Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tough guy Michael Strahan brings the crazy...

If you haven’t seen the clip of Michael Strahan responding to questions (and getting caught in a big-ass lie) about his comments to WFAN regarding Plaxico Burress, by all means do so now. It is transcendent comedy. Apparently, Strahan only suffers the media when they are fawning and obsequious, like when he set his bullshit sack record.

Where the hell does Strahan get off trying to tell Kelly Naqi how to ask a question? Naqi has been an ESPN reporter (a real journalist, not some sideline airhead—sorry Suzy) for 20 years, back when Strahan was an unknown kid on the Houston sandlots; his monumental gap still a mere crevice.

If Strahan has the nerve to tell a seasoned pro how to ask the questions, then I certainly have the nerve to tell him how to answer the questions. First, before proceeding with your nonsensical, meandering diatribe, please properly masticate that entire bagel you just stuffed into your enormous craw, you big fucking slob.

“Mr. Strahan, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Strahan’s original criticism of Burress was well-founded. Plax clearly quit on the play and did nothing to stop Adam “Loogie” Jones from intercepting the ball. Worse still, once the pass was intercepted his attempt to tackle Jones was half-assed, at best. Plax, to his credit, has been savvy enough to play the “poor, poor pitiful me” role during the ensuing chaos.

Strahan needs to either grow a pair and stand by his statements, or apologize for them. I’m not talking some bullshit, non-existent “team meeting” apology. I mean an apology delivered in the same medium in which the original statements occurred.

But instead of doing either of these, Strahan attempts, in vain, to flip it on Naqi. Bullying, browbeating and intimidation might be an effective communication tactic within Generalissimo Coughlin’s ranks, but that shit doesn’t fly in the real world. Naqi comes off looking like an unflappable pro, while Strahan reveals himself to be the most petulant, blustering moron on a team that includes Jeremy Shockey. And that, amigos, is quite an accomplishment.


  1. what pissed me off the most was how gapman tried to make into a "media" thing. by appearing on the radio, he is the "media" thing. by appearing on tv, he is the "media" thing.

    kind of disappointing though cause he always seemed like a responsible dude.

  2. Or, we could just say, "Hey! It's the Giants! Let's laugh uproariously as they continue to self-destruct, and then after we're done laughing, we'll get back to the important things in life, like looking at porn and eating way too much cheese."

  3. "Petulant, blustering moron."

    Fucking sweet.

  4. "Don't put it out with your boots, Strahan!"

  5. sigh.

    he's just acting out bc his career is likely on the "doneski" side of things.

  6. No I will not answer your question like an adult. Did ya hear that? this girl wants me to answer her question in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is me answering her question. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to answer questions from girls. Go on with the chlorophyll.

  7. Stop looking at me Schwami!

  8. hthis isnt even a low point for strahan. Anyone remember when Tom Arnold kicked his ass? Seriously it happened, check it out!

  9. I just wonder if all of this has affected his Outlook calender.

  10. What is it about sport and entertainment figures that makes the so delusional? And pussyish? Calling out a female reporter in the locker room is the moral equivalent of Tim Robbins calling Bush an idiot but never having anything negative to say about al Qaeda. Like Strabitch, he knows what behaviors carry actual consequences.

    Just once I'd love to see a reporter tell some dumbass player like Strahan that they're a dumbass. What are they going to do, punch them on camera?

  11. It's always a "media thing" when they actually do their jobs.

    With so many NFC teams falling apart, it actually gives me hope for my Philadel...oh, forget it. Just kill me now.

  12. You know Strahan likes snackpacks! Why can't you just give Strahan a snackpack!

    I thought I was your snackpack...

  13. Keep being a jackass Strahan, I love it. Cowboys are gonna get some sweet revenge this weekend for Kelly Naqi and kick some Midget ass for you and your idiot friend's comments (Shockey). What a bunch of little crybaby assholes, keep it up children, only the entire country is watching.

  14. All the reporters in the room should have piled on and kicked his ass. He made T.O. look classy.

  15. Flubby, Suzy Kolber has been a journalist for 20+ years- you jackass!

  16. Done beating off yet pussy boy?

    if anyone here had actually heard the entire WFAN interview you'd know why Strahan was pissed. Kelly
    Yaki is a fucking hack who
    extracted 3 sentences out of the
    entire interview, then tried to create her own little story out
    of it. When she ran to Burris,
    and said hey Plaxico, Mike is
    saying bad things about you, she
    forgot to mention that Strahan
    also called Burris a great player
    at least 3 times in that little segment. Gee...I wonder why that was? You don't think that she was
    trying to STIR UP SOME SHIT do
    you? I mean after all it had been a slow week... Prior to that the
    big story was Mike Vick flipping
    off a drunk in the stands....

    Know what the fuck you're talking
    about, Blubber boy, before you start beating off... an get a fuckin life

  17. Strahan's been pissy ever since his wife filed the splitsville papers and started trying to take his ass to the cleaners.

    After this, I can't imagine anyone more deserving.

  18. They should be settle this with an academic decathalon, mono y mono.

  19. I mean after all it had been a slow week.

    Yeah, nothing noteworthy going on with the Giants after the one of the most infamous come-from-ahead losses in league history. STFU, you stupid douche.

  20. STFU, you stupid douche?

    Wow, that is sooooo harsh, Blubby. Now don't get all upset. If I had known that you couldn't take it as well as you could dish it out, I would have taken it a little easier on you...So just answer the question. Did you hear the WFAN interview? Or are you looking at this story through the pre-focused media telescope.

  21. Giatns fans, they're so cute.

    You sound pretty cute too, sugar.... Gotta pic?

  22. Did you hear the WFAN interview? Or are you looking at this story through the pre-focused media telescope.

    As a matter of fact, dicksmack, I listened to every second of it.

    I never believed those Strahan DL rumors, but your strident, yet bitchy, defense has given me reason to reconsider. You pitching or catching?

    Thanks for reading though.
