Friday, February 2, 2007

KSK Celebrity Super Bowl Pick
Bukkake: The Crew From The
1986 Challenger Shuttle Mission

The celebrity Super Bowl pick is a time-honored tradition, one we at KSK are super fucking excited to be a part of. For the next two weeks, stars from the world of entertainment, politics, and more will drop by to make their picks for the big game in Miami! Next up, the crew of the 1986 Challenger mission.

"T minus 5 seconds...4...3...ignite boosters....we have liftoff...

Greetings, football fans! This is the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger...

...informing you that we are go for liftoff and go for football, over...

...this brief launch message comes to we begin our seven day flight and liftoff for the 25th space shuttle mission...

...Houston, we have cleared the tower...copy that...

...this year's Super Bowl should be a great game...for the fans for America and around the world...

...Houston, ready for roll program...copy that, going heads down, good roll, heading downrange, over...

...As for the crew's prediction, some of us are Bears fans and some of us aren't...We did fail to reach consensus, but we took a vote...and we did have a majority....our majority vote says that tonight's winner will be--"



  1. Did someone recieve a high level of inappropriate touching at Space Camp as a kid? Wow...

  2. Does this mean Rex had Christa McAuliffe?

  3. mike is onto something there. Did a six year old Rexy point the Sex Cannon in the wrong direction?

  4. I'm confused. The SHITFUCKNOOOOOOs are gonna win?

  5. Anyone know who Barbaro is picking in the Super Bowl?

  6. See now, the crew of the Columbia had a different pick, which was BLAM!

  7. There's a line back there somewhere.

    FYI, Barbaro is picking the Colts. He thinks Marvin Harrison is the glue that holds that team together.

  8. Next we should hear from someone as the jump from one of the twin towers on 9/11.

  9. Even the devil cringes at you MMP.

    (He picks the Bears because Manning will be so distraught after the loss that he will turn into a Jeffrey Dahmer clone and eventually end up in hell where he will ride Barbaro to run errands for the netherworld.)

  10. 20 yrs ago and I still say, too soon

  11. We need a celebrity pick from Princess Di, Payne Stewart, Dale Earnhardt, Derrick Thomas, and Tony Dungy's son.

  12. I feel dirty for laughing. I'll continue to feel dirty as I chuckle to myself about this for the rest of the day...

  13. Did anyone else watch the Challenger Kaboom as it happened, at school, because your third grade teacher thought it would be a neat idea to see a real teacher blast off into outerspace?

    I remember thinking, "They can't really be blown up, it only happened on TV!"

    Oh, and my verification word is efobjiz. Is that in the urban dictionary?

  14. I can't bet until I hear from Andre Waters and Molly Ivins.

  15. my second grade teacher did, shea_guevara. i remember thinking "whoa! that was...awesome!"

    I'm confused. The SHITFUCKNOOOOOOs are gonna win?

    No, a BUD Light!

    best comments ever. ok, back to my morning snuff film.

  16. Yikes, I think I'll stay out of this one.

  17. what about the Columbine High School student body? or the congregation of the Branch Dividians?

    The Shitfucknooooos are gonna be looking damn good by the end of this.

  18. Wow, perhaps I am a horrible person because I found that funny. That said I was in kindergarten that day leaving the cafeteria after lunch only to look up and see that explosion. Try explaining that to a 5 year old.

    How many astronauts can sit in a volvo? 2 in the front, 2 in the back and seven in teh ashtray

    too soon?

  19. What does NASA stand for?


    Hell won't be so bad; looks like I'll know plenty of people there.

  20. Andre says: oof. Show a little class, fellas.

    Like, picks by Andy Reid's sons. That, I can get on board with.

    But this was just wrong.

  21. people who read this blog and are calling MMP out for showing no class are like people who go to BYU and complain about getting no ass.

  22. Wow. I feel bad for laughing and I'm going to do it again when I'm sober.

  23. i'm just gonna keep laughing and get drunk.


    That was so sick and so funny.

    Just brilliant.

  25. I was doing stand-up, warming up some bad at the Hoffbrau in Fullerton a couple of years back (early 1990s). The kid that introduced me said that I once performed on A&E's Evening at the Improv. (Which I hadn't.) So I got on stage and said, "Yeah, I've gone from A&E's Evening at the Improv to opening for Fred Got Beaten By the Ugly Stick at a diver bar in Fullerton. My career is taking off like a rocket and Christa McAuliffe is driving."

    I didn't work in Orange County for quite some time.

  26. get the smart answers from that marshall team

  27. What were the last words heard from the Challenger?

    "Hey, what does this button do?"

    Considering I once laughed my ass off over a picture of a guy falling from the World Trade Center that was captioned "Oh shit, I forgot my laptop!" I consider this relatively low on the list of Sick Shit I've Laughed At.

  28. OK, how about this (my girlfriend's favorite joke):

    Did you know Christa McAuliffe had blue eyes? Yeah, one blew this way and the other blew that way! (while pointing in opposite directions)

    And if anything on KSK is too over-the-top for your sensitivities, get a fucking helmet. The bar was set pretty low a LONG time ago.

  29. You've GOT to be kidding. That's just raw ignorance.

    C'monnn. Wake up.
