Monday, January 15, 2007

A few words from LaDainian Tomlinson...

"You can't celebrate on my field! First the Patriots try to buy up all our tickets, then they come from behind and ruin our big football party. What a bunch of meanies! If they want to celebrate then they should quietly exchange handshakes and pleasantries in the privacy of their locker room, where I don't have to see it!

The Patriots may have won the game, but they don't have class. We have class. I wonder if you can trade class for a coach that doesn't lay down in the playoffs or a safety that won't fumble after making a game-saving interception?

Another thing, you can't do the 'Lights Out' dance. Only 'roided up dipshits and epileptics are allowed to do that dance. How would you like it if I stole somebody else's gimmick? Take it from good old 'L.T.,' I would never stoop that low."


  1. Couldn't agree more. Sure, the Pats were a little tacky, but my God, they just won an incredibly difficult game. I'd say their entitled to a little celebrating. And Merriman criticizing ANYONE for excessive celebrating is just... madness. Look, if you're going to do that gay little seizure-dance EVERY TIME, expect to have it mocked when you lose.

  2. LT has class, looked like a poor loser to me. The Pats were pumped up after a huge win against all odds and mimicked a stupid dance that one of your players does after sacks (which is real classy BTW) or if he justs pressures a QB obviously from Sunday. Yeah, real classy to not sell tickets to the opposing fans as well. Obviously you can't count on your own fans to pull a bullshit whiner move like this. And this just a related story Indy is doing the same thing. Wow, I'm quite suprised. Fucking horsehead Manning at this point would punch his grandmother in the face to sniff a SB.

  3. haha. Crafty. LT is a class act but nevertheless, a nice jab. KSK- "kicking good men while they are down".

  4. Was it just me or did anyone else hear Marty yelling at the patriots to get off his lawn?

  5. cant blame tomlinson for criticizing belicheck, he looks like a hobo that wandered on the field

  6. Yeah, but Belichick wouldn't have wandered onto the field if he hadn't seen hobo runes on the side of Qualcomm Stadium telling him that he could get a warm straw mattress to sleep on and maybe some free hardtack.

  7. Double Standards? Idiots not staying long enough in college to understand what that means. I also hate it when those idiots who don't graduate college or have chicks take classes for them, talk in post game press conferences. I can't understand a fucking work half of them say? Ebonics wasn't offered when I was in school! I guess I have to take some continuing education classes just so I can watch a football game!

  8. I just wish the Pats would hire a fashion consultant for him.

  9. The Pats have all the class of a $7 hooker in a truckstop. Sunday's display was just the latest.

  10. "You can't say retard, it's mentally challenged" - Tom Jackson, ESPN

  11. Yeah man with that crybaby shit, LT reminded me of, well, Peyton Manning.
