Friday, February 2, 2007

Dispatch from Miami: Ta-DOW!

He's a slippery bastard, Joe Willie Namath. His handler was pulling him away after an interview with Sporting News Radio, and I didn't get a chance to ask him any questions. He almost got away without a picture.


Namath had to put the shades on to handle Captain Caveman's skin tone

More later.

NOTE: He did not want to kiss me.


  1. Looks like Matt is with leather. LOLOL

  2. Ufford, you borrow that shirt from Daulerio?

  3. Look at that Namath. Who does he think he is with that long hair. He looks like a girl.

    Now, Ufford. There's a guy with a haircut you can set your watch to.

  4. Winner!

    I always thought guys like him stopped wearing sunglasses indoors once they quit drinking.

  5. Has Caveman not bought a shirt since he was 10 years old?

  6. Wow legendary picture for the site. What's he drinking there? That's the worst part about being famous and getting publicly drunk. All the drunks in the media pressure u for an apology. They tell you and the public that you need help and will not relent until you get it. It's bullshit. All these guys should say "fuck it, fuck you, I enjoy getting drunk just like you. It was unfortunate that I was on TV." That's why I'll always admire John Daly. And why the fuck are these word verifications so long?

  7. PKCMA-
    no need when you're still the same size?

  8. I can only assume that Broadway Joe decided to Irish up that coffee.

  9. We don't say the I-Word around here, Otto.

  10. CC - Pasty white skin and earth tone shirts are a fashion faux pas.

    Just an FYI for ya!

  11. We don't say the I-Word around here, Otto.

    My bad. I should've said Namath would Gaelic-American that coffee.

  12. I think the brown polo looks hip and compliments CC's fair skin tones quite well.

  13. Ahhh Penguin shirts...I could wear them once. CC is just rubbing it in to the fat slobs on Radio Row.

  14. Good fucking lord CC, you really are from Seattle. You're just as pasty as most of the people here!

  15. The few. The proud. The translucent.

  16. No worries Joe, I like a little coffee with my bourbon too

  17. CC since the Spain Trian thing didn't work out it looks like you have a sporting chance with Fenwayfaithful.

    Thats quite the smile on Willy Joe.

  18. The few. The proud. The translucent.

    Yes indeed. I am also a ginger kid so you know, I got that going for me as well. I am sure if you ask Becky or Steagle they will tell you that they would prefer a pasty ginger kid over Tom Brady or any of those other "good looking" douche bags any day.

  19. Has Caveman not bought a shirt since he was 10 years old?

    That shirt does look kinda young on you m'man. And where's your other hand? Are you giving Broadway Joe the business back there? No wonder he's smiling so hard.

    Good job, now off to the Penthouse party with you, get us some REAL PICTURES!!!!


  20. Nothing says "I'm sober" like wearing sunglasses indoors with a mystery brown liquid in a rock glass.

  21. Good job, CC. Now get thee to the beach and a lounge chair!

  22. are you and aj competing for "most heinous polo shirt"?

  23. It's pictures like these that remind me why I'm glad to have the melanin in my skin.

  24. CC looks so much like Andy Sanberg without the floppy hair that I wish he would tell Joe Namath that he got him a dick in a box.

  25. third string- CC doesn't have the nasal requirments. Perhaps if he converted...

  26. Was he wearing pantyhose? It looks like he's about to spit flaming geritol all over the place.

    Also: looks like Broadway Joe is sporting a pert A-cup these days. Way to be... like Suzy Kolber.

  27. So, erm... I'm guessing you didn't tell him who you work for?
