Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kill Kill Kill: ESPN Finally Gets Rid of Len Pasquarelli

So, got yerself a dead whale on the beach, eh? Eight tons of rotting flesh is an unpleasant smell, even if you live in Cleveland. Well, you can let the seagulls and crabs work on that beast, but they might as well be union labor or the Raiders offense at their pace. Our recommendation: eliminate that motherfucker RIGHT NOW in just three easy steps:

  1. Pack half-ton of dynamite around whale.
  2. Detonate.
  3. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

What could possibly go wrong?


  1. *wondering how many people know what a "pink mist" is*

  2. i once saw lt. jim dangle run a similar operation.

  3. So what you're saying is that "Reno 911 Miami!" was more historically accurate than "Bobby?"

  4. I must find more of Doug Brazil's filmography.

  5. As soon a s I heard dynamite, I thought to my self, oh, oh this is not going to be pretty.

    I was wrong.

  6. That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I thought this was some kind of joke until the TNT actually went off. People that stupid should NEVER have access to that much dynamite.

  7. Kinda the way I see Eric Mangini going out.

  8. legendary clip. boom goes the dynamite !

  9. I've seen it before and, God willing, I'll see it many many times again.

    "So dynamite it was..."

  10. "The sea was angry that day my friends.."

  11. Off Topic (like everything else I say/do/mount)

  12. I heard Len P. is not a fan of the Redskins either.

  13. I haven't yet watched the clip, but I'd like to let you know that after reading the description, I've never been as excited as I am right now -- not even when my chick's pregnancy test came back negative.

  14. I've now watched the clip, and my excitement was well-deserved. Bravo, George Thornton and Doug Brazil, Bravo.

  15. *wondering how many people know what a "pink mist" is*

    I'm guessing everyone who read or saw Jarhead, for a start....

  16. That is a fine pink mist indeed. And I disagree about idiots and dynamite. I think they should have access to a lot more of it, so as to hasten their inevitable death by misadventure and supply us with a steady stream of video goodness.

  17. Once again, people need to realize that playing with explosives is dangerous - especially dealing with whales and when you do not use enough. As they now know (OK 1970's know) what to do/not to do the lesson is clear and that a half ton of dynamite is never enough - never has been, never will be.

  18. @swing - I read that guy's book. He was a whining bitch.

  19. Eight tons of rotting flesh is an unpleasant smell, even if you live in Tacoma.

    It's true, you know.

  20. JL, that's why I never drive anywhere South of Renton (to IKEA). Been here 2-1/2 years and only been south of there once.

  21. Isn't this how Sushi got invented?

  22. Captain Ahab is not impressed.

  23. In demolitions, they used what is referred to as the "P formula."

  24. Pshaw - there has never been a problem that the proper application of the right amount of explosives has not solved.

  25. Oh man,

    Oh man,

    Like WHOA man, that whale just fuckin 'splode?

    Damn, I just came here for the free fried Ookie from those dudes with the Mrs. Field's Cookies T-shirts.

  26. Woe, the wrath of Keiko upon us all!!

  27. That was awesome! The only way it could've been better was if some people had been sitting in that car listening to Foreigner or some other crappy 70s music.

  28. That video has been around on the Internet for like fifteen years - are there really people who haven't seen it already?

  29. That was great. And who searches YouTube with the phrase "Exploding Whale" to see what comes up?

    Let's see, I'll perform a search for Exploding Cock Rocket and see what comes up.
