Thursday, November 30, 2006

God Speaks, Sounds Oddly Like Big Daddy Drew

The good folks at interviewed me today for their podcast. You can listen here. My shit starts about halfway through.

A couple things about this interview:
-Holy shit, do I like to use adverbs
-My dulcet voice will melt your heart
-I make absolutely no valuable football points
-I did this interview on a cell phone. Since I only heard about half the questions, enjoy listening to three people carry on what seems to be portions from three separate conversations. I'm so accidentally evasive, I should run for office.
-You will finally learn my last name
-I totally make racist jokes

I'll be honest. This is not the most exciting thing ever. Unless you love me, in which case it's like swimming in Valrhona chocolate while having an orgasm.

NOTE: You'll notice the host call me different first names throughout, as a joke about my anonymity. I liked Dexter the best.


  1. I refuse to believe THAT is acutally your last name.

  2. Goddammit Drew, you fucking tease. I had Google Images open and ready to search as soon as your last name was dropped. Also, is that Casey Affleck interviewing you? And, what is hot dog salad? I refuse to believe it is actually something involving hot dogs and lettuce.

  3. By-the-way, is there going to be some kind of retribution for Drew dismissing the Seahawks' playoff chances out of hand? Perhaps a CC vs. BDD naked cage match?

    I, of course, would be appalled by such a spectacle, but I'm sure the Beckys would be into it bigtime (probably UM, as well). Be sure to shave and cover yourselves in baby oil, too. Again, uh, for the Beckys.

  4. Swing, don't make me prove my heterosexuality in a gross and inappropriate manor.

    By the way, I'm changing my name to Silas The Albino Monk.

  5. I hope it'll be in stately Wayne Manor, UM

  6. The best line of that whole thing was It's just a finger in the end.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Drew, I'm looking forward to a post where you manage to use the word "basically" more than you did in this interview.

  9. Perhaps a CC vs. BDD naked cage match?

    No fucking thank you. We've seen photos of Drew's hairy gut. That would be like the hotel scene from Borat. And no one needs to see my can of Pepsi.

  10. Au contraire, CC. Au contraire.

  11. I'm going with swing4 on this one. If it is big like Pepsi can, I think it's a civic and moral obligation to put it on display.

  12. At least you didn't end every sentence with "so..."

    That was my undoing, so....
