Tuesday, January 23, 2007

KSK Celebrity Super Bowl Pick Bukkake: Isaiah Washington!

The celebrity Super Bowl pick is a time-honored tradition, one we at KSK are super fucking excited to be a part of. For the next two weeks, stars from the world of entertainment, politics, and more will drop by to make their picks for the big game in Miami! First up, Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington!

"Well, I guess I'd like to start off by admitting that I did, in fact, have a small dust-up with my costar T.R. McKnight on the set a few weeks ago. I used some language I'm not proud of, and I regret that. But I did not call T.R. a faggot, as has been widely reported. Never happened. Though I did just use the word faggot while denying that I said the word faggot, so I would like to apologize for using the word faggot in that context.

I just realized that I, in fact, used the word faggot three times while apologizing for using the word faggot to deny that I used the word faggot, and I'd like to apologize now for using the word faggot so often during the course of my apology/denial.

I've just been told by my publicist that I have just used the word faggot a whopping four times while apologizing for using the word faggot three times while apologizing for using the word faggot one time while insisting that I used the word faggot no times. I am apparently digging myself into a terrible hole that I have absolutely no chance of recovering from, and so I think I will go home now. I clearly have some soul-searching to do. So I'm gonna go lay down, maybe throw a few faggots on the hearth, and meditate by a roaring fire.

Of course, by faggot there, I meant, 'a bundle of sticks, twigs, or branches bound together and used as fuel, a fascine, a torch, etc.' I swear. It's in the dictionary. I'm not making that up.

I've just been told by my publicist that no one uses the word faggot in that way any more, and that I'm really just piling on now. My publicist has also just let me go, as has my agent, my manager, and my homosexual accountant. So I think that I'm going to just quit while I'm ahead and hang myself in my basement.

Oh, and in the Super Bowl, my prediction is Bears 31, Faggots 14. Colts! I meant Colts! Fuck!"

Thanks, Isaiah! More picks from the stars on the way!


  1. Just let me be the first to add:


  2. I didn't even know who the hell Isaiah Washington was until just now.

  3. plk, he was in Bulworth, one of the finest films of our times. Of course he was also in Wild Things 2 althouth he was passed over for the Oscar that year.

  4. Isaiah Washington sounds like one of the Knights Who 'Til Recently Said Ni.

    Wait! I said faggot! I said faggot!
    Ooh! I said faggot again! And there again! That's three 'faggot's! Ohh!

  5. There just can't be gay men on the Colts and Bears. They're from the Midwest. Everyone knows that gays are quarantined to the coasts.

  6. Totally made me want to smoke a fag while reading it.

  7. and by "smoke a fag" i absolutely meant sticking the butt in my mouth and sucking away on it.

    Hope that clears up any homosexual connotations my first comment may have had...

  8. And he was really good as the good brother in Clockers, the most underrated of Spike Lee's oeuvre.
