Saturday, September 1, 2007

Darkness Hath Passed Away And The Season Approacheth

Tomorrow, thankfully, is the last in a seemingly interminable series of benighted spring and summer Sundays devoid of the NFL. All the trappings of summer - going to the beach, summer romance, catching junebugs, summer movies - are overrated and gladly behind us.

Each week, starting Thursday in Indianapolis and extending until the pointless week between the conference title games and the Super Bowl, we'll have at least some NFL action to sate our voracious bloodlust and to stave off any lingering desire to speak to our loved ones. Unless they have some useful gambling advice, which they seldom do.

KSK will be on location in our houses in Indy Thursday for a full day bukkake to mark the kick-off of KSK: Season II (Season I available on DVD everywhere construda is sold). We anticipate an orderly first game, which will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath.


  1. full day bukkake in Indy?? where does Mr. Chesney sign up?

  2. tailgate at victory field. i'll be there, which always means it's a good time.

  3. Eliminate the NEED, remember. There's no reason not to have a violent bloodbath if you really really want to. Just don't go after Bob Sanders, the man will eat your face.

  4. My pitiful existence now has meaning. Now I can annoy my fellow Coloradoans with my "Autumn Wind" ringtone and constantly repeating "silver and black attack". Then getting into a rage when the Raiders start to suck, which I'm sure will be sometime next week. And I'll be drunk for most of it. Or high. Something to take the edge off...

  5. I just got back home from Indiana. DON'T GO!! Save yourselves now!

    It's a world where Peyton Manning could kill dogs and still be untouchable!!

  6. I asked my mom, my dealer and my priest for construda and the ksk season 1 dvd. I received in order.

    1. A hug
    2. A beat down
    3. A dick

    But no construdvd.


  7. Solution: Ask your priest for some blow/smack/shining magic dust/flubber/whatever the kids are calling it these days, then inform your dealer someone's trying to move in on his territory. When the priest kills the dealer, loot the dealer's corpse and sell his merchandise to raise money for the construdvd. Shine get.

  8. Bring on the football season. NOW!!!!!!

  9. Don't contract any diseases in Indy.
