Sunday, September 16, 2007

Peyton's Little Sister

Somebody over at just became my new hero. Apparently Elisha Manning is questionable for today's game against Green Bay and Britney Favre...

But don't worry Indy fans, Petunia Manning is healthy and flowering.

Note: Eli's birth name is actually Elisha Nelson Manning, oddly enough he's always gone by "Eli"...just don't tell's Injury Report guy.

HT: Sexy Sarah at Strike Zones and End Zones


  1. i think thats hactually his name

  2. 'Bulky zeros' is an anagram of Suzy Kolber. That's all I've got this afternoon.

  3. HAHAHHHAHHHAHAHAH Elisha? that is fucking perfect for that pussy.

  4. This was a secret to who, exactly? I thought everyone knew this already. Did you guys watch the 2004 NFL draft?

  5. You are all aware that Peyton's boyhood nickname was Peytie Pie, right?

  6. Hard as it is to believe, Elisha is a male name. It is the name of a biblical prophet and is Hebrew for "My God is my Salvation". Thank you, wikipedia. Incidentally, Elisheva is a feminine name meaning "My God is my Sustenance", which is actually an origin of the name Elizabeth.

    So there you have it, I will be calling him Elizabeth Manning.

  7. Are you sure it's only the hat's tip you're giving to Sarah?

  8. So it's agreed. With Elizabeth and the Pillsbury Throwboy, the New York Giants have the most lulzworthy quarterback situation.

    Now, onto new business. With his performance today, I'm setting the over/under on the amount of different types of steroids Derek Anderson took at eighteen (for clarification, Dan Marino's urine also counts as a type of steroid here). Any takers?

  9. I thought thaat they changed names after those kind of operations....

  10. I think of all the substances that could enhance a quarterback's performance, by far the most influential in Anderson's performance was the Bengals defense.

    I don't mean that literally, although if past experience is any indication, I'd guess that a lot of them are drug dealers.

  11. I hear R. Grossman is known as "sexy"

  12. Britney? Come on, UM. Say what you will about Favre and the Packers (and I have a feeling you're going to say a lot), the guy's pretty much the opposite of a girlish hothouse flower.

  13. This is undoubtedly true. If Elisha is a delicate, beautiful flower that will brighten up any garden for years to come, Favre is a cactus. It lives for centuries and nobody's quite sure why.

  14. No, Favre is a dick that's only in it for personal records. He knows his team (yeah yeah, 2 and 0, bite me) can't win, but he wants those records dammit.

  15. Guess you were the last person on the planet to know that's his real name. Nice scoop!

  16. There's another guy on the Giants named "Gibril" Wilson? That's waaaay too close to gerbil and that's hilarious to me.

    Gerbil Wilson

  17. But you can't deny Favre will live well into the 4000s without anybody working out what deity is keeping his mummified limbs working. Also

    Guess you were the last person on the planet to know that's his real name. Nice scoop!


  18. Favre's a dick? Because Aaron Rodgers isn't getting enough playing time? Cry me a fucking river. Just look at this tard:

    It's not like Favre could make the Packers let him play another year; he wanted to play for whatever reason (maybe he likes to), but the team decided to keep him.

    (Although the decapitated horse head John Madden left under the covers of Ted Thompsen's bed probably helped. Poor Madden; without Favre to bloviate about, I think he'll just deflate.)
