Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just What You've Always Wanted: Hardcore Denver Bronco Pornography

We're taking a break from the "kill kill kill" tag this week. As a palate cleanser, I'm going in the opposite direction and providing you with one of the most beautiful sights in all of nature: Two horses screwing. The male horse's name? Lexington Steele. (NOTE: This video is NSFW, and in fact it is probably worse for your boss to catch you watching this than watching actual porn.)

What I like about gonzo animal sex videos is that there are no games. The male animal jumps on top of the female he likes. If she ain't feeling it, she just runs away. I wish human sexual courtship were more like this. It would save us countless $100 dinner tabs and endless cases of blueballs. I even started a movement to do just this sort of thing in college, usually around 3:00 AM on a Saturday night. No one ever got on board. Tightassses. 'Tis a pity. I think I was really onto something.


  1. sadly... my sexual encounters tend to more closely resemble this

  2. i hate the fucking ebay

  3. Drew, you were either onto something or you were on something.

    Perhaps both.

  4. Man on man, I'm at a loss for a comment - except Lexington Steele dribbled at the end. Shoot, I watched this a little to closely....

  5. Thanks for this, I found it inspirational. No matter how shitty my job is, no matter how bad my life gets; I'll never be the guy whose job it is to hold a female horse while she gets fucked. That's called looking on the bright side.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. WAS I will go crawl back into my he-man pajamas now. Thanks surprised I missed that.

  8. I liked the "good boy" at the end. Nothing like propping up the old ego.

  9. nice way to start a thursday. way classier than dog on dog love, but i'm sure some here would disagree.

    also, in regards to football this could be interpreted as colts vs. broncos.

  10. Not sure what possessed me to watch that at my desk, but now I'm happy to say my boss caught me watching horse porn on my computer screen. This should end well for me today.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. no in poor taste? tag

    i much prefer the kill kill kill tags.

  13. Just like how mommy and daddy Burnsy made me.

  14. I wonder what the Sex Cannon would do to that horsey...

  15. @beaverfeaver

    actually in football terms that is refered to as brett farve and the media.

  16. @drdoom

    good point. i never looked at it that way.

    also redhead, tell your boss to lighten up. that video was all natural. where does he/she think baby horses come from ? now if the horse had a gag ball in it's mouth it would have been weird.

  17. @ beaverfever: LMAO! re Colts V Broncos.

    Not even a courtesy reach around?

  18. I wonder if Peyton & Kenny watch films like this?

  19. Just be happy you aren't the guy who has to hold up her tail so that ol' Glue Factory can drive it home.

  20. May the horse be with you.

    If anyone else watched Planet Earth, then you all noticed the frog gang rape attempts last week, when the female frog has to run the gauntlet to the preferred mate, so to speak.

  21. That is simply beautiful. I am completely overrun with emotion. My eyes are actually tearing. Oh to be young and in love again...

  22. I had no idea sex could last so long.

  23. I think playing that on the ol' work computer nearly got me fired. It's hard to explain that watching horse sex isn't watching porn. Per se.

  24. That horse is almost as big as I am, only not as fast.

    Oh, come on... someone had to step up to the false internet bravado plate and say it.

  25. Marv Albert learns from only the best.

  26. vw: eaacdbi
    that's what she said. She being the philly in that wonderful video.

  27. also, in regards to football this could be interpreted as colts vs. broncos.

    Ouch Beaver

  28. @denver

    that interpretation could work if it as a horses version of nambla.

    colts are young male horses. broncos are wild, untamed horses. who is doing who?

  29. The eagerly mounting on top of the female, the trouble finding the hole, the quiff, and then the tiredly sliding off once it's over . . . this horse stole my moves!

  30. @lieutenant winslow

    That was the sickest thing ever, loved it, esspecially with the first comment that followed being...

    "Judas Priest.. I haven't laughed that hard or that long since some fat kid shit on the teacher's desk during a summer school class of mine"
