Monday, May 7, 2007

Off-Season Laziness: KSK on the Blog Show!

Monday morning, and all the news is about basketball and baseball and, somewhere, hockey. Even golf headlines are trumping our true national pastime as the NFL briefly sinks into obscurity following the draft.

Likewise, things are quiet here at KSK's secret headquarters high in the Andes. Drew's recovering from a kielbasa overdose, Punter's all bruised up from a rough outing with his mule, Christmas Ape is at the animal clinic following Jean Grey's catnip overdose, Unsilent Majority is sneaker shopping, flubby nearly died from bourbon at the Derby this weekend, and Footsteps Falco is still dead.

That leaves me, and I've got my hands full with the Rottweiler mix I adopted from the animal shelter this weekend; I have to train her to attack Steelers fans while she's young, or she'll never learn.

So, enjoy the Blog Show. You'll note we get our due credit for snagging those Brady Lite pictures first. U-S-A! K-S-K! K-S-K!


  1. This show's main demographic must be single, hot, Brazilian 21-year old models.

  2. Congrats on the well-deserved recognition, boys.

    At this rate, there's nothing stopping your meteoric rise to celebrity. Pretty soon, you'll be in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    So look out, Laszlo Panaflex!

  3. Keilbasa overdose? Doesn't sound good. Long live KSK.

  4. I think "kielbasa overdose" is what happened in the next set of Brady Quinn pics that came after those we saw.

  5. Mr. Bojangles is really a girl, but I'm playing a trick on her.

  6. A Rottweiler mix is nothing to a yinzer. We have to deal with people from Philly on a regular basis and those guys are fucking animals.

  7. @mandy

    One word...outstanding!

    I wish I was a Steelers tank-top.

  8. I have to train her to attack Steelers fans while she's young, or she'll never learn.

    CC, have you tried soaking a Terrible Towel in human sweat, watered-down beer and lard? I gave that to my cousin's pitbull, and it worked like a charm!

  9. Hercules Rockefeller said...

    Mr. Bojangles is really a girl, but I'm playing a trick on her.

    Haha, Will Ferrel. Such a stupid skit but still so funny.

  10. Caveman, you should know better... Rottweilers, even trained ones, won't scare anyone in Pittsburgh! It's the patented combination of beer and Jagermeister, rendering everyone in the city limits invincible. Duh.

    However, I bet your new Rotty could catch Jeff Reed & his hair, but mostly because he doesn't understand the meaning of "in moderation."
