Friday, March 9, 2007

Big Daddy Drew Answers All Of The Pussycat Dolls’ Questions

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Honestly, none of you are all that attractive. Given how many good looking women live in the greater Los Angeles area, you’d think a group called the Pussycat Dolls would have greater amounts of pussy and dolls in it. You didn’t even have to know how to sing to make the group, so I don’t know why you consist of a low-rent Jessica Simpson, a low-rent Gwen Stefani, a low-rent Tori Amos (who is available at rent-controlled prices anyway), a low-rent Rose McGowan, and two low-rent Eva Longorias.

And where are the breasts? And why are you all wearing dark nail polish? Dark nail polish looks like dogshit. This whole thing is just depressing. The fucking Fantanas outclass you ladies. All of you are buried under so much foundation, for all I know you could look like Rocky Dennis when you get out of bed in the morning. So my firm answer is no.

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?

Eh, maybe. Being wild in bed is an attractive option. But I know damn well you only became a freak because your father ignored you and now you have so much emotional baggage and insecurity that even something as simple as choosing something off a Chinese restaurant menu probably gives you a nervous breakdown. So, even if you are willing to have sex while hanging from the rafters, I again say no.

Don’t cha?

Again, no.

Don’t cha?

Jesus, didn’t you hear me the first two times?

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?

What does that even mean?

Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?

A woman who declares herself as "fun" never is.

Don’t cha?

Again, fuck and no.

Don’t cha?

God dammit, just leave me the fuck alone.

Listen, Cats, here are Denver Bronco cheerleaders April and Stephanie. They outclass you in every way. Maybe you can learn a thing or two from them. Ladies…


  1. i'm sorry, but I thought the Fantanas were hot and I definitely wanna.

  2. uh, Drew...

    I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk about my harem of ladyfriends like that.

  3. The Fantanas also have a less annoying song.

  4. The Fantanas, though suggestive of field reporter Brian Fantana, are actually pushing a shitty citrus soda I wouldn't even take over Orangina. And I've never seen any the other flavor of Fanta anywhere, not that I have designs on buying them upon discovery.

    Wanna Fanta?
    Don'cha wanna Fanta?
    *sigh* No.
    You wanna?
    *sound of gun racking*

  5. I love Orangina. Great for hangovers.

  6. maybe being wild in bed is an attractive option.

    maybe? Drew, you know i freaking worship you & all...

    but until you name a more enjoyable way to spend an evening that doing blow off one of those girls' ass cheeks while her friend waits for you to finish so that SHE can do blow off that girls' ass cheek, well... i am afraid i am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one.

  7. That redhead has to be a tranny.

  8. I love Orangina. Great for hangovers.

    I believe they like to be referred to as "redheads."

  9. vagina > orangina

    but not by as much as you might think

  10. Drew, how can you be alternately prude and immorally lascivious from one day to the

    NEVER trust a big butt and a smile.

  11. That low-rent Gwen Stefani is more like cheap-squat Pink.

    As for April and Stephanie: I'd like to see how hard they buck.

  12. BDD, i'm usually with you on all of your posts, but not this time. i dig these chicks for some reason. maybe it is all that trashy lingerie they usually wear.

    and i agree with CC. orangina is the shit for hangovers. we had a soda machine in our frat house stocked with orangina and for $0.35 you could get one. plus, it ends in -gina like vagina.

  13. April and Stephanie are reclining on a giant stone coin from the South Pacific state of Yap.

    "On the outer islands of Yap, Western clothing is banned and men and women are required to go shirtless at all times. On the main island, also called Yap, the entire population is required to go topless on certain days of the year to celebrate traditions."

    April and Stephanie, Yap demands you go topless to celebrate tradition!

  14. What happened to Baby Spice?

  15. Believe it or not, but Baby Spice is now scorchingly hot.

  16. The lead singer (the only one that sings as far as I know) is definitely hot and possesses a modest amount of vocal talent. In my book, this puts her on equal footing with the talent-less Eva Longoria.

    Though I must say, Eva has a talented, talented ass.

  17. God bless her soul. I guess you can call me Pedophile Spice.

  18. Whew...and I thought there weren't going to be any football references in this post.

  19. There isn't a chick in that picture that I wouldn't be willing to crawl over broken glass to sleep with

  20. I love Orangina. Great for hangovers

    Add a lil vodka and its good for inducing them too.

  21. A woman who declares herself as "fun" never is.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

  22. Rocky Dennis? Really? That's tremendous. Now all we need is a Gar reference and we're complete.

  23. I love Orangina. Great for hangovers

    Add a lil vodka and its good for inducing them too.

    I say Vodka can go both ways on this front.

  24. hell- those aren't even close to the hottest Bronco cheerleaders.

  25. Borat introducing the Pussycat Dolls at the MTV European Video Music Awards last year:

    "Please welcome the international singing prostitutes, Pussycat Dolls"

  26. Not to mention they dress like 5 little girls who got into their mom's closet while she wasn't looking. Or color-blind whores.

  27. Believe it or not, but Baby Spice is now scorchingly hot.

    Goddamn! How'd that happen?

  28. A woman who declares herself as "fun" never is.

    A woman who declares herself as [any positive adjective] never is.

  29. As for April and Stephanie: I'd like to see how hard they buck.

    Those girls have names???

  30. Scattered ass Friday or not, fuck you very much Drew, for getting that horrific fucking song stuck in my fucking head, you fucking fuck. Fuck.

  31. You single gentleman don't seem to understand that us married men are allowed to be insanely picky when it comes to fantasizing about other women. That's all we have, so there's no reason not to aim for the tippy top.

    It'll happen to YOU one day, too.

  32. Preach on, Drew. These clowns think they'll be getting more pussy once they're married.

    (Or that they'll even want more.)

  33. i'm a married man , but still fanatsize like a 16 yr old.

  34. As long as there are 18-year old sorority girls, I won't be getting married any time soon.

  35. i'm a married man , but still fanatsize like a 16 yr old.

    Don't we all? I had it written into my vows.

  36. So that's who the Pussycat Dolls are. They sing that crappy song.

  37. Wow... this thread just became eerily like Rules of Engagement. Cue David Spade in a god-awful shirt.

  38. Billy - I agree with your take on vodka. It can go both ways. Nothin' like a little hair of the dog to pull you out of it.

    And BDD: I resent the dark nail polish implication.

  39. A woman who declares herself as "fun" never is.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Fuck you guys, I'm fun. And I've got big boobs, so I've got two things going for me. Well, three... technically.

  40. A woman who declares herself as "fun" never is.

    A woman who declares herself as [any positive adjective] never is.

    There is one kind of positive that I would always take her word on.

  41. Big boobs are ALWAYS fun. Come here let me fondle them...

    And what the hell is juice? Give me some DRINK maaan. I want's purple...

  42. fenwayfaithful - you are so right. McDonald's Orange Hi-C is the elixir of the Gods. Well, at least it is after a night of drinking the real elixir of the Gods. That being beer.

  43. Not only is it a crappy song, it was also used in a commercial for crappy beer. And now it's stuck in my head. Fuck you very much.

  44. On a more serious note... Drew and Caveman knocked some shit out of the park with today's postings. F'n awesome. Congrats, guys.

  45. I'm fun. And I've got big boobs

    prove it

  46. awful chief: +1

    I wanted to see Baby and Ginger Spice in a double team back in the 90s. It's nice to know Baby Spice got even hotter (although Ginger probably sags like hell now.)

  47. Well, omar, thanks so much for sharing your fucking spam with us.


  48. So, I got my "sex-cannon" t-shirt the other day. I proudly wear it out to the bar tonight. Giant hit. Everyone was asking me what Kissing Suzy Kolber was. Explained it was the best site on the net.
