Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's Finally Here! The Wait Is Over!

Well, we've been waiting ALL WEEK for this Super Bowl, and today it's finally arrived. I'm so excited. It's like Christmas, only without the bittersweet rememberance of dead family members. Finally, the fucking Super Bowl is here!

What? It's not today? You mean I gotta wait a whole other fucking week for this fucking game? Jesus. Way to take a cue from college football, NFL. It may as well be the offseason already. I don't even LIKE these teams. The only fan who needed two weeks to figure out how to get to the Super Bowl was the girl with tits for brains in the post below. Oh, thank God she made it.

What am I supposed to do now? Watch college basketball? With no money involved?

Fuck me, bro.


  1. Sundays like this is why God invented the Lifetime network.

    Hallmark it out, bitch.

  2. Most depressing weekend of the year, without question. For three straight weeks, the tension gets ratcheted up, more & more. Teams get eliminated, surprises emerge, classic games enter the annals.

    Then fucking nothing, a dead weekend right in the middle of the run-up. What a nightmare. If it was cloudy or rainy today, or if my wife was paying the monthly tab, I'd probably have slit my wrists by now.

    Fuck, she is. No football, no booty. One hour and eleven minutes til drinkin time, I guess.

  3. Waiting for NBA doubleheaders to pass the time on a Sunday isn't the same.

    I think it's a "clean the apartment" day, sadly.

  4. and then after the super bowl, I'll be on suicide watch until baseball starts, or at least feel like I should be. the NFL should have something to fill this bowl with. I propose an actual "[Anticipated #1 Draft Pick] Bowl" here, where the two worst teams in the league play for the right to the top pick, thus having to do something to get it. it's the natural counterbalance to the Super Bowl (best teams---worst teams), and we could put it in Jacksonville to ensure that a Super Bowl is never played there again.

  5. I just watched Psych on USA Network - somebody put a freakin' bullet in my head!

  6. NFL Network = methadone for the football junkie. Except if they're running cheerleader tryout marathons. Then it means I can't peel my husband away from the TV.

  7. now i know what a strip club looks like on a sunday afternoon...
