Tuesday, January 23, 2007

KSK Programming Note For Both Of Our Readers In Columbia, Missouri

A couple weeks ago, we were invited onto "The Closers with Spencer and Jett," a sports talk show on 1400 KFRU. We politely declined, but then they sent the whores, and so we caved. I represented the septet as best I could, and I just finished my pre-recorded interview with Spencer and Jett. It will either make air today or tomorrow on their show, which runs from 4-6 PM local time.

Their website is down, but they have promised us an MP3 in the near future, so all of you can make fun of my nervous falsetto and poor impromptu speaking skills. In all seriousness, they treated this blogger very well and had good questions for me. I look forward to KSK's next appearance on "The Closers."

Update: The interview aired today around 4:30 their time. Spencer delivered and managed to send me the audio MP3. Thanks again to The Closers for letting us promote KSK on their air. And for the whores.

Second Update: The site where I had posted the MP3 is being bitchy. I'll find another way to get it online and link it back to here. Sorry about the wait.


  1. Columbia,MO?

    Wow, if that goes well maybe you can do the farm report in Dubuque,Iowa.

  2. If MO is the Show-Me-State do people there even listen to the radio?

  3. admit it. you were holding out for the whores all along.

  4. Good to see they got right on that website fixin' from the storm back in August.

    But hey, when they're back it certainly WILL be better than ever.

  5. I expect nothing less than a three tequila interview.

  6. Only top quality whores in the midwest.

  7. WTF?? I can't get to the audio file to hear MMP's sweet incantations.

  8. 1400? Is that AM or a ham radio frequency?

  9. the dude-

    Lick my nuts. 44-17 must be weighing on your mind.

  10. If your interview skills are anything like TSG's on anything he's ever done then I'm a little scared to listen.
