Thursday, December 28, 2006

Redskins shake their Rumph...

One of KSK's favorites got rumph'd for the holidays. Mike Rumph, who played sparingly this season, was cut by Washington yesterday. We don't know what Rumph has been doing with all this free time but it's definitely not updating "his" blog:

In the course of writitng this post, I serendipitously stumbled upon Big Daddy Drew's Urban Dictionary entry for "rumph." Dear Readers, it was only through your collective efforts that KSK won Best Sports Blog of 2006 (a fact we intend to work into as many posts as possible, even at the risk of Pennington-esque shoulder surgery from patting ourselves on the back). On the heels of such a triumph (tri-rumph?), we are loath to ask you for anything else this soon. Nonetheless, if you are so inclined, your "thumb's up" vote on Urban Dictionary could help make "rumph" a household word. Imagine-- next year at Christmas dinner, you and your family could discuss who could use a good rumphin'.

Remember: football careers are ephemeral, but legacies are forever. We hope Mike Rumph catches on with another team, but if he doesn't, at least he has made a contribution to our vernacular. Lord knows the world needs another lewd sodomitic euphemism.


  1. I like the picture's name: butt_shorts.

    Also, somebody get the Steelers some damn cheerleaders.

  2. And, uh, preferably not this particular individual. I did a Google image search for "Steelers cheerleader" thinking maybe some hot chick would show up. Nope. Turns out that is the first image that shows up.

  3. 1. Congrats on the award. I hate you now.

    2. I put a thumbs down, because sodomy in general makes my insurance more expensive. Ever heard of a urinary tract infection? That hole is exit-only for a reason.

    3. Don't you ever look up "Bloof" in the Urban Dictionary. It's an unfortunate coincidence.

  4. Can someone please define "meast" properly over at that there urbandictionary?
    And, just because: Hooray, buttsex!

  5. "And, just because: Hooray, buttsex!"

    ...must be easy with the 12 yr old.

  6. Congrats on the award you bastards. Sadly, you've earned it, sort of. Be sure to thank the open-commenting at deadspin.

    UM, actually, I think rumph+meast = big ole Michael Strahan.

  7. Have no worries, there's another 'Rumph' on his way to the NFL and his first name is much cooler than Mike.
    LeRue Rumph, a Junior LB at NC State (the same school that gave you the Cotchery)

  8. "LeRue Rumph" is French for Anal Street. I believe that's where Siobhan lives.

  9. True Story: I met 4 Bucs cheerleaders on my plane back to Seattle on Dec 2. Sadly, I couldn't invite them back to my place for a weekend of hot sex. They were headed to Ft. Lewis to entertain the troops.

  10. best cheerleader post of the year award for 2006!
