Friday, August 24, 2007

Baby Dreamboat has a name.... a boring, boring name

The Boston Herald is claiming that Bridget Moynahan and Tom Brady have brushed aside all the kickass names suggested by KSK readers and named their little golden boy... Jonathan Brady. Color us underwhelmed. Such a mundane, white-bread name is hardly befitting such an auspicious arrival.

Even if the proud parents have failed to capture the glory and majesty of the moment, KSK reader Bryan J. is more than up to the occasion-- delivering us this epic photoshop. Judging by the picture, Dad is so caught up in the excitement of new fatherhood that he doesn't notice that new teammate Randy Moss is sneaking off with Brady's one true love. Once again, congrats to Bridget and Tom for having working sex organs.


  1. Horrible name. Awesome Photoshop.

  2. Is that Tedi Bruschi back there? God damn if the mascot doesn't look like its about to stroke out...

  3. In other news, Jonathan Brady has already impregnated a C-list actress.

  4. That's in the pantheon* of great Photoshops.

    *-intentionally used word because all things Patriots = all things Simmons.

  5. UM, I'm suprised to see you commenting. I didnt think you'd recognize this 'divine' birth. And are Tom and Bridget supposed to be Joseph and Mary or George and Ringo during the Maharishi years?

  6. Nice to see an appearance by the Hoodie of Turin.

  7. Not sure wormfather, but that is definitely Tony Siragusa directly above Peyton Manning.

  8. I don't give a shit about Baby Brady. I'm going to see QOTSA tomorrow night at First Avenue.

    Suck on it.

  9. It looks like the Cowboys QB is lying on the ground after being sacked, not curled up in the fetal position after botching a field goal hold, so I'll go Bledsoe, even though I don't see any cheeseburgers in the picture.

  10. What, no Mike Tyson in there attempting to eat baby Brady?

  11. With war, famine and pestilence going on in the world - bridges collapsing, heat waves, storms socking the Midwest, we now have Jonathon Brady - cue the angels to start singing - the apocalypse is upon us. It’s the end of the world as we know it………and yes, I feel fine……

  12. @my insignifacant life: Whatever you do, don't go back to Rockville.

  13. What about this guy ?

    Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan

  14. And is that a dildoe at Moss' feet?

  15. Mo Lewis...conspicuously absent from this photoshop fiasco.

  16. Why is Randy Moss eating a lamb?

  17. @Weed We have a winner in the "What's Wormfather Going to Have for Lunch Contest"

  18. Had a gyro yesterday. Half the fun is the debate over how to pronounce it as you get ready to order. "Aw, fuck it. Hee-ro."

  19. The Brady baby will be called "J.B." for the rest of his life.

    That's more torture than that baby deserves.

  20. rockville?

    Once upon a time, there was a band called R.E.M. They put out excellent albums in the '80s, and a couple nice ones in the '90s, but then they were struck by a comet and turned into oil.

  21. Reche Caldwell's google eyes are missed in the picture...

  22. rockville?
    Can't get there from here.

  23. @fallex, Driver 8 might be able to.

  24. There is something to be said with the photo set as my desk top background....and that is I must have stood in the rain last night and watched 1 too many bolts of lightening streak acorss the sky. But then again, a baby was born and we all celebrate that birth today.......

  25. OK thought for a Friday Draft....

    What kind of new baby gift do you get little Jonathon?

    I'm going with this....

    I think he will want to take after daddy and start nailing the girls in his pre-school class.

  26. yeah, what's up with our friday morning draft. I knew I was doing WAY too much work for a friday.c

  27. Wait, why is the kid's last name Brady?

    Do most bastard children adpot their absentee father's name?

  28. Your choices are:

    1) Be named after the second-best quarterback playing in the league today (third-best in the world. There's a Buddhist monk who can throw 80-yard slants with his eyes closed in the Himalayas).


    2) Be named after an actress whose only serious claim to fame is getting knocked up BY the third-best quarterback in the world.

    Well golly gee I'll take the skanky actress pops.
