Sunday, January 21, 2007

Looks Like Snow, but I Suggest a Raincoat: The Official KSK Saints-Bears Thread

You know how this works, children. If for whatever reason you're not at some raucous party or sports bar, leave your comments here to feel less alone.

I'm also making a plea to Bears homers to visit the game thread at the KSK Message Board. For the last three weeks that place has just been three or four Saints fans talking shit about how awesome the Saints are. So please, stop by and offer to rebuild their homes or loot them some potable water or something.


  1. Joe Buck called Grossman "Rexy" on the pregame - I'm debating with myself whether it's because he reads this blog or because he's been on the receiving end of a throwgasm.

  2. That looting potable water comment was pretty harsh mate. Don't think enough time has past for that kind of banter. Or do you just hate black people?

  3. That looting potable water comment was pretty harsh mate. Don't think enough time has past for that kind of banter.

    Shut up and loot me a beer.

  4. Not so quick story: during the FSU-Miami game this year, I showed up at Beef O'Brady's after halftime to meet some friends. Apparently throughout the first half, one of my friends was verbally haranguing another patron, a New Orleans fan (and as we would later learn, a guy displaced by Katrina), saying that he hoped that Reggie Bush's legs would become removed from his body at one point during the season.

    So naturally, this guy tries to pick a fight with me. The guy who just got there. After creating multiple scenes, the owner (who we knew) asked said New Orleans fan to leave.

    So now, after this great New Orleans season, and this appearance in the NFC Championship Game, I can only hope that guy got into a drunk driving accident that night and died in a fire.

  5. Yeah, I think we can throw out the conspiracy theory of "the NFL is having the refs put in the fix for the Saints" right now.

  6. Word in Chicago is because it's so cold that Sexy Rexy warmed up by sexually pleasing three elephants at the local Chicago zoo. They were also endangered species thanks to Rex's soup can wide, flag pole long dong they can live on. Rex Grossman: Humanitarian.

  7. Marty, I think someone is telling you a story.

  8. Shut up and loot me a beer.

    Nah, if I do loot any beer, I'm keeping them for myself. Same goes for the women.

  9. grimey,

    whats the story your hearing out of Chicago?

  10. I heard that Bono and Green Day are going to perform a new song at halftime... "The Bears Are Covering."

  11. I was expecting something with a little bit more rim-shot material. Hey, if thats what your hearing thats what your hearing.

  12. Anyway off of football. If I had a choice to bang Paris Hilton or the "Fuck da Eagles" girl. I would bang the Fuck DaEagles girl. Such hostility and anger towards a team could only mean it translate into some snot knocking kinky sex that Donkey Punches will be in session.

  13. Yeah, I think I cursed my bet with that comment.

  14. As UM very astutely pointed out, I am the devil. We all know God creates the hot chicks. But I create the slutty ones who let you donkey punch. The "fuck da eagles" girl was one of my finer creations.

  15. Howie Long looks like he's going to be hanging out at a playground after the game.

  16. Awesome halftime reporting from the RCA Dome by Fox. A 2 minutes Tom Brady, Dome record slurping, with an in depth report about the playing field in Foxboro.

    Also video of him canoodling with a female.

    Don't forget about the reporter tripping all over himself. Buddy Guy can play a guitar.

  17. And by the way, donkey punching is not something you ask permission to do. That pretty much ruins the element of surprise.

  18. forecast for 2nd half: multiple rexgasms (please?)

  19. I cannot believe I cursed my bet. Goddammit.

  20. Reggie Bush = bad at dancing

  21. Jesus, I guess they threw out that rule "offensive holding" for this game.

  22. Drew Brees is playing like the balls right now. And Rex must be thinking about baseball. Or Renee Zellweger.

  23. Does T Jones only keep a Ferrari in Miami? What about a house or something.

  24. Anyway back to the 2 girls. I could see Paris just wanting the normal man on top sex. Fuck Da Eagles, she just looks like the type you pin up her legs behindher head and you beat it senceless. All the while she's screaming about how Drew Brees gave her double penetration......yes just Drew Brees...think about it....

  25. I think she'd be screaming more about Fujita then Brees for some reason.

  26. drew brees has two penises?

    wait til rexy finds out about that.

  27. Fuck Da Eagles looks like my kind of white trash.

    Reggie Bush makes football plays.

  28. FuckDaEagles looks like she's going to turn in an application to Hot Topic next week.

  29. the unfortunate thing is that you can't see the "I DID" on the back of that t-shirt.

  30. Drew Brees has a face. Then that thing on his face has a penis. That was the DP reference.

    Speaking of whores anyone seen those naked pics of the Lousiville cheerleader??

  31. i meant Drew Brees has a penis. I'm a fucking idiot.

  32. so you're saying he's a dickhead? or a Penis face?

  33. mdg, I'm saying he pleases women without the bravado of Rex-Nasty. Brees is the quite guy that you never think is banging hot chicks but he's a reputable swordsman, to the likes of Rex.

    this typing in 9 letter before I can post is some horseshit by the way.

  34. grimey: you say that like it's a bad thing.

  35. Marty, I don't think that's physically possible.

  36. I see. He pulls in the poon. Hell I tell people I got cut from the practice squad and it works for me.

  37. grimley...I hear Rex and Drew are having a fuck festivus after this game. Expect a baby boom in Chicago around October of 2007, and Chicago to be declared a distaster area by the government as early as 8 am Monday morning.

    Manning and Brady will have their own in Indy.


  39. Well, signal, I do tend towards the classy, sophisticated, educated, debutant, high society bus station skank.

  40. multiple throwgasms.

    Hide the women and jailbait within a 100-mile radius, Chicago.

  41. Mmmmmmm....Rexy just pulled out and busted all over the field.

  42. Ogunleye is so down by contact.

  43. Rexy is awaiting the review while being fluffed by watching that last TD he threw.

  44. that's not's frozen load.

    rexy is about to do some snowballing.

  45. I'm so glad the Saints aren't going to win this game. I'd rather staple my dick to the wall than watch SportsCenter for 2 weeks and hear about how great Reggie Bush is, and about team of Destiny and all that other Media pushed shit.

  46. Fred Thomas is on the bench but unable to sit due to Rextasy penitrating his anus multiple times.

  47. hide the women and children Rexy is going out tonight!

  48. Ha! Ha! Fuck a Saint. Like any of their fans knew what the hell was going on anyway.

  49. Instead you'll get to hear two weeks of Mike Golic and Mark Schlereth and Sean Salisbury all saying, "Either Grossman will play a great game, or he'll play horribly. We just don't know."

  50. There's no "I" in "Team", but there is an "Orgasm" in "Grossman."

  51. Mike Golic should be banned from anything that has to do with a mass of people actually listening to him. His morning show sucks, and his bit of being ohhh the beer drinking fans guy sucks.

    Rex is going to fuck like theres no tomarrow tonight.

  52. I bet there's no method to Rex's madness after this game. He's gonna fuck anything that walks.

  53. This game reminds me of how Drew Brees played in my fantasy football playoffs.

  54. Hooray, no more Joe Buck for the year! And no, Joe, an interception wouldn't have been worse for Brees, you retard.

  55. You know what this means? Kyle Orton gets to pantomime on a guitar!!!

  56. Joe Buck said Urlacher unloaded. Is he possibly reading KSK during the commerical breaks?

    Its just a thought.

  57. This all proves my theory: God hates New Orleans.

  58. Paris: Don't come near Miami for the next two weeks, I don't care what kickin' parties are there. Stay the fuck in new york. Unless you wanna become Rexy's next cum dumpster that is.

  59. Ironically, that last comment was #69. Coincidence?, I think not.
