Thursday, September 7, 2006

Live in a dive in Pittsburgh: Part Two

I'm still in this shitty biker bar in Pittsburgh. Big Daddy Drew-- that motherfucker-- never gave me gas money for my 400-mile drive home. (Which I have to do tonight because god knows I can't afford a hotel room. Plus Unsilent backed out of letting me crash where he is staying since he got with Kate Mara. By the way, what the fuck is up with that?)

Chaz Batch is more than holding his own and the patrons are loving it. Steeler fans-cum-bikers hopped up on cheap beer and meth. I told them I wrote for a web page. This greasy pipefitter named Lumpy asked me if it was "one-ah dem tittie internets." Long story short, these bikers have been buying me beer all night and talked some of their lady friends into putting on an impromptu half-time show. Link to picture of the "winners" that might be NSFW (or NSF Lunch).

Look, I know these two are total skanks (and quite possibly mother and daughter to boot), but, sadly, they are the best looking women in Pittsburgh tonight. I'm praying for a Steeler win. I don't want to see these bikers after a loss. This city is seriously fucked up.


  1. you should get a day job...there's football on tv.

  2. yep. shitsturd sucks and so do their putrid piss yellow team colors and their cry towels.

  3. typical rubes--cover the boobs but everything else is out there

  4. plus if you guys ever come to Foxboro the beers and (grilled) dogs are on da house!

  5. Wait... why cover up the boobies if you can see the punani anyways?

  6. u gotta WARN US when u put those NSFW pics on ur site dude!!! jeez!!

  7. Don't be silly. All you could see was a little grade-A, primo Iron City pubic mound.

    No meat flaps = no problem.
