Sunday, February 4, 2007

I Am King Of The Negroes!

I win, bitch!

NOTE from BDD: People, for the love of God, don't make James Dungy jokes. You're already going to hell for reading this site. No need to expedite the process.


  1. Fuck Dungy, fuck Peyton, fuck Marvin, fuck Reggie, fuch Dwight fuck Adam V., fuck Bob - anybody I forget? Oh yeah, very entertaining game. Other than the Co-ugh-olts winning. Back to Canada and basketball I guess...

  2. Steve Young on Dundgy-

    "he didn't do it with a whip, he did it with a carrot"

  3. It was either going to be the worst QB or the worst defense winning it. Rex was just more determined.

  4. Yeah, yeah, Colts, Peyton, Black Head Coach, blah, blah, the most important thing is that The Sex Cannon will get some serious sympathy pussy tonight. Even when he loses, Rex is a winner!!!!

  5. Hey, Tony! Congrats on winning that there Super Bowl. Oh, and how's your son?

    Too soon?

  6. c'mon, i think we've all learned tonight that a man of mister dungy's character would never say that, unless he was talking about a TV show called "the best damn sportshow period, bitch!"

  7. It's not too soon, I think he has another son.

    If not, well, it's not too soon, but it's not really appropriate. Maybe after he loses a game.

  8. I'm not sure if the irony in the title of the post is greater because the whitest black man (this side of Wayne Brady) coached this collection of wankers to the title... or the fact that the KSK writing staff apparently has the complexion and melatonin levels of Casper...and still uses the word "Negroes" as a descriptive

  9. MMP, hold your head up high. And then blow your brains out.

    Everyone loves reading your posts. Except, by "you" I mean, Big Daddy Drew--the only one anyone likes reading.

    Fucking curl up in a hole and wait for your Ohio teams to "rebuild", douchebag.

  10. of course -- when I said "melatonin" -- I actually meant "melanin"...both could be applied at this moment

  11. Sexy Rexy doesn't get sympathy pussy, he only gets pussy. And lots of it.

  12. I have to say that Prince is not only the King of the Negroes, he was also the MVP of that game. To pull off the best Super Bowl halftime show ever, in the pouring rain... I can't say enough.

    He closed out the show with Purple Rain... the third to the last show that gets played at your prom... and IT FUCKING RULED.

    By the way, for real, Dominic Rhodes should've been the MVP. Chicago couldn't tackle him (or Addai for that matter), he got 100 yards and a TD. Peyton getting the MVP was a cop-out.

  13. Was it me or were the Superbowl commercials extremely on the gay side this year?

    Snickers kissing, naked men on a car, naked men as!?!

  14. Yeah, we were mentioning that a bunch of the commercials this year were meant to induce mouth-vomit.

  15. How do I know you're gay?

    When you say, "Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal."

  16. i can't wait till the children of the hoosier state pull the silver ball off the lombardi trophy and start tossing it around in the yard.

  17. Another lame post.

    UM: stfu.

  18. A. Drew posted this on my computer
    B. The post is quite funny
    C. You're a total fag

  19. You guys are really failing to achieve the mission statement of this blog -- making Clint happy.

    Clint is not amused! Be gone, ye fools!

  20. Colts outplayed the Bears every aspect of the game except for special teams.

    Coaching- Hey look Desmond Clark!
    Hey look no blitzing on Peyton!

    Congrats to the Colts. Who will now be the media's damsel in distress now that Manning has won?

  21. I am trapped in my personal hell now because everyone dumb fuck retard is going to call into the sport talk radio shows here in Nashville and drone on about how great Manning is.

  22. Perhaps Ms. Spain shouldn't have bit the hand that fed her. Karma is a biatch.

  23. whores never win.

    my head hurts.

  24. KSK nation is a bunch of cock gobblers.They can take a collective nibble on my nut hairs for all I care.

    Drew's got some good shit, in fact his is why I continually visit.

    Unsilent called me a fag. That's a laugher. More vanilla, un-original and uncreative shit from a coat-tail rider. What's next? Butthead?

  25. Funny thing a couple days before the superbowl-- I was talking to Tony (I call him Tony in private. Outside it's Mr. Dungy) and I mentioned that I saw a congregation of African Americans with a coffin marching down the street, and upon the coffin was a crown and a scepter.

    Tony then jumped up and yelled "I am the King of the Negroes!" and vanished up the chimney. And then he goes and wins the superbowl. Go figure.

  26. Whores win sometimes.

    VW: zsxyobo. Looks like Rexy's going to learn a musical instrument in the offseason.

  27. STFU, Clint! I'm going to shit on your patio furniture.

    STFU, Clint.

  28. So who won? I was watching Flip That House reruns.

    Seriously though, I won't be watching ESPN or listening to sports talk for the next forever.

  29. I, for one, am glad that Clint keeps coming here to tell everyone how little he likes the site.

    If only there were other places in the intertubes that he could visit.

    If only...

  30. Hey Clint, get fucked.

    I swear, that "woman" on stage with Prince in the white spandex was Tank Johnson in drag.

    The face-slapping Budweiser commercial was the best of the night, I actually laughed out loud.

  31. Awfully quiet on KSK today.... still crying and cutting yourself after Peyton and Tony made the Bears look like a high school JV squad?

    hahahaha oh shit, you suck so bad. Amazing. With your skill at making picks you should make the following predictions:

    *The Iraq War will NOT be over within the next year

    *World Hunger will not be cured

    *The Cubs will not win a world series in the next 5 years

    *Drew will NOT kick MMP and Unslient Majority to the curb for being total douchebags.

    If your track record holds up, the opposite of all of those will happen and I'll be even happier than I am right now...

    Oh, and to the KSK commenters who think it's funny to make fun of Dungy's dead son, I hope someone you care about kills themselves so you know what it feels like.

  32. I care about you, xtrarant....

  33. I love people who take our "picks" seriously. Or anything else that ever shows up on the site for that matter.

    Congrats Indy, enjoy your title.

  34. I'm fucking sick of hearing all of this get blamed on Grossman. Yea, he sucked, but the o-line was horrible, the D couldn't tackle or cover the underneath dump the whole night, and the coaching staff got away from the run too quickly. yes, those 2 picks were some of the worst I've seen (esp the first one, which i could have picked off), but this is all getting laid on him, just like all year. you don't get to run around saying you have a dominating D when the bears D has been sub-par for at least the last month of the season. The Colts completely outplayed the Bears in every facet, and deserved the win. Going into the 4th quarter, when the game was still within reach (although it was a pipe dream), I told someone if the Bears pull this game off, they should give the trophy back, cause they won't deserve it.

  35. It would appear that as the colts stock was rising during the playoffs the IQ level of the commenter's here has decreased sharply. I would make a graph but i don't know how to work excel.

  36. totally agree about the homo commercials this year. If anyone's paying attention at Chevy they should can their entire marketing department. An assembly robot commits suicide? Really? That's your idea for a $7 million commercial?

  37. Colts won, but they still have to go back home to Indy.

  38. I thought the Snickers commercial with Clint and xtrarant was kind of funny! It's nice that the two of them finally got to consumate their relationship.

  39. that assembly robot ad was like Short Circuit 3 or something. in that it was somehow even more depressing than Short Circuit 2.

  40. The best part are when the s/hims take anything posted on this site seriously.

    After 12-16 hours of consideration, I believe the winning headline should have been "I Am The King of The Required Minority Interview Coaches!"

  41. that assembly robot ad was like Short Circuit 3 or something. in that it was somehow even more depressing than Short Circuit 2.

    when Jim Nantz finally let off the clearly canned bit about a Bear getting a paw on a tipped pass, I wondered how long it would be before he said, "Does a Bear sack in the woods? Yes!" but they only got one sack on Manning, so maybe he just missed his moment.

    I hate Carlos Mencia and don't know anyone who finds him funny. although a dude I didn't know said his dickhole boss always watches YouTube clips of Mencia, when he's not watching Passions, which I'm told is a soap opera where the characters have magical powers and shit. which does almost sound kinda awesome.

    I think even acknowledging comments by Clint & Co. is the problem. just letting this bullshit die without response is the only way to neutralize 'em until there's a way to deliver a sharp kick to the nuts via Blogger.
    if the award was Super Bowl MIP (Most Impactful Player), it's the Cumslinger all the way. the Colts were like the Rams in their two most recent Super Bowls, absolutely dominating the game statistically but not really putting up the points necessary, and then Rex threw up a limp dick of a throw returned for the TD.

    "Throwing through the rain is supposed to make long passes harder? So I'm supposed to keep dumping it off and somehow having a 120 QB rating while making 4 yards an attempt? Sextacy ain't having that shit. I haven't had my rocks off since riding Prince's backup singer two nights ago, and that lady might have been a dude, plus I think Orton was watching, which made the whole thing T.R. Knight gay. Fuck it, I'm going deep."

  42. when Jim Nantz finally let off the clearly canned bit about a Bear getting a paw on a tipped pass, I wondered how long it would be before he said, "Does a Bear sack in the woods? Yes!" but they only got one sack on Manning, so maybe he just missed his moment.

    I hate Carlos Mencia and don't know anyone who finds him funny. although a dude I didn't know said his dickhole boss always watches YouTube clips of Mencia, when he's not watching Passions, which I'm told is a soap opera where the characters have magical powers and shit. which does almost sound kinda awesome.

    I think even acknowledging comments by Clint & Co. is the problem. just letting this bullshit die without response is the only way to neutralize 'em until there's a way to deliver a sharp kick to the nuts via Blogger.
    if the award was Super Bowl MIP (Most Impactful Player), it's the Cumslinger all the way. the Colts were like the Rams in their two most recent Super Bowls, absolutely dominating the game statistically but not really putting up the points necessary, and then Rex threw up a limp dick of a throw returned for the TD.

    "Throwing through the rain is supposed to make long passes harder? So I'm supposed to keep dumping it off and somehow having a 120 QB rating while making 4 yards an attempt? Sextacy ain't having that shit. I haven't had my rocks off since riding Prince's backup singer two nights ago, and that lady might have been a dude, plus I think Orton was watching, which made the whole thing T.R. Knight gay. Fuck it, I'm going deep."

  43. Chris: If they get too obnoxious, bring up Charles Woodson.

  44. I'm guessing that UM is less distraught than, say, Clint's mother after walking in on him masterbating to the puppy bowl.

  45. I'm beginning to suspect Clint is UM's father.

    I can practically taste the disappointment.

  46. If you don't like this site and the writers who post on it stop reading it.

    Who fucking gave the redneck a computer? C'mon...own up!

  47. I'm beginning to suspect Clint is UM's father.

    "I have no son!!!"

  48. unitard, actually my dad fuckin' loves the site. as do all of his friends...when they're not hanging out at good guys (see above)

  49. 1. Even on this site, some things cross the line. Don't make fun of a guy because he lost a kid. God forbid any of you should ever know that kind of agony.

    2. That said, am I the only one who thought it was odd that in Tony Dungy's Super Bowl, a car company would run a suicide-themed ad? GE, open mouth; insert foot.

  50. when Jim Nantz finally let off the clearly canned bit about a Bear getting a paw on a tipped pass, I wondered how long it would be before he said, "Does a Bear sack in the woods? Yes!" but they only got one sack on Manning, so maybe he just missed his moment.

    I hate Carlos Mencia and don't know anyone who finds him funny. although a dude I didn't know said his dickhole boss always watches YouTube clips of Mencia, when he's not watching Passions, which I'm told is a soap opera where the characters have magical powers and shit. which does almost sound kinda awesome.

    I think even acknowledging comments by Clint & Co. is the problem. just letting this bullshit die without response is the only way to neutralize 'em until there's a way to deliver a sharp kick to the nuts via Blogger.
    if the award was Super Bowl MIP (Most Impactful Player), it's the Cumslinger all the way. the Colts were like the Rams in their two most recent Super Bowls, absolutely dominating the game statistically but not really putting up the points necessary, and then Rex threw up a limp dick of a throw returned for the TD.

    "Throwing through the rain is supposed to make long passes harder? So I'm supposed to keep dumping it off and somehow having a 120 QB rating while making 4 yards an attempt? Sextacy ain't having that shit. I haven't had my rocks off since riding Prince's backup singer two nights ago, and that lady might have been a dude, plus I think Orton was watching, which made the whole thing T.R. Knight gay. Fuck it, I'm going deep."

  51. KSK nation is a bunch of cock gobblers

    Speak for yourself Snickers boy.

    Go away if you don't like the site. We got rid of beantown after the Patsies lost. Now you go away now ya heah???

  52. sorry for the multiple posts. Blogger's acting funny.

  53. I lost the 5 bucks I had riding on the game after the first play (Last time I bet that the Bears win 4-3) so I just got solidly drunk but I found all your superbowl posts entertaining when I finally stumbled home.

    Heres looking forward to an offseason full of dick jokes and Bengals arrests.

  54. Gobble gobble, gobble.

    Whats that sound?

    It's the KSK Cock-Gobblers.

  55. Uncle Rico and his sex cannon had his chance to win states and blew it. Looks like he'll forever have to be content filming himself trying to throw passes over mountains.

  56. Dear Drew,

    Just for further clarification:

    Dead Strippers and Challenger, Okay.

    James Dungy, crossed the line.

    Got it.

    Seriously, just started reading the blog two weeks ago.




  57. Who will now be the media's damsel in distress now that Manning has won?

