Friday, February 2, 2007

Cold Pizza Gets a Taste of the Sex Cannon

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Spiteful Voyeurs- We have arrived. No, we didn't win another award (yet) and we haven't been nominated for an Oscar (Rexy Back is eligible for next year's Best Short category).

Yesterday KSK (and some other site about leather goods) got a little bit of love from our good buddy Jamie Mottram on ESPN's Cold Pizza. You hear that Simmons? He's our buddy, we totally called dibs. Imagine, this whole time we thought the Worldwide Leader had something against us. In case you have a job and were unable to sit home watching tv in the middle of the morning we've got the video evidence right here.

That's right Dana, we love you too.

I strongly suggest you check out Jamie's site to see him getting prepped for the camera.


  1. I thought Barbaro was dead, not hosting some show on THE DEUCE!

  2. I hate hearing the words "blogged" or "blogger" spoken on television or the radio. It gives me douche chills.

    Mottram, next time, man up: ditch "Gunslinger" and say "Cumslinger".

  3. doesn't this go directly against there anti-blogger policy?

  4. Sorry, G4's Dana Vinson is still my favorite TV Dana.

  5. How many times has Mottram tagged Dana Jacobson?

  6. I didn't know Drew was black

  7. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife....I almost creamed my pants.

  8. If Dana Jacobson put herself out on the internets, she'd only get one "date". From the man they call ... The Sex Cannon.

  9. Do you think the Spain Train got noticed by Axe because she has a stinky taco?

  10. AA I'm with you. Dana's got a thing for the Bloggers. I think Mottram should call her Zule or Sweettits next time he's on just to see her reaction.

  11. If Mottram hasn't hit that, he's certainly got a damn good chance.

  12. Is it just me, or does Dana's neck look thicker than Peyton's in that video clip.

  13. ummmm, seeing my blog on your page was like walking into a hotel room and seeing my girlfriend getting backdoored by the Sex Cannon, thanks for love

  14. Sexy Rexy is Drew's material, it's best if we leave it that way.... and no reason to rag on Dana Jacobsen, she's kinda cute in a Mr. Ed sort of way.

  15. Hey Clit are you still speaking?!?!? STFU.

    You see what I did here with your name? Fucking original, right?

  16. Sexy Rexy is Drew's material

    What the fuck are you talking about now?

  17. That brought tears of happiness to my eyes. Tears.

  18. its a great article..success for you man !!

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