

  16. Best case scenerio: A wild-eyed, Manson-like Jim Fassel jumps out of a locker in the bowels of Fedex Stadium and pulls a Jeff Gillooly Kerrigan attack on Jim Zorn while he's laminating his play sheet. In the ensuing circus-like hoopla, Snyder quietly slaps Zorn's headset on John Riggins and gives him Gibb's old play sheets from the 80's. Zorn is reduced again to Offensive Coordinator but as an added bonus gets to use the handicap parking spot.

  17. can't wait to hear about planet uni-zorn

    /taking too much cold medicine

  18. The last time the Skins hired a no-name head coach from the west, it turned out pretty well, right?

    Man, I'm going crazy. I'm nostalgic about a period in time I can barely remember.

  19. Wow! Yet another head coach produced from the Dennis Erickson coaching tree. Watch out Bill Walsh!

  20. man bear pig: Fassel's career record against the Cowboys is 8-6. You don't live in Shelbyville, do you?

  21. No, I just have a selective memory.

  22. I liked Zorn when he had the West Coast Version of the Masada Ensemble.
