Sunday, January 28, 2007

Spain Train To Arrive For SB XLI
In Miami (with Tickets) On Schedule

Yeah, so this whole Sarah Spain (above, left) story really has been a contemporary reprisal of the classic "Girl Whores Herself Out On eBay To Score Super Bowl Tickets And Maybe Some National Media Face Time That Might Tip The Scales Toward Getting A Callback Or Two When She Starts Reading For Roles In Jerry Bruckheimer Movies This Summer" Tale. Fortunately, the one loose end on this sumbitch seems to have been tied up.

Since our last post on the subject, The Spain Train tried eBay again and the page was yanked in a matter of hours. But then somebody on the corporate end came through and she scored four(!) tickets for the big game. Ah, if only I could be young and top-heavy again.

So she's taking two friends and is now ACCEPTING solicitations for the 4th ticket. The qualifications are here, and I know for fact that at least one KSK contributor has plans to throw his hat in the ring (Hint: it's not Drew). The email address for submitting your picture and your pitch is

If you're trying to put together that perfect pitch and having trouble, we suggest you try out a rough draft of that pitch in the comments.

Submissions are due by January 31st.


  1. I'm working on writing her a poem...what rhymes with "pancake tits?"

  2. Hey misses spainn,

    Say, someone's been tgellin' me you's goin supahh bowlin'. I like the sauce. Can I put perfume on your belly?

    The end

  3. I wanna know what kind of "jobs offers" she got.

  4. I had some fun with this already at the Fanhouse, but one can never have enough practice. Dear Sarah, I respect you as a woman and as a sportsfan. Your intelligence showed in every line of your shuffle poem. In all my comments about you, I have yet to objectify you, unlike the rest of these heathen. You're the breast! I mean, best! oops, there goes that....

    Dear Sarah, Axe is known for giving homely guys a chance with beautiful girls. Let's just say that I am who you think I am after reading that sentence...

    Dear Sarah, I promise to only hit on your ugliest friend, so that now you have a man's name to give her when she cries that "No man ever pays attention to me"...

    Dear Sarah, KSK is affectionately known to some as the Gay Mafia. I'd hate to disparage the competition, but (GAY) have you ever (VERY GAY) wondered who that some (JOHNNY WEIR WAS EMBARRASSED BY HOW FLAMING THEY WERE) were?...

    Deer Sarah, Although I have grate grammer like you, I cannot spell Inda, India, whatever the Colts city is. Go Bers!...

    Dear Sarah, like the 1985 Bears, I wish to give it to the needy. We can discuss semantics about the meaning of "it" and "needy" in Miami...

    Dear Sarah, we have a lot in common. You went to an Ivy League school, and my school...had poison ivy around the buildings...

    Dear Sarah, in the right lighting, I am a poor woman's Ben Affleck. Oops, poor women don't like Ben Affleck either...

    Oh ok, one halfway true draft. Dear Sarah, my boss will kill me when I send in my so-called project due tomorrow. Please, you owe it to me at least to get my ashes into the Super Bowl. For giggles, give them to Rex and tell him it's the "good stuff." Thanks!

  5. Sarah,

    The Bang Bus will be driving through south beach next week. You're on it.

  6. Sarah,

    I'm sorry I thought you whore yourself out for tickets.

    Can I go?

  7. My Draft:

    My rain on Spain will fall mainly near her brain.

    Do I win?

  8. Ms. Spain -

    If I win, I promise to leave you and your friends alone, save using the three of you to get into the South Beach clubs.


  9. Sarah,

    After the game, I'll bang you real hard.


  10. "razor wit" rhymes with "pancake tits." but rhyming verse might not be the key to your poem, PKCMA. I'm hearing the next line ending in "vulva." -Seamus Heaney

  11. DeerSaruh,

    CoachO wanagotaduhSupaBow! CoachO luvsa PaytuhnMannun becuzhizbruddah Eli hasda REBBAHPRIDE!

    CoachO alsuhluvhimsum TIGOLBITTIES! HOOO-EEE! CoachO sezdembilt FOCUMFERTFOSHO!

    Saruh, ifyouletta CoachOgotodaSuperBow, CoachOgunaletyou cometahOxfuh an seeda Rebahplay! I gityouinda frunro!


    P.S. GO BEARS! CoachO likeada Luveee Smif. CacohOalsoliketadodah SupaBowShuffuhl onada boobies indatder picshya! HOOOOO-EEEE!

  12. Dear Sarah:

    Why take a guy? Do a Girls Weekend Out! Get drunk, find the hotel where all the media's at and troll for players! That's what you really want to do, isn't it? Why advertise for some lame guy who's going to sit in the bar and pout while you're stalking Brian Urlacher? If you're going to whore yourself out, aim high!


  13. To whom it may concern,

    Congrats on those real breasts- proudly crammed into a Wonderbra and shoved in the faces unsuspecting football fans, the job offers from marketing firms- they're obviously interested in that Ivy League degree, and the use of every annoying font style known to humanity, all in one Myspace page.

    I can smell the bandwagon from here, and it smells like a bathroom after a frat party.

    If for whatever reason I'd whored myself on eBay to get Superbowl tickets last year... and someone (even some douchebag from a 'cologne' company) subsequently handed me 4, there is no fucking way I'd have to make a Myspace page to find someone to go with me.

    Then again, maybe I should start wearing my Terrible Towel as a shirt. So, thanks for the idea.


    ps. Please heed this advice: do not attempt to get with #54. You know where he's been, and as much as you may want to conquer him- no one, not even you, should holler at Paris Hilton's sloppy seconds.

  14. Forget it, posers. Salisbury has already e-mailed her a camera phone pic of his junk, he's in like Flynn.

  15. Angel Sarah and "Hot" Carl Monday loving companions. Christmas Angels. Angel Sarah's presence: think, feel, love, see all around. Affirmed. My Sentimental Friends. My Love, Dee Mirich. -- Dee Mirich, 40; Merrillville, IN, U.S.A.

  16. Dear Sarah,

    I'm going to be perfectly honest here . If you take me I guaruntee you get laid.


  17. Mike wins.
    Henry Higgins

  18. Dear Sarah,

    You aren't that good looking, and your tits are not that impressive. Nonetheless, I'm sure that some NFL Player would be happy to use you as a jizz-jug this week in south beach. Oh yeah, one last thing, I hope the bears win.

    Little Nicky Dechesarey

  19. know for fact that at least one KSK contributor has plans to throw his hat in the ring (Hint: it's not Drew

    Odds its caveman are 2:3

  20. Sarah,
    I want to enlist in the Armada. I bet $45 on the Bears to cover so I like REALLY want to go...oh, and I can get Lions tickets any time I want so I'll totally get you back.

  21. Considering how she got attention in the first place, it's a crime if she doesn't take the Caveman.

    Because, you know, anyone who tries to sell themselves on eBay twice would obviously have the upstanding morals to ensure she took the one that basically got her the tickets, right?

    Or, someone with a Porsche and a popped collar. I'm sure it'll be one of the two.

  22. The Rain on Spain
    Falls Mainly in her Plane...

  23. Dear Sarah,

    With you in Miami this week, Jenn Sterger would only be the second hottest chick with fake tits in the state of Florida.

    So, where can I pick up my ticket?

    Sniffing Your Panties Already,

    Chamomiles Davis

  24. omg, I would like totally watch The Spain Event or whatever.

