Friday, January 19, 2007

Sports Bloggers Agree: We Rule

With the Blogfather Jamie Mottram in New York for a couple days, it gave us sports bloggers the impetus to get together, drink in excess, and feel like less of the freaks that we are.

L-R: Henry Abbott, Captain Caveman, Dan Shanoff, A.J. Daulerio, Some random dude, Peter Schrager, Jamie Mottram. Willfully obscured in front: Wizznutzz

Here's how the night went down:

: Congrats on the BEST SPORTS BLOG award. You guys really deserved it.
Me: I know.
Shanoff: I cannot believe how good your blog is.
Me: Yeah.
Abbott: Honestly? Kissing Suzy makes me like the NBA less.
Me: We own.
Daulerio: I'm not the balls. KSK is. Sorry for the mistake.
Me: It happens.
Schrager: You guys are cooler than my Starter jacket.
Me: The Giants suck.
Mottram: You're so fired.
Me: I never liked this job anyway.

Put that on loop for five hours, and that's pretty much the whole night. The Wizznutzz guy talked, too, but it was mostly in some mixture of Tagalog and pidgin Spanish.

And yes, Will was wearing a blazer over a t-shirt. I'm telling you, it's how we writers dress up.


  1. oh my god a group photo! so bitter

  2. if Henry started loving the NBA less the apocalypse wouldn't be far behind.

  3. Wizznutzz with the Red Stripe. Teaching our white friends how to dance for over 100 years!

    Beer, hoo-ray beer!

  4. Red Stripe, Schlitz, and Schweppes? Now THAT's a party.

  5. as frank zappa said, "the older i get, the more i realize life is like high school."

  6. Unless Will and Jamie are the same person (or Jamie is invisible), I think the caption is off.

    Is it just me?

  7. You guys talk? That's so gay.

    Drink beer, throw cards, stare at TV.

    What's with this "talk" stuff?

  8. And there wasn't a rumble with the Queer Eye guys?

  9. When I think of blogger this is exactly what I picture.

  10. The Wizznutzz are really just Imelda Marcos. That explains all of those Gil Zeros.

  11. it would have been funny if the first link had gone to 4 Rooms.

  12. Is Daulerio double-fistin' highlife light? And Leich with a pepsi?
    AJ to Miami for the Superbowl instead of Will makes a lot more sense now.

  13. jesus i have not seen four rooms in forever. the blazer tshirt is a nice combo. i suppose you would have opted for the cut off hoody um?

  14. Did thebiglead guy come uninvited and blow stuff out of proportion?

  15. but it was mostly in some mixture of Tagalog and pidgin Spanish.

    I only speak Esperanto. The blogger software translates it to English for me.

  16. I would have rocked this...

    If I could afford such a garment.

  17. Here we go with the Sports Gyno: "At this point, I was starting to get bummed out. How could people not appreciate an undermanned, banged-up underdog that persevered simply by playing well together, by being well-coached and well-prepared, by pulling off all the Little Things and by believing in one another and steadfastly trusting they could pull out any close game? How could people not appreciate Troy Brown's supernatural strip of Marlon McCree (one of the greatest heads-up plays in Boston sports history), or Brady's slogging through a dog-crap game and having the balls to zing that ridiculously clutch throw to Reche Caldwell on the winning drive? How could they fail to be impressed that Belichick and the Pats knocked off a 16-1 team, a 16-2 team, a 15-3 team, a 14-2 team, a 14-3 team and a 14-4 team over the past five Januarys?"

    Couple of paragraphs down, he takes a shot at bloggers:

    "For instance, since last Sunday's games were played, dozens of columnists, bloggers and radio hosts wrote or vented about the same theme: "This sucks, I can't believe we have to watch another Pats-Colts playoff game!" And none of them provided any real insight on why such a matchup possibly sucked. Hey, who needs insight? It's much more fun just to complain. I'm tired of Manning, I'm tired of Belichick, I'm tired of Brady, I'm tired of the Pats ... Really, you're a football fan and you're not interested in seeing whether the Colts can upend their long-time nemesis and finally make a Super Bowl? That's not cutting it for you?"

    What a douche!!!

  18. hmmm.... tagalog? i am from the philippines...

  19. It's amazing how sports writers are usually disgusting slobs, and bloggers are skinny emo dudes. There's a case study in there somewheres.

  20. I'm not emo. I'm fucking punk rock, man.

  21. Hey 4Giantsfans: He at least admits he has a problem that BDD has pointed out.

    "I can't believe Bird retired 15 years ago and I still bring him up in every column. I need professional help."

  22. AA, put me down for "disgusting slob."

  23. AA, I think both of us are somewhere in between. We're bridge the gap baby!

  24. Ha, okay study solved. It's just the New Yorkers then. Glad that's over.

  25. thebigo makes a good point. I can smell the gay from here.

    And Abbott looks like he's murdered at least 16 people.

  26. I can smell the gay from here.

    Abbott & Shanoff's left arms extending backwards, CC with an "I'm ejeculating right now" smile . . . hmmm. No wonder Wizznutzz is shielding his eyes.

  27. Mottram looks like he needs a cheeseburger. Tell those AOL suits to give you some lunch money.

    AJ double fisting. Wouldn't expect any less.

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  29. hey guys, thanks for the invite, which i assume will arrive any day now. hope you all listened to the shins and drank some pbr and talked about how park slope is getting too yuppy and discussed vintage aba t-shirts and all that other hipster [stuff]. i am allowed to say [stuff] here, right? i'm not on company time. no? ah, forget it.

    unsilent, want to come get a beer in petworth? petworth is the new brooklyn. i'm telling you.

  30. steinz, i can imagine how badly you wanted to hit up the hasidic express to manhattan for a few tequila shots.
    just call me back when you find out if big red is gonna be there...

  31. petworth is the new brooklyn

    Add that shit to the list

  32. In homage to my recently recovered MST3K DVDS:

    If this picture gets any more soul, we'll have to order out for greens.

  33. DC Sports Bloggers Summit happening in February! Place and time to be determined, but I just thought I'd throw that out there now.

    By the way, Caveman shaves his chest. True story.

  34. AJ might be the balls but it looks like he wants a little boy to touch his.

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  36. Hey, you found the cast photo for Shaving Ryan's Privates, winner of three Nutz D'Or at the 2006 Hineys.

  37. Those guys pull more tail in a weekend than all you schmoes pull in month.

    At last I've been put in my place by a faceless website commenter. Yes, if only I could be more like Michael Irvin, then my life would finally have some kind of meaning...

    Oh, that's my nice way of saying "Go fuck yourself."
