Tuesday, May 15, 2007

KSK Off-Topic: Because You Absolutely Deserve to See This

I'm not even going to try to pass this off as something obliquely NFL-related by connecting Cadillac the Unicorn to Cadillac Williams, or by saying that the gay 8-year-old boy has a passing resemblance to Eli Manning, or that this looks like something Brady Quinn dreamed up. Some things (like lolcats) are just amazing to behold, and as soon as noted commenter Brooklyn Becky sent this to me, I felt an immediate need to share this with everyone I knew. I sent it to my boss, who posted it on GorillaMask. I showed it to the Gay Mafia, who to a man declared its brilliance. I held my dog's head to the computer screen and made her watch it.

And now, I share it with you, beloved KSK readers, the finest assemblage of drunks and college dropouts and pothead NFL fans whose lives are quickly going nowhere. God bless all of you, and enjoy.


  1. No. I'm quite sure that I didn't deserve that.

    There goes 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

  2. Also a crybaby troll? Brett Favre.

  3. Not bad, but it pales in comparison to the awesome might of Charlie the Unicorn.

  4. There needs to be an extended dance remix of that theme song.

  5. Shunnnnnnnnnn.

    Ah Fuck they took my kidney!

  6. Actual proof that God doesn't exist.

  7. I have no idea what I just watched.

  8. Now I can lay to rest my burning curiosity about what Wilmer Valderama has been doing since That 70's Show was cancelled.

  9. "I'm not a horse... I'm a horn-less unicorn!"

  10. I may never have spent 5 more useless minutes in my life with the unicorn thing.

    On the other hand, what the FUCK was that "lolcats" website?!

  11. Is there an episode with a poop towel?

  12. @grimey-
    "A hornless unicorn...is just...a horse."

    p.s. there's an episode 3 out there....

  13. I've watched it three times now. I think I need and intervention.

  14. Otto, you beat me to it. Definitely not as funny.

    "We're on a bridge!"

  15. I know this is only my second post, but it will also be my last. I have to kill myself.

  16. Is your dog still alive? Did she run into a corner and hide after you forced her to watch?

    I'm calling PETA on you.

  17. I just vomited into my bucket of truth, and will now retire to my hot chicks room.

  18. "We're on a bridge!"

    Yaaaaaaaaaay, Charlie! Yaaaaaaaay!

    Ah Fuck they took my kidney!

    I like how Charlie sounds like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force there. "Yeah, I'm gonna go lay down for a while now and then, uh, maybe call some hospitals."

  19. @Ben Conant - You wanna play games, huh? Old Lunatic's got a game for you, called junkie quit hitting yourself!

  20. I have just chugged my bottle of Maker's Mark and feel no better, but care even less. "we had the same dream. hehehehehe" aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh........

  21. wow, not sure just what happened there. ambrosia is so gay.

  22. OK, quite gay, but I'm afraid it cannot compare to the truly awe-inspiring homosexual greatness of The Ambiguously Gay Duo and every Batman movie ever made.

  23. "Planet Unicorn, heyyy!"

    -Stuart Scott's new catch phrase for Jon Amaechi highlights; you know, the ones where he's getting sodomized...err, posterized.

  24. Would switching jobs because my current employer blocks youtube and all personal email sites be ill-advised?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Ya know CC, I know you might still be mad about this morning but there is no reason to punish the whole KSK community. I may never be productive again.

    And now I've got that fucking song stuck in my head...

    "Planet unicorn Heeeeeyyyyy"

    Damn you all!

  27. Um, am I not getting something here? Because that sucked.

    Captain, you brought the streak here at KSK to a screeching halt.

  28. Captain,

    That was brain-meltingly good. Kudos to you for posting this and to Brooklyn Betty for alerting you to its existence.

    What do gay unicorns eat? Hayyyyyy!

  29. Which one does Ape want to have sex with?

  30. I am so upset I missed the damn Makers thread. I live for that shit. Nobody knows Makers like my family. My dad bought a case of the little bottles that they give you on a plane so he could make the perfect drink everytime with little effort. Alcoholism is the best, except when he beat me.

  31. Some things you can't unwatch.

  32. Peter:
    My old man used to make cough syrup with Maker's and rock candy. When the string completely dissolved, you knew that shit was good enough to burn the cough right out of you child's tiny throat.
    Then I grew older and constantly faked a cough.
    I believe this goes a long way to explaining the way I am today.

  33. Your dad invented the Flaming Moe? Wow.

  34. maker's mark for a sore throat when you were a kid ? damn your dad is cool. all we got was blackberry brandy.

  35. I feel ambiguously gay for having watched that.

    "I don't like your shoes." Priceless.

  36. ...

    uh, right. I'll be leaving now.

  37. OT: http://www.sportsline.com/nba/gamecenter/preview/NBA_20070516_NJ@CLE

    First line: "CLEVELAND (AP) - LeBron James has delivered facials in all shapes and sizes. Never one like this."

    Rex Grossman is not amused.

  38. "Hey troll, you're ugly."
    "I don't like your shoes."
    "Your nose looks like a cat."

    I need to go listen to some AC/DC, get drunk on rubbing alchohol, and lay the wood to an fat ugly female ironworker. That's the only way I'm gonna get that bullshit out of my system.

    Thanks for nothing. I finally deleted you from the 12 Seahawks Street roster just for that.

  39. A month later and that's still solid gold. Passed the test of time.
